Cody Garbrandt’s Tattoos

Last Modified Nov 6, 2024 03:26 GMT

Cody Garbrandt is an American UFC fighter competing in the bantamweight division. Former champion, and one of only four people to defeat Dominick Cruz, Garbrandt's next fight is against Miles Johns on November 9, 2024.

In addition to being one of the best in the 135 lb division, he’s also the ink lord of the UFC today. With a whopping 36 tattoos all over his body, 15 of which he got before age 18, Cody Garbrandt is a fan of getting inked from head to toe. These are all of No Love’s tattoos and their meanings:

Cody Garbrant Face Tattoo

Sword Tattoo:

Tattoo: Cody Garbrant's most recent tattoo is a sword running through his right eye.

Image via @cody_nolove on Instagram

Cody Garbrandt Chest tattoos

Lord have mercy tattoo:

Tattoo: the top of Cody’s chest has the words “lord have mercy” written on it.

Meaning: the tattoo is a representation of his belief in god and his hope for god blessings every day.

Sparrow tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt's Sparrow Tattoo

Tattoo: Cody's right pec has a sparrow tattooed onto it. It’s part of the clouds on his chest.

Meaning: Garbrandt’s chest tattoos all signify his love for his family. The sparrow is a bird that represents familial love.

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Family over everything tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt's Family over everything tattoo

Tattoo: Cody’s left pec has a tattoo of an angel with the words “family over everything”

Meaning: this tattoo is also significant for familial love. In addition, angels are symbols of good luck and God’s blessings. This tattoo signifies his desire for his family’s well-being.

Twin city tattoo:

Tattoo: Cody’s shoulders, near his collarbone, have the words “twin city” inked on, one word per side.

Meaning: Twin City is the nickname of Uhrichsville, Cody’s birthplace. This tattoo is a memory of his birthplace and roots.

Cloud tattoo:

Tattoo: Cody’s chest is covered with a tattoo of clouds. The tattoo ends below the Lord have mercy tattoo, and incorporates both the sparrow and the angel.

Meaning: The cloud tattoo, combined with the sparrow and the angel is meant to represent heaven. According to Cody, he didn’t like exactly how it turned out and was looking into laser removal but wasn’t sure if he’d do it. In a video with GQ Sports, he said,

This is like four or five people together, that together on my chest piece. We plan on doing some laser sessions to get it off and re-shoot on something. but, hey it's there and I can't do anything about it.”

Cody Garbrant Abdomen tattoos

Cody Garbrandt's Abdomen Tattoos

Blessed tattoo:

Tattoo: The tattoo above Cody's belly button shows two vulture heads holding up a banner with the word “blessed” on it.

Meaning: Cody considers himself to be blessed in life, and this tattoo is a representation of that.

Dreamsville tattoo:

Tattoo: Below Cody’s belly button is a stylized ink of the work “Dreamsville”

Meaning: Dreamsville is another nickname for Uhrichsville, Cody’s birthplace.

See here: How many tattoos does Conor McGregor have on his arm?

Cody Garbrandt Right Arm tattoos

Garbrandt has full arm sleeves on both arms. The right arm is coloured while the left is only black and white. Both sleeves are made of multiple tattoos and were completed over a long period of time.

Cody Garbrandt's Right Arm Tattoos

Japanese sleeve:

Tattoo: The whole of Cody’s right arm till a little above the elbow is covered with Japanese-styled intricate art with a koi fish on his forearm.

Meaning: Koi fishes are known to fight to the death. This tattoo signifies that unwillingness to give up, and to stay focused on the fight.

Garbrandt tattoo:

Garbrandt Tattoo

Tattoo: The top of the right arm sleeve has the word “Garbrandt” inked onto the shoulder. It’s above the cross tattoo (see below) and surrounded by a cloudy design.s

Multiple Flowers tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt Multiple Flowers Tattoo

Tattoo: Cody’s inner right forearm has a stylized flower inked on, further enhancing the Japanese theme.

Cross tattoo:

Tattoo: this is a tattoo of a cross under the Garbrandt tattoo, and above the Japanese sleeve. A majority of it lies on his bicep.

Meaning: This is another tattoo to signify his faith in Christianity.

