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  • WWE NXT Live Results (April 2, 2024): Huge brawl ends the way on the Road to Stand & Deliver!!

WWE NXT Live Results (April 2, 2024): Huge brawl ends the way on the Road to Stand & Deliver!!

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedApr 03, 2024 02:10 GMT

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02:10 (GMT)3 APR 2024

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02:09 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Axiom and Nathan Frazer defeat The OC and the LWO (Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro) by pin.
Jacy Jayne defeats Fallon Henley by pin.
Lexis King defeats Von Wagner by pin.
Lola Vice defeats Karmen Petrovic by submission.
Oba Femi vs. Joe Gacy ends in a No Contest.
Arianna Grace defeats Wren Sinclair by pin.
Sol Ruca defeats Blair Davenport by pin.

02:07 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Hayes congratulates Williams for being hot for six months, but he's been hot for three years. He adds that the people will turn on him when he isn't on top. Trick says Hayes is jealous that the 'people' love him now and not Hayes. 

Things break down after they both claim that they're gonna win at Stand & Deliver. Several security guards/PC recruits get attacked and tossed out of the ring. The locker room then empties to separate Melo and Trick, but then some of the stars who came out start brawling to end the show.

02:05 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Melo claims that Trick turned on him the second he was entered into the #1 Contender's match. Trick says that's when he started to catch fire. Melo adds that with or without a title, Trick will always take a backseat to him.

02:03 (GMT)3 APR 2024

The crowd boos Melo like he's Dom when he tries to talk. They both say it used to be them against the world but now it's 'me against you' at Stand & Deliver. Trick says Melo ruined it but Melo says the hero gets to write the history. He got mad when Trick went after the NXT title after Melo lost it to Ilja.

02:01 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Trick mentions that he and Hayes will be the first two black men to main-event a PLE during WrestleMania weekend.

02:00 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Melo comes out with his security guards, who are masked for some reason. Ava's additional security guards are also present as Trick makes his way to the ring for their face-to-face. 

01:59 (GMT)3 APR 2024

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01:58 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Dijak and Briggs both say they'll be the new North American Champion after Stand & Deliver. Ava is then in her office admiring the card 'she' put together. Gacy emerges from the floor to demand that she give him Spears at the event. She agrees to the match on the pre-show.

01:54 (GMT)3 APR 2024

I told you . . . NO SAUCE!!!!!!

01:52 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Blair hits a Saito Suplex for a near fall. Ruca pulls Blair into the corner. She hits a handspring DDT for a near fall. Ruca goes for the Sol Snatcher but Davenport pulls her down by the leg. She hits a Falcon Arrow and goes for her signature knee, but Ruca rolls her up for the upset win.
Result - Sol Ruca defeats Blair Davenport by pin.

01:50 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Davenport works on Ruca's surgically repaired knee but she tries to fight back. She tries to regain control but gets hit with a few jumping shoulder blocks. Both women fall over the top rope as they battle for control in delivering a suplex. Davenport hits the ring first but Ruca hits a one-legged splash for a two count.

01:45 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Ruca works on Davenport's arm. She hits a back slam and a standing moonsault for two. She hits a Facebuster and a clothesline, sending Blair out of the ring. 

Davenport moves out of the way as Ruca rushes her. She hits the steel steps.

01:43 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Up next is Blair Davenport taking on Sol Ruca. Davenport hits a dropkick right as the bell rings. 

01:41 (GMT)3 APR 2024

We go back to the dinner date between D'Angelo and Ilja. Tony D says that this dinner represents the end of The Mad Dragon... as champion. They exchange a few words before Ilja says he'll leave Stand & Deliver as Champion. 

Tony D grabs his arm and says he could have taken Dragunov out at any time he wanted, but he didn't because he wanted to do it in front of the whole world at Stand & Deliver. He snaps his fingers, and a plate of food is delivered. Everyone walks out, including the fake Wiseguys.

01:33 (GMT)3 APR 2024

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01:32 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Sinclair kicks Grace in the face to break out of the move. She goes for a roll up but Grace kicks out. Sinclair chops Arianna's chest loudly twice. She hits a clothesline and a Crossbody for a near fall. Sinclair gets another near fall off a roll up. Grace evades a move in the corner but grabs the ropes after hitting a bridging pin attempt. She waves after her win.
Result - Arianna Grace defeats Wren Sinclair by pin.

