Although every mastery build based on the Primalist class is unique and potent, some Beastmaster builds in Last Epoch outperform the others in various content, such as Monoliths and boss encounters. This mastery class is for players who want a build with offensive and defensive abilities that can make their journey in the world of Eterra more efficient.
In this article, we list some of the best Beastmaster builds in the Last Epoch, suitable for both early-game and end-game content.
Disclaimer: Last Epoch allows for a great deal of build variety and encourages creative building. This is not the only "best" viable build for the current end-game content at patch 1.0. You can use this as a reference and make your own alterations if you understand how scaling works for your chosen skills.
What are the best Beastmaster builds in Last Epoch?
1) Totemless Poison Nova Scorpion Beastmaster Build

From beginners to seasoned Monolith farmers, this build is ideal for everyone, thanks to its incredible AoE damage and great survivability.
The mandatory skills for this build include Swipe, Summon Scorpion, Warcry, and Eterra's Blessing. In addition, Fury Leap is a movement/emergency survivability skill for escaping from mobs and running into a safe zone.
The loop here includes alternating Swipe and Eterra's Blessing on your Primal Scorpion. You can also use Warcry to get the four-second poison chance buff.
2) Macabre's Berserking Beastmaster Build

This build is extremely potent as a starter among all the Beastmaster builds in Last Epoch, offering many offensive and defensive abilities in one package. However, it can also perform well in the end-game content of Last Epoch.
This build relies on skills like Swipe, Warcry, and Summon Frenzy Totem. In addition, Summon Wolf will also help you buff Swipe through Wild Calling. As your mobility/traversal ability, use Fury Leap.
Once you use Summon Wolf, the rotation includes Warcry>Summon Wolf>Summon Frenzy Totem>Swipe.
3) Bleedmaster Primalist Beastmaster Leveling Build

For players who want a melee build, this is the perfect pick. While this build mostly focuses on fast leveling from the start of the game, it can also help you clear end-game content for some time.
Swipe is your main damage skill in this build, and it can be spammed multiple times on bosses. Remember to use buffs like Summon Sabertooth, Eterra's Blessing, and Summon Frenzy Totem to get constant heals and buffs.
You can also use Fury Leap as a panic button skill to escape a dangerous situation or get close and personal with your enemies.
4) Squirrels Attack Beastmaster Build

Like the previous build, this is another incredibly robust league starter build that you can use in the hardcore end-game content of Last Epoch.
Your main damage skill in this build is Swipe. Remember to pair Summon Frenzy Totem and Summon Wolf to get all the benefits from the companions. As a passive skill, pick Warcry for increased mana efficiency.
Fury Leap is another defensive skill that you can use to get out from nearby enemies or leap towards them to deal damage.
5) Permafrost Beastmaster Build

Among all the masteries of Primalists, Beastmaster has some of the strongest builds in Last Epoch, and this Permafrost Beastmaster Build is the prime example. This build can carry you in any content of this ARPG without any hassle thanks to its powerful Frost control, unparalleled Mobility, high burst damage, and staunch resilience.
This build relies on the Swipe, allowing players to deal great damage to nearby enemies. However, when you pair Summon Storm Crows and Summon Sabertooth with it, you will get companions capable of dealing long-range damage for you.
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