Live to fight fight to live tattoo:

Tattoo: Cody’s right and left wrists have the words “live to fight” and “fight to live” inked onto them. Meaning: Cody is a dedicated martial artist, and this tattoo is a symbol of his desire to be the best.

Family tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt Family Tattoo

Tattoo: the tattoo has the word “family” inked onto the inner side of his right bicep.

Meaning: This is another tattoo signifying how important his family is to him.

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Cody Garbrandt Left arm tattoos

Saint Michael and the Devil:

Cody Garbrandt Saint Michael and The Devil Tattoo

Tattoo: Cody’s left inner forearm is covered with a tattoo of Saint Michael stomping on the devil.

Meaning: In the Bible, Saint Michael is the protector of the church who challenged Satan. This tattoo is a symbol of dominance and strength.

Jesus Christ tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt Jesus Christ Tattoo

Tattoo: Cody’s left bicep has a tattoo of Jesus on the cross.

Meaning: The tattoo is a symbol of his faith and love in Christ.

Flower tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt Flower Tattoo

Tattoo: Cody has a tattoo of a flower on his left elbow. Unlike the one on the Japanese sleeve, this one isn’t in color.

Relentless tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt Relentless Tattoo

Tattoo: Cody’s inner left bicep has the word “relentless” inked onto it.

Meaning: When GQ asked him about this tattoo, Garbrandt said,

I got that when i was sophomore in high school, my wrestling was relentless, the way I trained was relentless, that mindset of being relentless in training, and in everyday life, just being relentless in every pursuit, of what you wanna do.

922 tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt 922 Tattoo

Tattoo: Cody’s left forearm has the number 922 tattooed onto it.

Meaning: 922 was the area code for Uhrichsville and a reminder of his roots and hometown.

Angel with wings tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt angel with wings tattoo

Tattoo: Cody’s left inner bicep has a tattoo of an angel wearing a pinkish blouse with her wings extended.

Meaning: Angels are a symbol of good luck and family.

Cody Garbrandt Hand tattoos

True love tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt's No Love Tattoo

Tattoo: Cody has the words “True Love” inked onto his knuckles from left to right.

Meaning: This tattoo signifies his love of fighting.

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Only god can touch me tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt's only god can touch me tattoo

Tattoo: The outer side of Cody’s left hand has these words inked onto it.

Meaning: This tattoo is another piece signifying his love for god.

Grenade tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt grenade tattoo

Tattoo: Cody’s right hand has an exploding grenade inked onto it. This tattoo is done in color.

Meaning: This tattoo signifies that “he’s the bomb” and was originally a joke. About this one, Cody says

I got a grenade tattoo on my right hand and there was an ongoing joke that I drop bombs. The moment I got this tattoo, the next three fights, I broke my hand. It was like a jinx or something.

Read here: What is the significance of Jorge Masvidal's neck tattoo?

Cody Garbrandt Neck tattoo

Cody only has one neck tattoo. These are supposed to be extremely painful and more dangerous to get.

Self-made tattoo:

Tattoo: The tattoo shows a blue diamond whose top is catching fire, with wings coming out of the side. The base of the diamond has a banner passing over it, with the words “self-made” on the banner.

Meaning: About this tattoo, Cody says,

"It has a couple different meanings. The “Self Made” logo reminds me that I’m responsible for what I am today. The diamond, well, diamonds are made under pressure, and I’ve conquered adversity. The wings, those were put on because the sky’s the limit. I like all of that, and I’ve always wanted a neckpiece. Most people just see it as a neck tattoo, but it has meaning to it."
"self-made, that was for made self, but you know, I am stitched with good intentions. The wings are showing that there are no labels, the sky is the limit, don’t set your standards low, rise above that, so I got it tattooed on my neck, so I thought it was a great idea. My mom was about to kill me for my neck tat."

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Cody Garbrandt Leg tattoos

Tribal tiger tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt tribal tiger tattoo

Tattoo: The tattoo displays a tribal-style tiger head, and is located on Cody’s right leg.

Meaning: The tiger is a symbol of strength, and also a way to attract positive energy.

No love tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt no love tattoo

Tattoo: The front of Cody’s right leg has a tattoo with the words “no love” written in a stylized font.

