One thing that many GTA Online players miss are vigilante and medic missions. They were fun random events in previous games in the franchise, and newer versions of the game could possibly include even more exciting possibilities and avenues.
GTA Online players also miss some of the free-roaming "side missions" from previous games. Especially those missions which allowed players to take on the personas of a cop or paramedic by stealing a police car or ambulance.
In this article, we'll be looking back at what made vigilante and paramedic missions so much fun.
Vigilante Missions
GTA fans may remember the vigilante mission from GTA: San Andreas using police cruisers, or doing it Miami Vice-style, driving around catching criminals in a sportscar in GTA: Vice City.
In GTA 4's vigilante missions, players could access a police computer screen after getting into a variety of police vehicles. On it, they could search for criminals - another brilliant detail added to the vigilante evolution of the franchise. This fun and interesting interaction of playing cops and robbers needs to be brought back.
GTA Online players will happily welcome the return of vigilante side missions because they are a distraction from the story mode now and again. One can only dream of the improvements these missions could include beyond access to cruiser databases.
Paramedic missions from GTA San Andreas
GTA Online players might have completed some, if not all, of the paramedic missions in GTA: San Andreas. By getting into an ambulance, and similarly, a firetruck, players could turn CJ into a caring civil servant, picking up suffering citizens and taking them to the hospital.
If implemented in GTA Online, players could carry out medic missions in a similar fashion. It would provide an opportunity to lend a helping hand and help make a positive difference within the game world for a change.
Given the added technical possibilities in GTA 5: Expanded and Enhanced Edition, or even GTA 6, those missions could be so much more detailed and realistic. Players could fight more realistic fires, climb extendable ladders, and converse in ambulances with the injured passengers. This is a great reason to bring them back to the newly updated versions for the GTA Online community.
GTA Online players need these missions back

As easy and enjoyable as players have found these side-missions in past games, GTA Online players miss the ability to do these missions. The scope of improvement and interactions that Rockstar Games can now incorporate are mindblowing, as evident in Red Dead Redemption 2. GTA Online players can only hope to see these missions return in GTA 6.