There was once a time when GTA Online players wanted to buy the Rocket Voltic, but now that time has passed.
When it comes to overpriced and inefficient vehicles in GTA Online, there aren't many options to beat out the Rocket Voltic in this regard. It was a cool concept initially, as it's listed as a Supercar in GTA Online with the capabilities of using a booster to drive really quickly.
It was released in the Import/Export update on December 13th, 2016. Back then, it was considered a fun vehicle, as this was long before GTA Online introduced a myriad of overpowered vehicles. Something like the Oppressor Mk II would be introduced on July 14th, 2018, meaning that the Rocket Voltic has fallen off hard since then.
Why the Rocket Voltic is a terrible vehicle in GTA Online
There are several reasons why many GTA Online players only consider the Rocket Voltic as a fun niche vehicle. In terms of efficiency, the Rocket Voltic doesn't offer much. It's not the fastest car around and it lacks armor and weapons, but that's not all.
As a vehicle designed with good mobility, it's entirely outclassed by vehicles like the Toreador and the Oppressor Mk II. Sadly, its price does it no favors in this regard.
Rocket Voltic's price

The Rocket Voltic costs $3,830,400, or $2,880,000 at trade price after completing the related Special Vehicle Work Mission in the Vehicle Warehouse. Either way, there are several better vehicles for a similar price that completely outclass the Rocket Voltic, including the two listed above.
The Oppressor Mk II normally costs $3,890,250 ($2,925,000 at trade price), which is slightly more expensive than the Rocket Voltic. That small price difference is inconsequential.
Another similar vehicle, the Pegassi Toreador, only costs $3,660,000, which makes it cheaper based on its default value. There may be no trade price for it right now, but players will find it far more useful for its extra features nonetheless.
Players cannot sell the Rocket Voltic

Vehicles can't stay in the meta forever, which means that GTA Online players inevitably sell the ones they don't need anymore. Unfortunately, players can never sell the Rocket Voltic in GTA Online; once they purchase it, it's theirs forever.
Selling vehicles never completely cover the cost of any purchased vehicle, but being unable to sell something that costs $3,830,400 ($2,880,000 at trade price) will sting for some GTA Online players.
It's worth noting that players can sell the Oppressor Mk II and the Toreador if they wish to, meaning that power creep won't make them as irrelevant as the Rocket Voltic.
No utility
The Rocket Voltic can move quickly, with a pretty noteworthy acceleration stat thanks to its rocket booster. Unfortunately, it's useless in freemode. It's neither a weaponized nor an armored vehicle, meaning that anybody driving the Rocket Voltic will lose most engagements against other players.
The lack of armor means that the Rocket Voltic will die to any explosion, which is everywhere in GTA Online right now. Likewise, even regular guns will make short work of this vehicle.
Lacking weapons also greatly diminishes its usefulness. The Oppressor Mk II offers little to no defensive utility, but it's insanely good offensively. By comparison, the Rocket Voltic has zero offensive presence.
Better vehicles will be introduced to GTA Online in the future

Powercreep is a real concept in every online game, including GTA Online. Just as it's largely irrelevant in the present metagame, it will continue to be mocked by GTA Online fans in the future.
Hence, a buff would at least keep it useful somewhere. Even just adding in the ability to sell the vehicle would make GTA Online players more interested in messing around with the vehicle, as they wouldn't have to worry about permanently losing a few million.
Of course, it should go without saying that the Rocket Voltic is not the only vehicle that should be buffed in GTA Online. Past vehicles like the Rhino were deliberately nerfed, but Rockstar is more laissez-faire when it comes to balancing these days. That, unfortunately, means GTA Online players will likely be stuck with an obsolete vehicle for the rest of GTA Online's existence.
The Rocket Voltic's current place in the metagame

As it stands right now, the Rocket Voltic's base price makes it the 18th most expensive vehicle in all of GTA Online. It should go without saying that most GTA Online players will find their money better invested elsewhere, whether it's into another vehicle or a business.
Players can find it to be a fun meme vehicle, but there is already an abundance of fun, gimmicky vehicles that might attract their attention as it stands. If more vehicles are added to GTA Online, this will eventually cause the bloat of pointless vehicles to become a bigger problem than it is right now.
At the very least, the Rocket Voltic can be fun to drive for a short while, especially if the player isn't in any immediate danger.