Meaning: No Love is Cody’s nickname in the octagon. When asked about it by GQ, he said

“The nickname No Love was given to me by my uncle. He was my boxing trainer he was just taking me off to the gym, had my first fight at 14 so I was in there sparring some of the pro fighters he had and I was knocking them down and hassling them, this kid is a teenager he isn’t showing you guys no love, so no love and that was my moniker and it has been my moniker ever since.”

Cartoon Cody tattoo:

Cartoon Cody tattoo

Tattoo: The tattoo, located on Cody’s right leg, shows a caricature of himself, with the number 922 on “his” abdomen.

Roaring Lion tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt roaring lion tattoo

Tattoo: The tattoo, located on Cody’s left leg, depicts a roaring lion.

Meaning: It is a symbol of pride and strength.

A promise kept:

Cody Garbrandt's a promise kept tattoo

Tattoo: On the inner side of Cody’s left leg is a tattoo of a grenade wrapped in a UFC belt with the words “A promise kept” above it.

Meaning: The tattoo is to commemorate his becoming a champion, and keeping his promise to do so.

922 tattoo 2:

Cody Garbrandt 922 tattoo 2

Tattoo: This is another 922 tattoo, located on Cody’s left knee.

Meaning: About this particular tattoo, Cody had said,

Growing up in Uhrichsville, we used to have a saying,” Garbrandt says. “If you’re looking for help, call 911. If you’re looking for trouble, call 922.” 922 is the telephone exchange of Uhrichsville.”

Pirate head tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt pirate head tattoo

Tattoo: The inner side of Cody’s left leg has a tattoo of a pirate skull with the number 922 under it and the words No Love above it.

Read here: What do Jon Jones' tattoos mean?

Cody Garbrandt Foot tattoos

‘A’ tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt A Tattoo

Tattoo: Cody’s right foot has the letter A tattooed onto it. The symbol looks similar to the logo of the Anarchist.

Ohio’s finest tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt Ohio's Finest Tattoo

Tattoo: The top of Cody’s left food has a map of Ohio with the words “Ohio’s finest” inked around it.

Meaning: This was a tattoo he got at a party. According to Cody,

"There was this party, where there was a tattoo artist and we were all drinking and dancing, I said I wanted a tattoo too, so I ended up getting the state of Ohio on my foot, and it says OHIO FINEST on the top of my foot."

Cody Garbrandt Back tattoos

Cross and heart tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt's cross and heart tattoo

Tattoo: The tattoo is on his back near his neck, and consists of a cross with a ribbon around it. On top of that is a heart with the word “victory” inside it.

Meaning: Cody got this tattoo at age 14 after winning a national title for the first time. In his interview with GQ, he says,

"I got my first tattoo when I was 14, me and brother made an agreement with our mother that if we won a state title or National Title that year we would get a tattoo., and when we won the national title, we are like mom, you gotta keep your end of the deal. I got a Cross with a ribbon tied around it on my back."

Glock tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt Glock Tattoo

Tattoo: On his lower back is a tattoo of a 9mm Glock with the words “No Love” written on the grip.

Meaning: This tattoo is a copy of one his friend Nick Duell had. According to him,

"I got 9 mm tattoo on my back, My Buddy Nick Duell, he was a pro fighter growing up, he was knocking everybody out like he was nick the savage duel, he’s the guy I looked up to, he was on the same team, he had the same tattoo. The first time I actually pulled it out in a fight, it was Dom Cruz, I was walking back to the cage and I was like “whoosh”."

Gladiator tattoo:

Cody Garbrandt's Gladiator tattoo
Source: Instagram

Tattoo: The Whole of Cody’s back is covered in Gladiator-themed art, all done in black and white. The tattoo was done by Nic Westfall and took 25 hours to complete. While getting this tattoo, his lower back was recovering from cell surgery, and this tattoo is the most painful he has done for that reason.

Interestingly, this tattoo didn’t cost him at all, because Nic said the advertising from when he fought in the octagon was “basically an ad.”

Check out: What does UFC star Tony Ferguson's back tattoo mean?


A. Though the exact number is uncertain, Cody Garbrandt has more than 35 tattoos spread across his body.

A. The exact date when Cody Garbrandt got his first tattoo is unknown.

A. Cody Garbrandt lost his belt to T.J. Dillashaw in 2017.

A. Cody Garbrandt hails from Uhrichsville, Ohio.

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