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  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (June 7, 2024): Roman Reigns' finisher stolen, new Right Hand Man of The Bloodline, major matches made for Clash

WWE SmackDown Live Results (June 7, 2024): Roman Reigns' finisher stolen, new Right Hand Man of The Bloodline, major matches made for Clash

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedJun 08, 2024 02:09 GMT

Check out the results for WWE SmackDown right here.


01:59 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

That'll do it for Sportskeeda's coverage of WWE SmackDown on FOX. Be sure to tune in on Monday for the final episode of RAW ahead of Clash at the Castle: Scotland!

01:58 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Kevin Owens tries to mount a comeback, but he gets beaten down. Then, shockingly, The Bloodline hits a Shield Powerbomb on Kevin through the announce table! That will wrap this one up.

01:56 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Owens gets leveled quickly, and Solo goes for a Samoan Spike but eats a stunner! One.. two.. no! Tama and Loa pull Owens out of the ring, and things get chaotic. Four of the six stars are brawling, and Montez hits a dive on them! Then Solo Sikoa smashes Ford with a chair, and this one is over.

Kevin Owens and The Street Profits defeat The Bloodline by disqualification

Post-match, Solo Sikoa and The Bloodline lay out The Street Profits. This leads to Solo not doing the Samoan Spike, instead doing the spear! Wow!

01:54 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Owens keeps firing the crowd, and Montez finally starts mounting a comeback. He hits a tag, and Kevin Owens comes into a HUGE pop. He knocks The Bloodline down repeatedly, strikes Solo in the corner, and hits a brutal cannonball! Owens then goes for a big Swanton and nails it for a two-count on Sikoa. 

The crowd is electric. 

01:52 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

After the break, Montez Ford tries to get a tag, but Solo Sikoa stops it with a Samoan Drop. Paul Heyman looks stressed as Owens and Dawkins fire the crowd to get behind Ford. It isn't helping, though, as Solo hits a corner hip attack. He gets a lot of boos and tags in Tama Tonga. 

Tama hits a handful of strikes and a running seated clothesline. 

01:48 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Dawkins starts things off but quickly tags in Ford. Montez takes it to Tama Tonga and mocks his weird goblin noises. Tonga fights back, though, drilling Ford with punches and shoulder strikes. He then tags Loa in, and the two club away at the former tag team champion. 

Tama tags in and hits a senton. Montez then fights back, hitting a backflip and a clothesline. Ford then tries to fight The Bloodline himself, only to get brutalized by Solo Sikoa, who throws Ford into the ring post. We go to presumably the final ad of the show.

01:45 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Next up, The Bloodline makes its way out!

The Bloodline vs. Kevin Owens and The Street Profits

This should be exciting. 

01:43 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Back from break and Chelsea Green is walking with Piper Niven. She interrupts Nick Aldis and Naomi. Naomi tells Chelsea to keep her name out of her mouth.

This leads to the two bickering. Aldis snaps and says it has been a day, to say the least. Nick then asks if they'll be down to go one-on-one next week in Glasgow. They both agree!

Next week:

- Nia Jax vs. Michin
- Chelsea Green vs. Naomi
- DIY on The Grayson Waller Effect

01:37 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Kevin Owens is out next! He knocks over a Prime bottle sign in anger, and the crowd is very much behind him. The Street Profits come out next with B-Fab, though B-Fab returns to the back.

Their match with The Bloodline starts next.

01:36 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

From there, we get a promo from Logan Paul in LA. He brings up the World Tetris Championship and takes shots at Knight for never holding a title. Paul says he competes with real champions and calls Knight a hillbilly Aladdin. It is clear he isn't taking Knight seriously. 

01:34 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Niven said if Bayle knew how dangerous Piper was, she wouldn't stand so close to her. Niven said she can respect Piper all she wants, but it won't stop Piper from drilling her into the mat. She then said she'll be standing over Bayley as the new WWE Women's Champion. Good promo, though the crowd hurt the segment a little bit. 

01:33 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Piper says the Mae Young Classic was in 2017 and she's been digging and clawing her way out of the trenches since 2008. The crowd is giving her the "what" treatment, annoying. Piper says she was a trailblazer winning titles all over the UK, Europe and Japan. Niven says she was a world champion before she stepped through this door.

01:32 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Bayley says Piper doesn't need Chelsea and tries to get into her head. The Role Model says she knows what it means to wrestle in front of her friends and family and that she's lost in front of those she loved in the past. Bayley says she has respect for Piper, but since she jumped The Role Model from behind and brings her "puppy" with her, she'll have fun beating her.

Piper takes a microphone and says she embarrassed Bayley enough last week. Niven says she's glad Bayley has respect for her and maybe she'd take it more to heart if Bayley didn't know nothing about her and her journey.

01:30 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

After the ad, Bayley is in the ring with a microphone. She will be facing Piper Niven at Clash at the Castle Scotland next weekend. The crowd loves Bayley. She says this will be her first match with Piper, but Niven's music quickly interrupts The Role Model.

Chelsea Green calls Bayley a loser and Piper looks on menacingly. Green says "we" will become the new WWE Women's Champion. 

01:24 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Next, we get a video package highlighting Bayley's struggles with Piper Niven and Chelsea Green. 

Next, Bayley's music hits and she makes her way out! The crowd loves their Role Model. We go to break before we can hear from her.

01:22 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Backstage, Tiffany Stratton runs into Nia Jax. Tiffany says Nia was her favorite to win besides herself. She then says she has Jax's back. Stratton says The Queen of the Ring and The Princess of the Ring, nobody can stop them. She asks Nia to think about it.

Michin then shows up after Tiffany walks away. Nia talks smack and Nia throws a drink in her face. This leads to Jax throwing Mia over the table as referees and staff show up. Nia said Michin should take a page out of AJ's book and retire and Michin screams Nia should keep AJ's name out of her mouth. Interesting.

01:20 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

LA prepares for the BFT, but Melo counters it and and holds the tights! The Megastar manages to counter into a pin of his own and this one is over. Hayes loses, but he's furious.

LA Knight defeats Carmelo Hayes by pinfall

The Megastar takes the commentary headset and says if Logan Paul won't come to SmackDown, he'll bring the SmackDown to him. What does that mean?

01:19 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

As the crowd chants for LA Knight, Melo hits his tilt-a-whirl facebuster for a nearfall. Hayes hits a chop, a kick, and some forearm strikes. He hits another chop, but Knight answers with a chop of his own. LA then hits a slam and goes for a big elbow drop, but Melo moves. This is very even.

Hayes hits an inside cradle, but LA gets out of it. They hit some yay-boo punches with the crowd fully behind Knight. He then hits a pop-up powerslam and hits the Megastar Elbow! 

01:17 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Back from break, Carmelo Hayes is in full control. He hits his leaping attack from the ropes, which is beautiful. Melo then climbs the ropes, but Knight crotches him. 

LA hits several strikes and goes for a superplex, but Hayes pushes him down. Hayes gets pulled into the ring, and Knight hits a flurry of moves, including a knee in the corner, but he can't keep Carmelo down.

01:13 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Corey Graves confirms Logan Paul is in a Tetris tournament as the match starts. Carmelo Hayes goes at Knight aggressively, but LA Knight fires back only for Hayes to go for The Megastar's knee. Knight shoots out of the corner with a vicious clothesline and this leads to the two brawling ringside.

Knight smashes Carmelo against the table repeatedly as the crowd yells "Yeah" for each one. Hayes then pushes Knight back first into the ring apron. Carmelo runs at Knight only to get dropped hard onto the announce table. Knight poses as we go to break.

01:10 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Next up, LA Knight is here! He gets a massive pop from the crowd. Then Carmelo Hayes comes out next and he feels like a star.

LA Knight vs. Carmelo Hayes

These two have been at each other's throats for weeks now. 

01:08 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

WWE confirms the 'I Quit Match' is official after the break. That'll be epic.

From there, we go to Nick Aldis' office. Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill walk out with smiles. They reveal a Triple Threat Tag Team Match will be at the show! Bianca and Jade will defend against The Unholy Union and the duo of Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler! 

01:02 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Rhodes starts fighting security but there's too many and AJ smirks on the ramp, knowing Cody can't get to him. Loud "Cody" chants. AJ then runs and attacks Cody while he's being held back by security! That was a cheap shot. He runs off as security keeps an angry Cody back. Great segment. 

01:01 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

AJ says he wants a match at Clash at the Castle for the title. Cody Rhodes says he's got it! Wow! That's huge!

Rhodes says this won't be a regular match. Cody says he will make AJ say what he should've said last week - I Quit! Are we getting an I Quit match?! 

Nick Aldis seems to like it and he puts the thumbs up! AJ is furious!

01:00 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Cody walks to the ring and grabs a microphone, demanding AJ come out for a fight. AJ's music then interrupts things. He walks out with Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. Security quickly ran out to get between them. Nick Aldis is here, too. 

AJ takes a microphone and tells Cody he doesn't care what Rhodes wants. Styles says what Cody wants is irrelevant. AJ says if he wants to fight so bad, give him what he wants. Loud "AJ sucks" chants. 

Gallows and Anderson being with AJ cements that they're heels on the main roster now.

00:58 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

A Clash at the Castle Scotland ad and a Kickoff preview are shown. Next, Cody Rhodes is again shown in the loading dock with Nick Aldis and security. AJ Styles pulls up with The Good Brothers, and security gets between them. Cody storms off but keeps walking to the Gorilla Position and then out in front of the crowd!

00:53 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Waller celebrates in the ring while Theory looks annoyed on the floor. 

We then go back to Cody Rhodes. Nick Aldis shows up with security. Aldis says AJ Styles is pulling in and that this is a precaution to make sure nothing gets out of hand. Commercial break time.

00:52 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Johnny hits the ropes and does a dive, crashing into Theory. Waller may have thrown Austin in the way. Grayson then takes advantage of things and slams Johnny into the ring post. From there, Grayson hits a flipping Unprettier and this one is over. Austin took the hit for Waller and won him the match.

Grayson Waller defeats Johnny Gargano by pinfall

00:51 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Another Johnny Wrestling chant starts up as Waller taunts and kicks Gargano. Gargano starts firing back with strikes and the two have yay-boo strikes. This leads to a superkick from Johnny and another kick, but Waller hits a jumping knee! Grayson goes for a corner strike and Alabama Slam but Johnny turns it into a destroyer!

Johnny goes for a tag, but Waller falls out of the ring, which saves him. Wow, this is great.

00:50 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

After the ad, the fans are loudly chanting "Johnny Wrestling". He comes back and hits several big strikes knocking Waller down followed by a big kick. He's moving around okay, so he likely isn't hurt too bad from the botched spot earlier.

Johnny hits a slingshot spear for a near-fall! Crowd is fully behind Gargano. Grayson stops his momentum and lifts him in the air. Waller hits a Belly to Beck Suplex from an electric chair position and then another cool move for a two count! Impressive.

00:46 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

The crowd loves Johnny, cheering for him and chanting Johnny Wrestling. Gargano attempts a move, but Waller counters it into a backbreaker. Johnny then counters a move into a Rana. Waller misses a big move, and both men attempt big shots that ultimately end with Johnny hitting a sliced bread on the floor, but he lands hard. Is he hurt??

We go to break before it becomes clear. Hopefully, he's fine, but Johnny landed hard and awkwardly on the floor.

00:44 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Next, Grayson Waller's music hits. He comes out with Austin Theory for a match with Johnny Gargano.

Johnny Gargano vs. Grayson Waller

These two are long-time rivals from back on NXT. Gargano went right at Waller, but a punch slowed down Johnny's momentum. The Mechanical Marvel ducks a kick and hits one of his own followed by a big chop. He hits a few more chops and slaps as the crowd woo's. 

