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  • WWE NXT Live Results (February 20, 2024) - Former Champions invade NXT; main roster gets hurt in main event!

WWE NXT Live Results (February 20, 2024) - Former Champions invade NXT; main roster gets hurt in main event!

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedFeb 21, 2024 03:15 GMT

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03:15 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Looks like we could be headed for another match between Lyra Valkyria and Roxanne Perez.

03:14 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Here's hoping Shotzi has a quick recovery from her knee injury. She's had a tough couple of years but has bounced back each time she's faced an obstacle!!

03:14 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Shotzi landed wrong on her leg after delivering her usual DDT off the apron.

03:11 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Oba Femi defeats Lexis King by pin.
Roxanne Perez defeats Wren Sinclair by submission.
Josh Briggs defeats Brooks Jensen by pin.
Jacy Jayne defeats Arianna Grace by pin.
Chase University (Andre Chase and Duke Hudson) defeat Axiom and Nathan Frazer by pin.
Lash Legend defeats Kelani Jordan by pin.
Shotzi vs. Lyra Valkyria ends in a No Contest.
Lyra Valkyria defeats Lash Legend by pin.

03:07 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Lash hits her Uranage finisher, but Lyra kicks out. She puts Lyra on the top and climbs to land offense, but Valkyria pushes her down. The champ hits a short splash off the top to pick up the win.

Result - Lyra Valkyria vs. Shotzi ends in a No Contest. 
Lyra Valkyria defeats Lash Legend by pin.

03:05 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Lash lands a big clothesline. She then puts Lyra in a Gory Special type submission. Lyra counters out and hits a few kicks. As she gains some steam, a picture in picture shot shows some ladies watching the match in the locker room. 

Roxy rushes in with a towel, asking what happened, and the ladies tell her that Shotzi got hurt, and Lash answered the open challenge. She angrily tosses the TV on the ground before storming off.

03:03 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Lyra lands some kicks to Lash's thighs. Lash then decks Lyra, sending her down to the mat. Lyra fights back with strikes to Legend's core, but Legend fends them off. Lyra goes for a Crossbody off the top, but Lash catches her and hits a Uranage backbreaker for two.

03:00 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Officials help Shotzi to the back during the commercial break as Lyra waits in the ring. Ava then comes out to tell that Shotzi cannot continue, but a match will still take place. She says it will be an open challenge, and Lash Legend comes out first. 

02:57 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Shotzi challenges Lyra Valkyria in the main event. Lyra has control with some chain wrestling, but each woman gets an early pin attempt. Lyra lands a few hip tosses, but Shotzi hits a move off the top. 

She hits her dropping DDT off the ring apron, but appears to have injured her knee. Refs and officials check on her during the commercial break.

02:54 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

The Good Brothers are gunning for the NXT Tag Team Titles.

02:44 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

As Lash and Jakara walk off, Kiana James and Izzi Dame walk down to try to bully Kelani. She fights off the two-on-one attack by pushing James into Dame.

02:44 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Lash hits a short splash for two. After a brief strike exchange, Lash puts Kelani in a modified Torture Rack. She slams Kelani to the mat before attempting another quick splash, but Jordan gets her knees up. Jordan goes for a Hurricanrana, but Lash catches her. She goes for a powerbomb, but Kelani lands on her feet.

She then hits a Hurricanrana and a kick that sends Lash into the corner. Jakara gets on the apron as Kelani climbs to the top. The interference allows Lash to hit a chokeslam to finish Jordan off for good.

Result - Lash Legend defeats Kelani Jordan by pin.

02:40 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Lash big-leagues Jordan by pushing her in the face. Jordan tries a Sunset Flip, but Lash stops it. She tries another pin attempt, but Lash kicks out at both times. Lash kicks Kelani in the gut as Kelani attempts a Crossbody.

02:38 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Backstage, Fallon Henley and Thea Hail are wallowing in their pity. Fallon is upset that Brooks and Briggs are fighting, but it is for the best. Thea is upset because she may have been replaced by Jazmyn Nyx. She's happy that Chase U won but not that she muffled up her date with Riley Osborne and that the OC quickly ended Duke and Mr. Chase's celebration.

