The Italian tank tree in War Thunder used to be much smaller a couple of updates ago. With the addition of the Hungarian subree, the nation has become much stronger than it was earlier. Vehicles like the Leopard 2A7HU and the Leopard 2A4 greatly boost the effectiveness of the Italian top-tier lineup. On the other hand, those like the Turan III add some much-needed firepower to the Italian low-tier lineup.
In this article, we will look into what the best five Italian tanks are in this free-to-play vehicle combat MMO.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer. We have not taken into account premium or event vehicles.
Which are 5 best Italian tanks in War Thunder?
1) Turan III

The Turan III is a Hungarian medium tank in the Italian tech tree. It sits at Rank III, Battle Rating 4.0, and is a well-rounded tank at its BR. It has great mobility and excellent reverse speed. The armor on the tank is quite decent and can bounce various low-caliber and some larger-caliber shells.
The Turan III's firepower is extremely potent. It is equipped with a 75 mm 43.M cannon, which is very similar to the 75 mm cannons equipped on the Panzer IV series of tanks. It even has the same armor penetration as the Panzer IVs, with its APHE round being able to penetrate up to 145 mm of armor.
This good combination of mobility, armor, and firepower makes the Turan III a very dangerous tank for its opponents to face.
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2) Sherman Vc

The Sherman Vc is a medium tank that sits at Rank IV, BR 5.0. In general, it is similar to the Sherman Firefly in the British ground tree in War Thunder. Therefore, the tank has decent mobility and decent armor. However, the armor is not good enough to stop most shells that get fired towards it at that BR.
But the amunition is where the Sherman Vc shines. It is equipped with a British 76 mm QF 17-pounder cannon like the Sherman Firefly. But unlike the Firefly, the Vc can fire APDS shells, which can go through most tanks very easily. This gives it an edge over most other Shermans in War Thunder.
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3) M47 (105/55)

The M47 (105/55) is the same as the M47 in the American ground tree in all aspects except the cannon. It sits at Rank V, BR 7.7. Just like the American one, it has decent mobility and very good armor. The armor is capable of bouncing most conventional APCBS shells that it faces.
The cannon of the tank is an Italian 105 mm OTO Melara 105/55. It can fire APDS, HESH, and HEAT-FS shells. Although it cannot fire APCBS rounds like the American one, the gun is actually of a bigger caliber. This makes the Italian M47's shells more effective in dealing damage.
4) Centauro I 105 R

The Centauro I 105 R is a wheeled light tank that sits at Rank VI, BR 9.7. It is extremely fast, which allows it to flank its enemies efficiently. The armor is very light, making it unable to stop even autocannon fire. However, it gets access to active scouting and scout drones.
It is equipped with a 105 mm OTO Melara 105.52 cannon. This cannon can fire the 105 mm DM33 APFSDS, which can penetrate up to 408 mm of armor, making it a very strong weapon at its BR. Also, the gunner gets access to thermal sights, making the task of spotting enemies easier.
5) Leopard 2A7HU

The Leopard 2A7HU is the Hungarian variant of the German Leopard 2A7V in the Italian tech tree. This was a much-needed addition to top-tier Italy, as the Ariete series of tanks had an extreme lack of survivability against other MBTs.
The 2A7HU is the same as the German one. It has excellent turret armor and decent hull armor. The mobility is also on par with most other Western MBTs. Unlike the German one, this 2A7 has a turret-mounted 12.7 mm machine gun, which is useful in shooting down helicopters and low-flying aircraft.
This tank has excellent firepower. Equipped with the 120 mm Rh120 L/55 cannon, the tank can fire the DM53 APFSDS, which can penetrate up to 652 mm of armor, making it the second most powerful shell in War Thunder. Only the Russian Object 292 has a better APFSDS shell. The commander and gunner both get good thermal sights as well.
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