Endgame tames in Ark Survival Ascended are extremely potent dinos with high damage. While the early stage mainly consists of gathering resources and traversing the island, the late game leans toward battles and defeating in-game bosses. Although all dinos in the title are mighty in their way, some hold their places as the best late-game tames.
Players mostly keep some of the most powerful and hard-to-tame dinos for the last, as they can be challenging to tame in the early game. That said, this article will list some of the best endgame tames in Ark Survival Ascended.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the writer.
Five best late-game tames in Ark Survival Ascended
1) Therizinosaurus

Therizinosaurus is considered one of the best dinos for the end game because of its versatility. The dino is extremely lethal and aggressive, attacking anything in their sight and taking them down quickly.
You can find the taming guide for Therizinosaurus in Ark Survival Ascended here.
While the dino is one of the best attackers in the game, it can also outshine many dinos in the title. The Therizinosaurus is great at farming wood, hide, chitin, keratin, berries, organic polymer, and fiber.
Adding this dino to this list is because of its ability to deal increased damage to carnivores, making it one of the best choices for defeating the Dragon Boss.
2) Yutyrannus

Yutyrannus, also known as Yuty, is a terrifying dino because of its large size, significant damage, and blood-curdling roar. Most players in the early games don't even try taming these monsters, as it can be quite challenging. It is also called a furry T-Rex; although it doesn't cause the same amount of damage, it is pretty versatile.
You can find the taming guide for Yutyrannus in Ark Survival Ascended here.
While the Yuty has decent damage and health, its roar ability is why it is on the list. Its courageous roar makes allied dinos deal increased damage and reduces incoming damage. Its fear roar inflicts enemies with a debuff, causing them to take increased damage while reducing their damage output. These abilities make it a must-have on any endgame battle roster.
3) Giganotosaurus

When it comes to damage, there are not many dinos that can beat a Giganotosaurus as an endgame tame. The Giga nonchalantly kills off anything in its path, inflicting fear on new players and veterans.
You can find the taming guide for Giganotosaurus in Ark Survival Ascended here.
It is one of the biggest dinos in the game, and trying to tame one in the early games is a death wish. The dino is great for PvP and PvE scenarios because of its ability to deal and take damage, making it a popular choice on many battle rosters.
The Giganotosaurus makes it to the list because of its damage, excellent health, ability to farm meat, and being one of the best battle mounts in the game.
4) Rex

One of the best endgame tames in Ark Survival Ascended is the Rex. The dino is quite famous and is one of the most prominent ones in the ARK franchise. Rex is considered one of the best dinos at dealing damage, health stats, speed, and stamina. These are highly aggressive and the best against endgame bosses. Nothing can stop an army of Rex from tearing a boss apart.
You can find the taming guide for Rex in Ark Survival Ascended here.
What brings a Rex to the list is its ability to take down various bosses in the game with a little help from dinos like Yutyrannus. You can tame multiple of these beasts or breed an army to become unstoppable in the end game.
5) Rhyniognatha

Rhyniognatha is the ultimate endgame tame, and to tame it, you'll need a large tame, preferably a Rex. You have to trade off the Rex to get your hands on a Rhyniognatha. Many consider the mutated insect-like beast the strongest dino in the game. It has high health, damage, and stamina, with extreme weight-carrying capability; it can even carry a Rex while flying.
You can find the taming guide for Rhyniognatha in Ark Survival Ascended here.
The reason why Rhyniognatha is considered the best tame is that the beast can use melee attacks, ranged attacks with rasin ammo, rasin armor, and taunt with the scream. Rhyniognatha can also be added to battle rosters to take down endgame bosses in Ark Survival Ascended easily.