Character customization is one of the most crucial aspects in MMOs. Player interactions encourage newcomers to strive for different challenges and rewards, with the goal of making their characters as unique as possible. This can be achieved in the form of a character creator with countless customization options, unique armor sets, and different build varieties.
Many MMOs fail to provide an extensive set of builds, as different classes often feel homogenized. Character creators have limited options, so they appear identical, and players lose interest in the game as a consequence.
This article lists the MMOs with the best character customization options and an immersive experience.
10 MMOs with great character customization, ranked
10) Lost Ark

Lost Ark provides a vast array of options in the character creator, with the only caveat being gender-locked classes. They also influence the body shape of the characters, so despite creating a unique avatar, it might feel limiting. However, the developers overcome this limitation with a significant amount of highly appealing cosmetics.
9) New World

There are a fair bit of character customization options in New World. From a fully fleshed-out character creator allowing players to make distinct avatars to a variety of weapons and armor sets, there is a lot to choose from.
New gears and weapon types are also added to the game frequently with DLCs like the Rise of the Angry Earth.
8) Destiny 2

Destiny 2 thrives in build variety and fashion with a plethora of gear sets and weapon types. Each class can be customized with countless Aspects, Fragments, Abilities, Stats, and Mods. This in-depth character customization encourages players to try out different builds and also participate in the fashion aspect of the game.
7) Final Fantasy 14

Final Fantasy 14 excels at customization through its Glamour system. The player's appearance can be changed regardless of the gear they are wearing using the Glamour Prisms. This provides players the freedom to make their characters unique and pursue harder content like the Ultimate raids for ornate weapon designs.
6) Warframe

Warframe puts a lot of MMOs to shame with the amount of character customization it offers. Every aspect of a Frame can be personalized from a myriad of available skins, glyphs, sigils, attachments, and more. They can be dyed with over 100 different available colors. With over 50 available Warframes in the game and countless mods to customize builds, the possibilities are endless.
5) Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 character creator received an update with the release of the End of Dragons expansion that added countless new faces to the pre-existing options. Alongside the numerous character customizations, players can choose the personality of their character, which impacts the main story and changes events based on the different choices.
4) Diablo 4

Diablo 4 allows players to tinker with a variety of builds using the Skill Tree and Paragon Board systems. They add a fair bit of complexity and diversity to builds, which is further enhanced by the different armor sets and weapon bonuses. Seasons also add mechanics that keep the gameplay fresh, like the Malignant hearts and Vampiric powers.
3) Elder Scrolls Online

Character customization in Elder Scrolls Online is remarkable. It allows players to choose from a multitude of playable races, classes, and factions. Each class can be played in a variety of different roles, like tanks, healers, and damage dealers.
Most of the armor sets in the game have unique buffs and special effects, encouraging plenty of distinct builds in PvP.
2) World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft has one of the most robust character customization in the MMO genre, with 13 classes and 23 playable races split between two factions. The Transmog system also boasts an innumerable number of armor sets since the game's launch. Many systems are revamped with new expansions, adding more build diversity like trinkets and more.
1) Black Desert Online

Black Desert Online transcends the MMO genre in regards to having the best character creator. Players can add excruciatingly minute details to their characters and change every aspect of their body. The endless customization in the character creator surpasses even the most detailed single-player games, making it the best MMO with character customization.