GTA games have come a very long way in the past 20 years, from GTA 3 to GTA 5 the changes are astounding. The players love how interactive their surroundings are with GTA 5 and GTA Online.
Being able to stroll into any clothing store or Ammu-Nation is a breeze, and works towards improving the overall player experience. Players can only imagine, for example, how much more detailed the Velodrome in GTA Vice City will be.
Maybe even how they should now be able to enter the lighthouse on the beach which was previously unavailable.
This article will discuss why players feel that Rockstar should add more building interiors to the remastered Trilogy.
GTA Trilogy will offer an improved player experience with addition of more interactive interior locations
The GTA Community cannot wait to visit all the locations in GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas. Now it seems like the players will get a chance, much like in GTA 5, to be able to seamlessly walk in and out of all sorts of stores and other buildings.
Rockstar should add more building interiors to the GTA Trilogy. The players have waited a long time for the remaster, and they are eager to explore.
Imagine how great it would be if the players could go to roam the Malibu club in Vice City, or play pool in the Diaz mansion surrounded by fine re-mastered interior design.
The player experience will improve so much by allowing CJ to go into a club for a dance, for example, or for Claude to be able to enter the main hospital in GTA 3 and hassle patients and staff on every floor before escaping via the roof. The interior possibilities are nearly endless.
Whether it's a random bar where the character can have a drink, or a bowling alley or arcade, as seen in GTA 4 and GTA Online, more interactive interiors would be a fantastic addition to the GTA Trilogy: Definitive Edition to improve players experiences.
Even with simple locations like tattoo studios and barbers in GTA San Andreas, players would love to see a much more streamlined interactivity with these places and explore their interiors further. More realistic tattooing mechanics and a cool shop design will add more to the player experience.
The addition of these interiors would improve the game so much, especially now that the capability is available to make these re-mastered updates.
Each player can recall a location in the game that they used to wish they could enter but couldn't because the graphic capabilities had not come far enough yet. Now, they have.
No more GTA loading screens

The loading screen should no longer be an issue with the re-mastered GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition when entering new building locations.
The older games were a little frustrating when players needed to wait for the loading screen to finish after entering a savepoint, apartment or even a mission. Even then there was not much detail inside the buildings that players could enjoy.
Veterans will also remember a loading screen in Vice City when driving over the bridge from one island to the next. Back on the PS2, the game would have needed more time to render the graphics when the player needed to travel to another island.
In the new re-mastered edition, this delay will hopefully have been removed. Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE) improvements to the game should really impress players by adding more detailed interiors to buildings with more interactivity.
Even from gaming to drinking, and opening up more random buildings for players to explore in the new GTA Trilogy.