Since the Duviri Paradox update, Warframe Incarnon rotation is the most important weekly reset that many late-game players look forward to. This rotation holds the key to potentially obtaining meta-defining Incarnon Genesis weapons, largely recognized as the best tier of weapons in the game currently.
Expanding over the concept of original void-infested armaments introduced in Angels of the Zariman, Incarnon Genesis confers stat boosts and bespoke talent trees to older weapons - resulting in some of the most powerful weapons in the entire game.
Read along to find out which Adapters you can get from the Warframe Incarnon rotation this week, and which ones are considered the best.
Weekly Warframe Incarnon rotation: What are the Genesis Adapters available this week? (November 25 - December 1)
The current Warframe Incarnon rotation is Week 7 (G rotation), containing Incarnon Genesis adapters for:
You can only pick two out of these five Incarnon Genesis Adapters by:
- Going to the Duviri Menu
- Toggling on Steel Path mode from the right-hand side panel
- Selecting The Circuit
To unlock Steel Path Circuit mode, you must beat the Duviri Paradox quest, have access to Steel Path, and play the Lone Story and Circuit at least once in Normal mode.
Which are the best weapons in the current Warframe Incarnon rotation?
Based on overall power ceilings of the available weapons, the order of priority should be:
Incarnon Dread Adapter > Incarnon Hate Adapter > Incarnon Zylok Adapter > Incarnon Nami Despair Adapter > Incarnon Sibear Adapter
This week’s Incarnon rotation is colloquially called the ‘Stalker rotation’, featuring adapters for the three weapons that the Stalker drops. Surprisingly, no blanket statement can be made venerating these as the best option this week. Both Incarnon Dread and Hate are first-spot material, but Zylok packs enough of a punch in its primary fire to pull ahead of Despair in terms of priority.
While there are no clear winners, there is one clear loser in this batch: Sibear. Not many players have the weapon because of the huge Cryotic sink for its build-up, and if you do get it, it’s not the best melee Incarnon upgrade out there.
There are a few niche builds you can try with its area-of-effect Cold explosions on slam attacks, such as a synergy with Biting Frost. However, on the whole, you should get it last if you care about having the best Incarnons.
What are Incarnon Genesis rotations in Warframe?
In Warframe, Incarnon rotation decides which Incarnon Genesis adapters you can get until the next weekly reset. There are currently 35 Incarnon Genesis weapons, and only 5 are available each week.
Here's all the Adapters you can find in each rotation:
Note that 5 more Incarnon Genesis Adapters, as well as a brand-new rotation, is making its way to Warframe with the 1999 update. Until then, check out other guides on this game from Sportskeeda: