Diablo 4 enthusiasts are abuzz with excitement over the release of new patches after the latest Season of the Malignant. The legendary Aspects sit in the Sanctuary, waiting to be discovered by the newcomers and veteran players of Diablo 4. These Aspects grant players powerful abilities and boosts, therefore playing a significant role in shaping their gaming experience.
In this article, we will explore the five best legendary Aspects of the Rogue character class in the Season of the Malignant.
Bladedancer's Aspect, Aspect of Expectant, and 3 other terrific Rogue legendary Aspects in Diablo 4 Season 1
1) Bladedancer's Aspect

Bladedancer is the offensive legendary Aspect of Rogue class characters in Diablo 4 and can be obtained by clearing out Jalal's Vigil dungeon in Scosgeln. The Twisting Blades briefly remain in an orbit, before returning to the player. They deliver 10-15% damage with each hit as they come back.
The damage inflicted during the orbit escalates depending on the distance covered by the blades, reaching up to 20-30% damage on its return. This Aspect is allowed in 1H and 2H weapons. Applying it to 2H weapons increases its power by 100%. You may also use this Aspect in rings, gloves, and amulets where the power is increased by 50%.
The effect is also enhanced by your imbuements, which makes it a complete MVP Aspect for Twisting Blades shadow imbuement.
2) Aspect of the Expectant

You can obtain the Aspect of the Expectant by clearing out the Underroot dungeon in the Scosglen region of Diablo 4. The egg cluster must be destroyed in order to get the legendary Aspect. This will significantly boost the damage output of the next Core Skill cast by 5-10% up to 30%, triggered right after engaging in combat with Basic Skill.
This powerful offensive Aspect bestows the player with an increasing damage boost across successive attacks, making it a tool useful for those who seamlessly integrate Basic and Core skills in their combat strategy. What sets it apart is that it can be used with other character classes as well, granting them a potent advantage in battles.
3) Aspect of Elusive Menace
The Aspect of Elusive Menace can be obtained by extracting it from a legendary item. You will be required to get a legendary item with this Aspect somewhere in the sanctuary, either from bosses, events, or dungeons. Bring the item to a cultist and then extract it. Now you may use this Aspect with the items you want.
The Aspect of Elusive Menace is Rogue's defensive Aspect that increases your chances of dodging against nearby enemies. It can be synchronized with the bonuses from the Close Quarters Combat Key Passive. Thus it becomes an invaluable asset for those players who seek to evade the incoming damage.
Each successful dodge triggers a reset of the bonus, further enhancing the player's defensive capabilities. This Aspect provides a heightened level of protection and agility to the Rogue class only. The latest patch 1.1.1 released a new update for this Aspect where you no longer need to be hit by close enemies.
4) Aspect of Synergy

The Aspect of Synergy is also obtainable from legendary items that you will find in the world, either from defeating bosses, clearing out dungeons, or participating in events. Your next task will be to bring this item to a cultist and extract it there, thus making it usable for other items such as weapons or gear.
The Aspect of Synergy is an offensive enchantment that augments Rogue's Agility and Subterfuge skills. When you use an Agility skill, it will reduce the cooldown of your next Subterfuge Skill by 20%. Alternatively, using a Subterfuge skill will multiplicatively increase the damage of your next Agility skill by 10-30%.
It is very useful for those who seek swiftness on the battlefield and want to deliver decisive blows upon their enemies. When this Aspect is embodied in the Rogue class, it unveils itself as a paragon of offensive powers.
5) Umbrous Aspect
The Umbrous Aspect needs to be extracted from a legendary item in the same way by going to the Occultist in Diablo 4. It is a defensive Aspect that can be used with only Rogue class characters. You may use it with your helmet, chest armor, pats, amulet, and shield. Using this Aspect with your amulet will increase its power by 50%.
The Umbrous Aspect provides you with a 40-60% chance to procure a Dark Shroud shadow when you execute critical strikes upon your enemies with Marksman skills. The chances of procuring a Dark Shroud shadow were increased from 30-50% to 40-60% in patch 1.0.3.