01:29 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Sinclair hits Grace with an Atomic Drop and then a dropkick. She goes for a second dropkick but Grace holds the ropes to avoid it. Grace hits two elbows before waving to the crowd. She locks in a Boston Crab.

01:27 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Up next is Arianna Grace taking on Wren Sinclair. Grace comes out with one of Dalton Castle's old capes.

01:26 (GMT)3 APR 2024

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01:26 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Gacy could be legitimately hurt after taking the Snake Eyes move. 

01:22 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Backstage, Tatum Paxley is in the locker room wondering what's going on with Lyra because that isn't the Lyra she knows. Lyra says she needs to go to that level because Perez pushed her there. She storms off.

01:22 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Gacy lands a few punches, but Femi hits Joe with a Uranage backbreaker. Oba decks Gacy, but Gacy won't give up. Booker mixes up Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs on commentary as Femi continues to punish Gacy. Gacy rolls out of the ring, but Gacy tries to fight back.

He attempts a move off the apron but gets slapped in the sternum for his efforts. Joe hits a few chops of his own. He adds an Enzuguri and a springboard moonsault. Oba recovers to hit Snake Eyes, but the ref calls off the match following the move.

Result - Oba Femi vs. Joe Gacy ends in a No Contest.

01:17 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Gacy comes out for his match, but Shawn Spears blasts him with a chair. Spears yells at Gacy until Oba Femi walks over and says, 'Mine,' before dragging his prey back into the ring.

01:14 (GMT)3 APR 2024

I'll have the spaghetti - no sauce . . .

01:11 (GMT)3 APR 2024

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01:10 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Earlier in the night, Josh Briggs cut a promo as a Man of Mayhem ahead of the triple threat for the North American title. Dijak is next. He says he is the superior big man in NXT and he'll prove it at Stand & Deliver. Oba Femi comes out to the ring after the Dijak promo. He's facing Joe Gacy.

01:08 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Roxanne decks Lyra and Lyra barely connects with a Roundhouse Kick. She then puts Roxanne through a little coffee table in the ring with an FU.

01:07 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Lyra compares how Lola Vice cashed in her contract to how Perez did because it was sudden, shocking, and unexpected. Perez says that a champion is really made after they lose the title compared to when they win it. 

Noam and Oro are enjoying the trash talk between the ladies. Lyra stands up and says that all Roxanne does is b*tch, and she'll have a lot to complain about after Stand & Deliver. Meta-Four all grab pillows.

01:04 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Noam does his best Sting (the musician) impression when introducing Roxanne Perez. Roxy tells him to have Lyra come out before asking her anything. Lyra comes out without a sling on her arm. Roxy says she can't wait for Saturday to get back the title she never lost. Lyra says she's tired of hearing that because Indi Hartwell climbed a ladder faster than her.

01:02 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Time for the Supernova Sessions. They first remind everyone that they're the hosts for 'next week's' Stand & Deliver. 

01:00 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Before the Supernova Sessions, we see Ilja in the backseat of The Don's SUV. The driver lets Ilja out, and he arrives at a warehouse with a bunch of guys who don't look like real Mafia guys. 

They're all working on their carpentry skills to intimidate Ilja. They escort him to the small dinner table, and Tony D and the Family come. 

00:54 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Vice responds with knees to Karmen's midsection. She locks in a Full Nelson, but Petrovic breaks it with a rolling kick. Petrovic drops Vice with a spinning sweep.

She lands a jumping Roundhouse for a near fall. Vice lands a back fist before locking a Sharpshooter in Nattie's face. Karmen taps.

Result - Lola Vice defeats Karmen Petrovic by submission.

00:51 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Petrovic throws a few kicks early on. Vice blocks them and goes for a takedown. The ladies trade roundhouse with Karmen hitting a signature Nattie Discus Lariat.

00:48 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Before the next match, Arianna Grace is going over her dresses for "Georgina." Wren Sinclair comes in to admire the clothes, but she says she thought pageants were about accepting the person's inner beauty rather than trying to train them. Grace takes exception and storms out.

00:44 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Ava updates Carmelo Hayes about his showdown with Trick Williams later tonight. Before she comes out, Karmen Petrovic and Natalya are game-planning for Lola Vice. Roxanne Perez walks by to laugh at how Petrovic is leaning on the veteran Nattie. 

00:43 (GMT)3 APR 2024

King rolls in the ring to break the ten count, but Von is hit with the Coronation as he tries to get back into the ring.

Result - Lexis King defeats Von Wagner by pin.

00:41 (GMT)3 APR 2024

King blasts Von with a Superkick. He hits him with a kick to the knee but gets powerslammed when he goes for another move. Wagner drops King with a big boot and a spinning suplex, but King rolls to the ring apron. 

Von chokeslams him on the apron before clearing off the announce table. King escapes the grip once and hits a DDT to get out a second time.

00:39 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Von tosses Lexis across the ring. He stomps on the smaller opponent a few times until the ref breaks it up. Wagner catches King as he jumps off the top. He slams him but King gets the upper hand when Wanger runs into the ring post. King lands a few chops before hitting a swinging neckbreaker for two.

00:37 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Up next is Von Wagner taking on Lexis King. Wagner storms his way into the ring. He takes King down easily before clotheslinging him over the top to the outside. He tosses him into the ringside barrier but King tries to escape.

00:35 (GMT)3 APR 2024

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00:30 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Jayne cuts a promo immediately as she goes through the curtains. She takes credit for everything right in front of Ava who tells her to move on. Lexis King walks out for his match but then Thea Hail walks in to complain to Ava. Ava books the six-woman match that they were heading for before walking off in frustration.

00:29 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Booker and Vic are arguing on commentary. Fallon fights back until James gets on the apron to distract her again. Thea Hail breaks things up by taking her out with a Suicide Dive. Kelani tries to get involved but the damned numbers game is too much. Fallon slides out and tries to break things up but gets blasted by a Jayne knee.
Result - Jacy Jayne defeats Fallon Henley by pin.

00:26 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Fallon trips Jacy and lands her signature kick to the back of the head for a near fall. She goes for another move but Kiana James distracts her. Jayne takes advantage to send her to the outside. She then slides out of the ring after dropping Fallon with a kick. Thea Hail is apoplectic on the steel steps and Kelani Jordan has to hold her back.

00:23 (GMT)3 APR 2024

In the parking lot, Ilja Dragunov is trying to leave but his car is booted. An SUV shows up with some mooks. He initially declines the offer for a ride but gets in when the guy in the passenger seat says that he shouldn't keep The Don waiting.

00:19 (GMT)3 APR 2024

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00:18 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Up next is Fallon Henley flanked by Thea Hail in a cowboy hat and Kelani Jordan. She'll take on Jacy Jayne who will probably be flanked by Jazmyn Nyx, Izzi Dame, and Kiana James.

00:17 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Kelly Kincaid interviews the winners. They say they haven't slowed down since the team formed and that they'll walk out of Philly as champions. Bron and Corbin show up at the arena pulpit to glare menacingly at their challengers.

 Lexis King then cuts a pre-taped promo to mock Von Wagner and Mr. Stone. King says that Von can't take care of himself, which is something that Mr. Stone has been doing for over a year.

00:15 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Frazer drops Gallows and Wilde down with a somersault. Anderson pushes Axiom off the top and hits his own somersault plancha. Del Toro adds a Corkscrew Plancha on the outside. He goes for a splash, but Anderson moves out of the way.

The O.C. hits the Magic Killer but can't get the pin. Axiom and Wilde collide in the ring. He then hits LG with a Suicide Dive. With everyone distracted, Frazer hits a 450 Splash on Del Toro for the win.

Result - Nathan Frazer and Axiom defeat The O.C. and the LWO by pin.

00:12 (GMT)3 APR 2024

Axiom hits a Super Spanish Fly on Wilde for a nearfall. Frazer and Axiom then hit Frog Splashes on Wilde. Axiom almost gets powerbombed by Anderson, but he sends him out of the ring. LG then clears the ring of some stars, but Wilde, Axiom, and Frazer team up to propel Wilde off the middle rope onto Gallows for a big splash.
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