Sony PlayStation 5 has been finally unveiled after months of anticipation from fans, and it did not disappoint. The console was revealed at the PS5 Future of Gaming Event that was held this weekend, and it has made considerable waves already.
This was the first of many events Sony has planned for PS5 over the summer. Fans are speculating that it might not be too long before we get to see the look of the new UI of PS5.
One of the many aspects in which the consoles are compared is the UI. A great and accessible UI goes a long way in making a console more favourable than the other.
Matt Maclaurin, the VP of UX Design at PlayStation confirmed that the new UI for the PS5 will be a complete overhaul of the earlier dashboard seen in the PS4. He was quoted as saying:
"As it’s UI it’s practical first, but it’s a whole new visual language and a complete rearchitecting of the user interface,” explains MacLaurin. The new PS5 OS is more subtle than flashy, but no pixel is untouched”.
However, one of the persistent questions by fans on his Linkedin thread was the possibility of an all-black design as opposed to the design they revealed at the PS5 Event.
His response was a non-commital "maybe".

Will There Be An All-Black Design of the PS5?
PlayStation console has always been black since the days of PS2, but Sony have never shied away from releasing Limited Edition consoles with color variations.
Matt MacLaurin's response of "maybe" suggests that perhaps they are not against the idea of going back to the black design for a Limited Edition.
Several fan mock-ups of the PS5 have already started making the rounds, as some fans are not fully on-board with the idea of the white console.