The Issi Rally is a limited-time SUV, but it's not something GTA Online players need to get. While this car is good for its class, there are many better vehicles to consider purchasing in this game. Not to mention, the Astron Custom offers a similar performance within the SUV category while not being a limited-time-only automobile. The Issi Rally is okay, but ultimately something most players can skip.
This article will highlight some reasons why gamers should save $1,835,000 and ignore this SUV while it's still around. Of course, rich players can get whatever they want, so this guide would be more suited to casuals who are unsure of whether or not they should get this car.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective.
Why you should skip the Issi Rally in GTA Online

The Issi Rally normally costs $1,835,000 on Southern San Andreas Super Autos when it's available. GTA Online's recent update also made it obtainable on Simeon's Premium Deluxe Motorsport, albeit at no discount. Still, one could always give it a test drive and see if they like the vehicle's performance.
On a related note, here are the recorded stats for this SUV by Broughy1322:
- Top speed: 116.75 mph
- Lap time: 1:09.219
This vehicle's top speed and lap time places it in 9th and 11th places, respectively, for the SUV class. The Issi Rally has an HSW variation that is much better:
- Top speed: 138.25 mph
- Lap time: 1:06.066
While these figures are excellent for an SUV, it's worth noting that PS4, Xbox One, and PC players don't get HSW upgrades. Thus, this car is much less valuable to them.
Lack of useful features

While the Issi Rally might seem promising in the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S ports of GTA Online, there are some things to note about this car:
- Most other HSW vehicles are much faster by comparison.
- The host of a race can always disable HSW upgrades.
- It lacks weapons and armor, making it not very useful in Freemode.
- There isn't anything else remarkable about this SUV.
Outside of the SUV class, most other meta-relevant vehicles outclass the Issi Rally. Unless one really loves this car's design, there isn't much of a genuine reason to prioritize it over other better options. This automobile's performance is even less valuable on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC ports, where HSW upgrades can't bump it up a notch. As a result, gamers on those consoles will be stuck with a mediocre SUV should they get the ride.
When does the Issi Rally leave GTA Online?
The current offer has brought back this SUV for just one week, starting on April 27 and ending on May 3, 2023. If somebody wanted to buy this vehicle, they only have until the latter date to do so. This car isn't entirely terrible, but it is limited in its usefulness to the average GTA Online account.
Thus, most players can safely skip this SUV and save $1,835,000 to use on a different vehicle, property, etc. If one still wishes to get this car, they should at least understand that it's a niche option. Moreover, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S gamers would need to spend an extra $450,000 to get this SUV's HSW counterpart.