Farming resources is arguably the central objective of Warframe gameplay. Not only does it feel rewarding to scoop up crafting materials, mods, and blueprints off enemies, but it also forms the basis for obtaining new Warframes and equipment. There are multiple frames whose unique selling point is having loot-accelerant abilities that increase the chances of enemies dropping resources.
You can supplement all of these Warframes and their loot abilities with Smeeta Kavat's Charm. One of the buffs you get from it is a double loot pickup for two minutes. This is applied after you pick up the loot and stacks, both with Resource Booster and all other loot duplication methods.
Note that the following is not a comprehensive list of all the loot-boosting Warframe abilities in the game, as it does not include more niche options like Resource Drop Chance Booster, Wukong's Monkey Luck passive, the Spare Parts Sentinel mod, or Chesa Kubrow's Retrieve.
5 best Warframes for farming resources, ranked
5) Ivara - Prowl

Ivara is one of the few stealthy frames that truly encapsulate the Ninjas Play Free tagline of Warframe. She boasts an expansive toolbelt of different arrows that can distract her enemies, put them to sleep, create ziplines, or even cloak her allies temporarily.
Her signature ability is called Prowl. This is the only infinite self-cloaking ability in the game that has permanent uptime and does not need to be refreshed as long as you have enough energy to sustain it. It is not popular as a camouflage tool because of the severe restrictions it imposes on movement. Additionally, it breaks when you attack.
There is, however, a second benefit of Prowl that often gets overlooked. More than any other Warframe ability, Prowl really taps into the thief stereotype by giving you the ability to pickpocket enemies. When you are Prowled next to an enemy, you automatically have a chance to pick up resources and mods off their loot table.
If you kill the enemy afterward, this doubles your loot per enemy. However, due to its slow pace and other caveats, Prowl is rarely ever used as such outside of pacifist Riven-unveiling challenges.
4) Atlas - Petrify

Atlas is not exactly the first Warframe that comes to mind when you think of farm-oriented frames. However, his placement on this list is more than justified thanks to Ore Gaze, an augment mod on his third ability, Petrify.
You can obtain Ore Gaze from either the Steel Meridian or Red Veil syndicate with 25,000 Standing. This also requires you to be at the maximum possible standing rank with either syndicate. If you do not meet these conditions, you can obtain it from other players via in-game trading.
Ore Gaze automatically scans petrified targets, similar to the Helios companion, and additionally bestows these targets with a 25% extra chance to drop loot. On paper, this is the lowest drop chance booster, at par with the Tenno Relay blessing.
However, unlike other abilities of its nature, Ore Gaze is uniquely affected by ability strength. At 250% ability strength, it confers you with a 62.75% extra chance to get loot from all petrified enemies, including those from the Landslide augment or from Incarnon Gorgon.
Another unique trait for Ore Gaze is that it can be applied on all Warframes if you use Petrify as a Helminth ability. However, due to the clunkiness of stacking it with other loot abilities and the high power strength requirement, it is more often than not an impractical solution for looting.
3) Khora - Strangledome

Up till the Hydroid rework in the Abyss of Dagath update, many considered Khora to be the best Warframe for farming endless Steel Path missions solo. Like some other Warframe abilities on this list, this is reliant on its augment mod, Pilfering Strangledome, to actually get extra loot.
Strangledome is a spherical dome made of chains that automatically drag enemies to its fence and suspend them helplessly as long as the ability is up. All targets caught in strangledome attract friendly fire from enemy mobs and take 200% bonus damage from all weapons and abilities.
While the bonus does not apply to Whipclaw, all enemies take 50% damage from each hit on individual strangledome targets, making Whipclaw potent at killing entrapped enemies. With Pilfering Strangledome, these enemies have a 65% static chance of dropping additional loot.
2) Hydroid - Tentacle Swarm

Hydroid used to be the undisputed king of farming endless mods after the introduction of Pilfering Swarm, an augment mod to his fourth ability, Tentacle Swarm. However, his popularity in this niche fell off rapidly with the introduction of options such as Khora and general gameplay changes that made his kit obsolete.
With the latest Hydorid rework, however, he might very well be a top-tier frame for farming resources solo in Steel Path, once again overtaking Khora. Tentacle Swarm now holds enemies in a convenient position for shooting and killing, and all enemies affected by it or damaged by it at any point are primed for 100% extra loot with the Pilfering Swarm augment.
The changes to his kit also make him a self-sufficient Warframe to score easy kills even in high-level Steel Path. The buffs to companions in the Abyss of Dagath update now also allow for comfy setups where you can camp in one spot and kill level-cap enemies effortlessly by armor-stripping and permanently crowd-controlling them.
1) Nekros - Desecrate

Mathematically speaking, Hydroid's Pilfering Swarm has long been the best loot-boosting ability in the game. However, it is still hard to beat Nekros as the community's favorite Warframe for farming purposes.
While Desecrate only provides a 54% additional chance to drop enemy loots, its application makes the average Warframe session much more conducive to extra drops.
Unlike Strangledome or Tentacle Swarm, Desecrate has no latching shenanigans. Instead of enemies only engaging a physical object, all enemy corpses within a radius are equally affected by the area of Desecrate. With a high ability range, this effective area covers far more than the average close-corridors zone of engagement in Warframe.
On top of this, Nekros is an excellent Warframe even outside of the looting ability, providing great aggro control and armor strip with Terrify and a decent capability of holding points with Shadows of The Dead. With Shield of Shadows, Nekros can even turn into one of the best tanks in the game.
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