Knowing how to get Platinum in Warframe can help you progress in the game much faster. It is Warframe's premium form of currency, purchasable in bulk with real money. The cheapest bundle in the game costs $4.99 for 75 Platinum (roughly a dollar for every 15 Platinum). This price gets lower with coupon deals that you can get via login rewards, giving you up to a 75% discount.
However, you can also get Platinum without spending money, unlike in most live-service games. This is because Platinum can be exchanged between players through in-game trading, barring the 50 starter Platinum you get with a new account.
Many items of varying value change hands from player to player in the open market of Warframe. Bartering is not all that uncommon, but most player-to-player trades in the game utilize Platinum as their main currency. The tradable wares range from common mods to entire Kuva Liches, and it is possible to pocket Platinum by selling things you can get through just playing normally.
Regardless of how much progress you have made in Warframe, there are always things you can trade to get Platinum from other players. Listed below are some of the most common ways to make bank, listed in order of progression from a beginner player to a veteran.
To make these trades, you can use a third-party platform like Warframe Market. Alternatively, you can exploit the in-game trade chat, which is infamous for being a seller's market where you get customers less often but can take advantage of a price markup.
Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
Warframe: Best ways to make free Platinum, in order of progression (from beginner to veteran)
1) Cracking Void Relics

A lot of missions and bounties in Warframe reward Relics from the four eras. By the time you reach the midway point of the main questline, you will have amassed a lot of Relics.
When opening them in a squad, you will often have the chance to get rare parts. If you squad up with a long-time player, there is a non-zero chance that you will get parts from a Vaulted Relic. These can go for anything from five to 50 Platinum on the market, depending on the rarity and vault status, helping you earn those beginner bucks.
2) Selling Aura mods

Nightwave, Warframe's free battle-pass system, has its own shop where you can spend Nightwave Creds. While it may be alluring to buy your first Orokin Catalysts and Reactors (potatoes) from this shop, it is far more cost-efficient to spend it to buy Aura mods.
Specifically, you should wait for the weekly rotation for Rifle Amp or Rifle Scavenger to appear. Buy as many copies of these as you can and sell them a week later for up to 30 Platinum apiece. This can bankroll your potatoes while leaving some spare change.
3) Selling corrupted mods
Instead of spending all of your Void Traces on upgrading Relics, build a set of Dragon Keys to go Orokin Vault hunting. Found on Deimos nodes, these secret rooms can drop one of 24 corrupted mods.
After you have collected a set of corrupted mods for personal use, the unranked spares can be sold for eight to 15 Platinum a pop.
4) Utilizing Syndicate standing

At Mastery Rank 3, you will unlock access to six neutral Syndicates you can pledge for. Generally, you can commit to increasing the standing for three of them at a time, two allied ones and one neutral to both. It can take weeks to reach the highest faction affinity with two factions, but they unlock access to augment mods and archgun parts.
Augment Mods are in high demand but sell for 10 Plats apiece. Archgun parts do not sell as quickly, but their prices can go up as high as 30 Platinum.
5) Stocking up on Ayatan Sculptures

You can get one Ayatan Sculpture per week from Maru's Ayatan Hunt activity or spot those hidden in the nooks and crannies in mission tilesets. These Orokin Artifacts can be converted to get Endo, but they also sell a lot.
If you do Sorties daily, you will pile up many Sculptures of the Anasa variety over time. These can be sold in sets of six to get 60 Platinum or more in one trade.
6) Grinding Requiem mods

After finishing the War Within quest, you get access to Kuva Liches and Requiem mods. These drop from Requiem Relics I to V, which you can farm from Kuva Siphon missions or Thralls of a Kuva Lich. However, you can also buy them from others in bulk for 3-4 Platinum apiece.
When you open these Relics in a squad, you have a good chance of getting Requiem mods, which can then be sold for 10+ Platinum apiece. This is a great mid-game way to slowly but surely build up your Platinum deposits in Warframe.
7) Converting Primed junk into Baro-exclusive weaponry

Baro Ki'teer, the Void Trader, always brings a set of Baro-exclusive weapons upon his bi-weekly visit. These cost a good amount of Ducats as well as Credits. However, if you buy Prime junk off Trade Chat, you can generally offset the Ducat cost with about 30-40 Platinum worth of common Prime parts.
If you keep them unranked, these weapons remain tradeable indefinitely. In about four months from the Baro rotation you bought them in, the average price of these weapons increases up to 100 Platinum, giving you a huge profit margin.
8) Cheesing Prime Resurgence

Prime Resurgence is an alternate way to get Legacy Primed equipment through the resource called Aya. Not all vaulted Primed equipment can be bought from its inventory, but you can get some evergreen high-demand weapons like Nikana Prime or Rubico Prime on certain rotations.
You can save up Aya before these rotations and then sell Nikana Prime sets for over 150 Platinum after the rotation is over. Alternately, if you do not want to sell sets, just farming up the rare components can build up a high-value inventory that you can liquidate at any point.
9) Farming Arcanes

Farming Arcanes is dismissed as a tedious process by many, but you do not necessarily have to be an Eidolon Hunter to make money off them. There are many different categories of Arcanes you can sell - Operator Arcanes from the Ostron, Zariman Arcanes, or even Arcanes specific to Duviri.
The best way to make money off Arcanes, however, is grinding Arcane Energize copies off of events like Plague Star or Gargoyle's Cry. You should then wait for the event to expire so the prices stabilize in the market, and you can make big bucks from it.
10) The Riven Trade

If you want to take the high-risk but high-reward route, rolling Rivens is a way to earn a huge amount of Platinum over time. Many players enter the thousand-Platinum club for the first time through Riven flipping, but note this is also the most luck-reliant way.
For your Riven trade to kick off, you need two things:
- Some initial Platinum as seed money to buy unrolled Rivens for meta weapons
- A high amount of Kuva to roll them
For the latter, you can simply farm up Steel Essence and then buy Kuva in bulk off Teshin in a Relay.
Most Rivens can sell well if it has Multishot, Critical Damage, and a harmless negative. However, it is best to stick to meta weapons with decent Riven dispositions. These include:
- Weapons included in the Incarnon Genesis system
- Meta Kitgun chambers like Sporlacer
- Niche endgame weapons such as Zenith
It is also a good idea to get Rivens for a meta weapon that you personally like using. This way, you can make use of the added power while you roll it over time to get a profitable stat spread.
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