00:41 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Carmelo Hayes interrupts Knight's rant about Logan Paul. LA Knight says there's an opening for a match tonight and Nick Aldis agrees. LA Knight vs. Carmelo Hayes is happening TONIGHT! Wow!

00:41 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Back from the break and The Bloodline will get their match with Kevin Owens and The Street Profits! Wow! That's huge.

From there, we see Sarah Schreiber with Apollo Crews. She brought up Apollo's loss against Andrade. He talks about Angel when Crews gets jumped by Legado del Fantasma. They put the boots to him as Nick Aldis, security, and referees show up. Is this match going to be cancelled?

Nick is upset when LA Knight shows up. He says "where is he?" and Nick reveals Logan Paul isn't here again. Knight says Logan is playing Tetris. 

00:35 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Johnny Gargano holds up a Johnny Wrestling sign as the two walk to the ring. Johnny will be taking on Grayson Waller next. 

First, though, we have another commercial break.

00:34 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

In the loading dock, Cody is still fired up. Nick Aldis shows up and says he can't let Cody do this even if AJ deserves what he gets. Cody says Nick should understand that this is about Styles and Rhodes. Nick shakes his head and walks off. Is he letting it go?

Next, Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa make their way out!

00:33 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Jade and Bianca get back in the ring and they start throwing around the four RAW stars, ultimately hitting the Jaded and KOD! Belair and Cargill stand tall, but they have a lot of competition. 

00:32 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Bianca and Jade celebrate, but the two RAW teams get in the ring and attack both of the champions! The Unholy Union go after Bianca, while Shayna and Zoey go after Jade. Jade is thrown into stairs and Bianca is tossed into the barricade.

Shayna and Zoey hold a title up in the ring, but The Unholy Union come in and hold the other title up. This leads to the two heel teams fighting! This is chaos!

00:31 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Jade hits the Stinger Splash in the corner and then press slams Candice onto Indi! She then hits a throw-superkick combo on Indi. Candice breaks up the count, but Bianca comes in and tosses LeRae to the floor.

Jade and Bianca then hit their double-team finisher on Indi, which is over!

Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair defeat Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae by pinfall

00:30 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Back from break and the duo of The Way are still in control. They keep Bianca down, but Belair starts going for a tag and knocks Candice off the apron. She ducks a clothesline and Jade is in!

Jade takes out Indi with big strikes and a suplex. She hits a backbreaker on Candice. Cargill is on fire!

00:26 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Candice uses Bianca's hair to stop a tag and Indi comes in and clotheslines Belair. The two then hit a cool double team, but Indi is posing and flexing instead of going for a cover.

We then go to a break with two teams watching on.

00:25 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

The Unholy Union is here! Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn cause a distraction so Indi gets the upper hand over Bianca Belair. Candice tags in and both Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler are here too! That's four stars of RAW.

Bianca gets the upper hand over Candice and hits a big suplex. 

00:24 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

Next up, Jade Cargill is here! She is joined by Bianca Belair. Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae then make their way out. Jade was initially supposed to go one-on-one with Indi, but Candice complaining about it led to Nick Aldis turning it into a tag team match.

Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair vs. Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell

Hopefully Candice and Indi get to show off and look credible. 

00:21 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

After the ad, Corey Graves promotes Fanatics Fest. We then see Paul Heyman walking and Solo Sikoa stops him. Solo angrily asks if Paul is trying to leave. He then demand a six-man tag team match tonight. He says if Heyman doesn't get it done, a main event will be in the locker room: Paul vs. Tama Tonga. Heyman says he'll get it done.

A White Rabbit-style interruption cut out the end of the promo.

00:16 (GMT)8 JUN 2024

We then see Cody Rhodes still waiting in the back for AJ Styles. Next, we see Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill walking backstage. They'll be in action with Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell next. 

An NXT ad then airs, followed by a full commercial break.
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