02:37 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

The Good Brothers made an impact on NXT, but for what reason?

02:32 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Up next is Lash Legend taking on Kelani Jordan. Jakara Jackson is out with Legend so interference is a guarantee.

02:32 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Ilja Dragunov addresses Carmelo Hayes and his heinous actions. He calls him the lowest form of life because he knows that he has what Melo wants - the title. 

Ilja says he'll give Melo a title shot as long as he agrees to come to NXT next week to meet him face-to-face. Ilja also promises to take Melo's soul. 

02:30 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

The crowd chants 'Too Sweet' as Karl and Luke look on.

02:30 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson blindside all four men after the match. They hit a Magic Killer on Hudson before admiring their work in the ring.

02:29 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Frazer and Axiom land kicks on Hudson, but he ignores it like he's Hulk Hogan circa 1990. He clotheslines both men before tagging Chase in. Chase gets a near fall. He and Frazer trade a few pin attempts before holding Frazer down long enough for the win. Frazer can't believe it.

Result - Chase University (Duke Hudson and Andre Chase) defeats Nathan Frazer and Axiom by pin.

02:27 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Duke hits a Senton on Frazer while hitting Axiom with a Gutbuster for a two-count. He tries for the Razor's Edge, but he counters it, sending Duke into the turnbuckle. Frazer tags in, putting Duke on the top buckle, but Duke pushes them off. Axiom recovers to hit a Spanish Fly off the top for a close count.

02:26 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Chase and Axiom are in the ring after the commercial break. Frazer tags in, and they hit dueling Superkicks on Chase for two. After tripping Chase, Frazer tries a springboard move, but Chase catches him and hits a Uranage. Chase makes the tag to Duke, and he slams Frazer. Duke hits two big boots. Axiom hits a Superkick, but Duke catches him and hits another Uranage.

02:21 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Chase kicks Frazer over before finally tagging Duke Hudson. Duke overpowers Frazer early on, but Frazer tries to use his speed to outpace Duke. 

Duke drops him with a shoulder block. Axiom and Andre tag in for their teams. Axiom hits a Suicide Dive on Chase while Frazer hits one on Duke on the other side of the ring.

02:19 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Andre Chase and Axiom start by trading counters in the middle of the ring. They go for a dropkick simultaneously before slapping hands in acknowledgment. Axiom then lands some offense before tagging in Frazer. He hits a short DDT and a standing Shooting Star Press for a near fall.

02:16 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Sarah Schreiber interviews Ridge Holland again. He says the man he was with the chair against Gallus last week is not the man he is in everyday life. He then vows to apologize to the WWE Universe next week, whether or not they care.

02:15 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Looks like there is trouble in Thea-dise thanks to Jacy's new recruit...

02:12 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Joe Gacy doesn't mind being locked up and left in a dark room. Maybe he likes developing old film.

02:10 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Chase University comes out for their match as Thea, Jazmyn, and Jacy leave after Jacy's match. Riley and Thea have an awkward exchange as they walk by each other.

02:09 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Tony D and his family are mulling over their future options after falling short last week. He adds that instead of everyone having a voice, he will be the family's lone voice. He tells Stacks and Rizzo to inform the family, and if anyone has an issue with it, tough spaghetti.

02:08 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Thea is confused and unhappy as Jayne and Nyx celebrate after the win.

02:07 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Grace kicks Jayne down and hits a jumping elbow for a near fall. Jayne tosses Grace over the top rope again. Jayne hits Grace with a back elbow and tells Hail to blindside Grace again with the ref's back turned, but Hail hesitates to cut the corner.

Nyx then attacks Grace before sending her back into the ring. Jayne hits a spinning clothesline to pick up the win.

Result - Jacy Jayne defeats Arianna Grace by pin.

02:05 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Grace knocks Jacy down with a shoulder block. She waves to the crowd before Jayne sends her out of the ring. Jacy motions to Thea Hail to interfere and attack Grace with the ref's back turned. 

