The much-anticipated 1.20 update for Minecraft will bring a plethora of new features, according to Mojang, the game's developers. Although some players may be disappointed by the lack of world-generation elements, there will still be much to look forward to. Several of the features will be present in the retail version later this year and are already present in the Java Snapshot and Bedrock betas.
What is the Minecraft 1.20 The Trails & Tales for Bedrock Edition and when will it be released?
The focus of the Minecraft 1.20 update is representation and creativity, but the official announcement stood apart from those of past years' update releases. Fans received less details than in previous years even though it was revealed at Minecraft Live, in part because earlier anticipated mechanics and additions never made it into the game.
The long-awaited official release date for the much awaited Minecraft 1.20 update has been set for June 7, 2023. This amazing update centres on the vibrant fabric of the Minecraft community, shining a blazing light on the captivating stories deftly penned by its users.
The update, aptly titled "Trails and Tales," captures the spirit of discovery and narrative, ensuring a really stimulating experience for all players.
What is part of the Minecraft 1.20 The Trails & Tales update for Bedrock Edition?
Cherry Blossom Biome

The upgrade will include access to the Cherry Blossom biome. The entire habitat is covered with cherry blossom trees, which give the surroundings a lovely pink hue. While the saplings can be used to transport the trees outside of their habitat, the wood can be utilized to build and create a multitude of various things. The Cherry Blossom biome will initially only be available in the Java edition; Bedrock will get it later.

One of the most widely awaited aspects of the newest edition of Minecraft is the new archaeology system, which enables you to discover ancient bones and eggs. The possibility for these eggs to grow into the future Sniffer mob exists. The new brush tool can be used to remove patches of suspicious sand blocks that surround Desert Temples in order to reveal equipment that has been hidden.

Hanging signs (with a total of 11 wood variants including oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, crimson, warped, bamboo, and cherry)
Block of Bamboo
Bamboo Planks
Bamboo Mosaic
Chiseled Bookshelf
Cherry Leaves
Cherry Log
Cherry Planks
Cherry Sapling
Pink Petals
Piglin Head
Sniffer Egg
Torchflower (grows from torchflower seeds)
Suspicious Sand
Torchflower Seeds
Pottery Shards
Spawn Eggs
Camel Spawn egg
Sniffer spawn egg
Smithing Templates
Netherite Upgrade
Armor Trim:
Coast Armor Trim
Dune Armor Trim
Eye Armor Trim
Rib Armor Trim
Sentry Armor Trim
Snout Armor Trim
Spire Armor Trim
Tide Armor Trim
Vex Armor Trim
Ward Armor Trim
Wild Armor Trim
New Mobs in The Trails & Tales Update
Two new mobs will be added to the game in update 1.20, according to Mojang. One is the Minecraft camel, which Mojang chose as a new mount for the desert, and the other is the sniffer, which took first place in this year's community mob poll.

The sniffer has been keenly awaited by players ever since it won the Mob Vote in 2022. In the Overworld, look for sniffer eggs, which can be found with items like pottery shards in suspicious sand. The creature's arrival will presumably bring more knowledge to light, while it is unknown how long a sniffer's hatch timing is or what might be done to hasten the process.

The camels offer a different riding experience with a "dashing" ability in place of a high jump, in addition to supporting two-player saddles—a first for Minecraft mounts. The new passive mob has a range of unique animations and is generally found in desert towns. Camels are also tall enough for players to ride them without fear of hostile mobs being able to attack them.
Non-mob entities in The Trails & Tales Update
Cherry Boat
Cherry Blossom
Cherry Grove
Armor Trimming and Customization in The Trails & Tales Update

One of the most recent enhancements is the armor trimming feature. Players can apply these designs to their favorite armor to give it a brand-new appearance. According to a recent post by Mojang's developers and the efforts of players enjoying the most current snapshot, there is a lot to learn about Minecraft's armor reduction. A smithing table can add a variety of trims to any armor with an iron quality or higher, however these trims are just ornamental and have no functional impact on gameplay.