The Nightclub is the best business to make passive money with minimal investment in GTA Online. The Criminal Enterprises update has not done much to change that. If anything, that update made everything more convenient.
Gamers can call Tony Prince to do promotion missions, which reduces how often they need to visit the office. Not only that, but there are easy ways to boost the Nightclub's popularity by throwing out rowdy people, which ties into the business's main way of earning passive money.
What to know about Nightclubs' passive money in GTA Online since the Criminal Enterprises update

GTA Online players can get up to $50,000 every 48 minutes in the real world. The main factor affecting how much cash a player can get is their overall popularity stat, which is exceptionally easy to raise.
Players can raise their stats in two ways:
- Doing Nightclub Management missions.
- Doing what Marcel asks the player to do inside the property (like throwing out rowdy clients or taking VIPs to a certain destination).
However, gamers do not need to do these missions all that often. Sometimes, it is fine for lazier players just to get $45,000 instead of $50,000. It might not seem like much cash in itself, but Nightclubs give players far more passive income than most other alternatives.
Other ways to get passive money

The potential to earn $50,000 every in-game day is much better than some other passive moneymakers. For instance, the Arcade can only give players up to $5,000 in the same timeframe, which is substantially lower. Similarly, the Agency can only go up to a maximum of $20,000, and that requires the completion of 201 Security Contracts.
The Nightclub does not have any stringent requirements for maximizing one's payout. It used to give players only up to $10,000 before the next-gen update, but that update boosted it to $50,000, making it strictly better than its competition in terms of passive income.
Outside of that, GTA Online players could get $2,000 for the usual good behavior bonus or collect 1,000 chips from the Diamond Casino & Resort for free.
Should GTA Online players get the Nightclub?
If one wants to earn a good amount of cash for hardly doing anything, then buying this business is a good investment. Players who start with it via Career Builder should also enjoy all of these same benefits, with the main difference being that they cannot maximize the Sell missions' profits without owning other businesses.
It is still an excellent property to earn cash while the player does anything else. For instance, one could do a solo Cayo Perico Heist and get some money in their safe in the meantime. It is also incredibly convenient, which is more than can be said about most other moneymakers in GTA Online.