She asks why Thea didn't do it, even with Nyx encouraging her. Jacy locks in a choke on the mat while also grapevining the legs. Grace breaks it with a pin attempt.

02:02 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Up next is Arianna Grace. She comes out with a Dalton Castle-esque type cape. Vic says Byron is a former pageant judge, so he rates Arianna Grace's arrival as a 10 out of 10. Jacy Jayne comes out with Thea Hail and Jazmyn Nyx.

02:01 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Melo claims that Trick's 15 minutes are up and that he has nothing to talk about with Ilja Dragunov besides the title.

02:01 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Carmelo Hayes returns to the Chop Shop from his and Trick's journey in NXT. Hayes says he wanted Trick to experience everything he did as a top guy. 

He was mad because Trick tried to take the top spot. He also claims that he would have to get Trick before Trick got him after seeing how Trick looked at all of his title wins.

01:58 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

What could this mean?

01:57 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Cryptic messages continue.

01:54 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Next, we see Joe Gacy in his straitjacket in a dark room. Dijak looks in and says he has many instruments of peace to derail Gacy's never-ending train. 

Luca Crusifino then walks in behind Dijak, claiming that what Dijak is doing is illegal. Dijak claims that Gacy 'broke his law' and that he can do what he wants. Gacy keeps blowing on the glass to make a smiley face.

01:51 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Briggs drops his former tag team partner with a chokeslam, but Jensen kicks out at two. The two then exchange punches while on their knees. They trade big boots. Jensen hits a spinning heel kick and a suplex for a near fall. Jensen goes for a Sunset Flip, but Briggs punches him.

He then hits two big Lariats on Jensen, saying "I love you" between them before getting the win. He hugs Jensen after the win.

Result - Josh Briggs defeats Brooks Jensen by pin.

01:48 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Briggs kicks Jensen's head a few times. Jensen then fights back with a slap. He stands up and hits a few more slaps. He follows with a clothesline and a dropkick before landing a Missile Dropkick from the top for two-count.

01:47 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Briggs twists Jensen's neck with his feet. He then lands several punches in the corner before the ref pulls him off of Jensen. He hits a sidewalk plant and a short splash for two-count. 

01:43 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Jensen tosses Briggs into the barricade before throwing him between the barricade and plexiglass, separating the audience. He then stomps on Briggs a few times as we head to commercials.

01:41 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Up next is Josh Briggs taking on Brooks Jensen. Briggs grins goofily as Jensen comes in with a vengeance.

Each man drops the other early on. Jensen lands some offense, highlighted by a Bulldog. He grabs Briggs' legs, but Briggs kicks him over the top rope to the outside. Brooks then decks him.

01:39 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Meta-Four is hyping up Lash Legend before her match tonight. Noam Dar then asks what they will do with the No Quarter Catch Crew stepping up for a Heritage Cup match. 

They come in and say they'll take over the lounge when they win. Dar doesn't understand the clause that the opponent will be decided when everyone is in the ring.

01:37 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Don't mess with the new Roxanne Perez!

01:32 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

After controlling her arm, Roxy hits a kick to the gut, and Pop Rox. Instead of going for the pin, she counters into a Crossface for the win.

Result - Roxanne Perez defeats Wren Sinclair by submission.

01:29 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Roxy trash-talks Wren and punches her in the face, but Wren lands a Sidewalk Slam variant for one count. Wren leaves the ring holding her arm, and Perez chases her. She slams the arm into the ground.

01:28 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Another cryptic vignette airs, saying, "I will mirror that evil," before showing some cracking glass. 

Wren is dressed in much better gear tonight than her pseudo denim Zack Ryder gear. The two trade punches and fall out of the ring. Wren gets a few quick pin attempts.

01:23 (GMT)21 FEB 2024

Kelly Kincaid interviews Roxanne Perez after her altercation last week. Roxy says Wren reminds her of how she was when she first arrived. Things will change once she gets stepped on and treated poorly by other women in the division.
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