The best moneymaker in GTA 5 is arguably the Stock Market. More precisely, it's investing in certain stocks before completing Lester's Assassination missions. Gamers could easily earn millions, if not billions, through this method. The exact amount of money a person could earn would depend on how much cash they have at the start of this activity.
Note that Lester's Assassinations can only be done once. That means the window of opportunity to take advantage of this moneymaker is quite limited. At the very least, players can do Lester's Assassinations whenever they want, meaning you could stockpile wealth beforehand.
Also Read: GTA 5 Stock Market Guide
Here is why GTA 5's Stock Market is an amazing moneymaker
The Stock Market was a new feature introduced in Grand Theft Auto 5, where players can buy stocks and then sell them later. Normally, it's a bit of a gamble, but Lester's Assassinations can guarantee that a player could make a massive profit. Here's the gist of GTA 5's Stock Market:
- Get all protagonists to invest in a certain stock before the mission.
- Complete the job on Monday.
- Sell all the stocks in roughly 12~18 hours. Remember that Michael sleeps for six hours, Franklin sleeps for eight, and Trevor sleeps for 12.
- Wait a few days for the rival company's stock to hit rock bottom.
- Purchase the rival company's stock.
- Sell that stock a few days later.
Depending on which Lester's Assassination mission you do, you will either use the BAWSAQ or LCN website. Note that there is also a random event involving Timm which works similarly to the above method.
How do Lester's Assassinations and the Stock Market work in GTA 5?

Here is a list of GTA 5's Lester's Assassination missions and the stocks involved:
- The Hotel Assassination: Buy BET on BAWSAQ before the mission, and sell it about a day later. Buy BIL from LCN several days later and sell it once it goes back up.
- The Multi-Target Assassination: Purchase DEB from LCN before the mission and sell it a few days later. Purchase RWC from LCN once its stock bottoms out, then sell it once it rises again.
- The Vice Assassination: Get FRT from BAWSAQ before the mission, sell it about six hours later, then wait for FAC's stock to drop low before buying that stock. Sell FAC once it rises to a respectable level.
- The Bus Assassination: This one is different because you purchase VAP from BAWSAQ after doing the mission. Wait two days and sell them.
- The Construction Assassination: Purchase GCD from LCN before the mission, then wait about a day to sell it.
It's always advisable to save in GTA 5 before investing in the Stock Market.

Remember that these missions aren't able to be done multiple times in a single playthrough. Only The Hotel Assassination is required to progress through the main storyline. On a related note, driving Timm to the airport in the random event known as Hitch Lift 1 will make the TNK stock on BAWSAQ rise a bit for a few hours.
The multiplayer version of GTA 5 does not have Lester's Assassinations. A player's best bet to earn cash very quickly would be to perform specific GTA Online money glitches, grind The Cayo Perico Heist, do Sell Missions, or purchase Shark Cards.