The Japanese air tree in War Thunder is relatively small in size but boasts numerous iconic as well as effective aircraft. The planes range from the famous Mitsubishi Zeroes from World War II to Japanese variants of modern multi-role fighters like the F-16 and F-15. The low-tier Japanese piston engine fighters are renowned for their extreme turn-fighting rates. These are the best parts of the Japanese air tree.
So, let's look at the five best Japanese planes in this military vehicle combat MMO.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer. We have not taken into account premium or event vehicles.
What are the five best Japanese planes in War Thunder?
1) Ki-43-III otsu

The Ki-43-III otsu is a World War II-era Japanese fighter that sits at Rank III, Battle Rating 4.0. It is slow, as it can rip its wings off if you go above 600 kmph. So you must be careful during a dive. However, the compression rate is pretty low, so you can easily pull up from even a steep dive at high speed.
This fighter is extremely maneuverable and can outturn all other planes. It can go toe-to-toe with even the British Spitfires and win most of the time in a turnfight. It has good low-speed performance and energy retention during turns.
The 20 mm Ho-5 cannons have a good fire rate and enough damage output to easily shoot down any plane you face at this BR. Since Japanese planes are quite light and fragile, it would be best not to go after bombers, as their turrets would easily shoot you down.
However, it is extremely forgiving to newbies and easy to handle, making it one of the best planes for low-tier dogfighting. I would highly recommend you try out this plane if you are grinding the Japanese tech tree in War Thunder.
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2) A7M2

The A7M2 is a naval fighter that is Rank IV, BR 5.3. Like a lot of Japanese piston engine fighters, its top speed is low compared to other nations like the USA. However, maneuverability is where the A7M2 shines.
The playstyle of the A7M2 is similar to that of the Ki-43. The long wingspan gives you an excellent turn rate, but at 5.0, you will face more planes that can energy trap you. By getting them close, you can easily outturn most and get behind them quickly.
The wing-mounted 13.2 mm Type 3 machine gun and 20 mm Type 99 Model 2 cannon have good firepower to decimate any opposition plane. The compression is also not bad, which means you can dive down on your enemies and then stay behind them or outturn them, depending on the situation.
Although the A7M2 is a turn fighter, it is decent in boom-and-zoom attacks as it can go above 600 kmph and has decent energy retention.
Check out more: War Thunder F-84F guide
3) F-5E FCU

The F-5E FCU is a Rank VII, BR 11.3 squadron vehicle in the Japanese tech tree. It is the Thai variant of the F-5E you can find in both the American and the Chinese tech trees.
Being an F-5, the plane is quite maneuverable and is made for dogfighting. The F-5E can outturn a lot of planes and its 20 mm M39A3 cannons have enough ammo and damage output to give you a few air kills. The nose authority is great, which will help you target easily.
The missile kit of the plane includes two AIM-9P and two Python 3 air-to-air missiles. Both are IR-guided and the Pythons are lethal due to their high flare resistance.
As a CAS aircraft, it has a good loadout of unguided rockets and bombs. But it can also carry the TV-guided AGM-65B, which is quite useful in high-tier ground battles.
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4) F-16AJ

The F-16AJ is a Rank VIII, BR 13.0 supersonic jet fighter, which is quite similar to the F-16A ADF in the American air tree. The flight performance is the same, but the difference between these two variants of the F-16A lies in their weaponry.
The plane has great nose authority and can easily dogfight almost all the other aircraft it faces. The 20 mm JM61A1 cannon has a high fire rate and is extremely lethal against every plane, and the gun is easy to aim. The missile kit includes AIM-9L and the AIM-9P IR-guided air-to-air missiles, as well as the SARH AIM-7F.
However, the F-16AJ differs from the F-16A ADF when it comes to ground attack ordnance. The ADF is a dedicated air superiority fighter, while the AJ is multi-role. As a result, the latter has a decent loadout of unguided ordnances as well as the TV-guided AGM 65B.
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5) F-15J (M)

The F-15J (M) is a top-tier jet of the Japanese tech tree. It sits at Rank VIII, BR 13.7, and is one of the top contenders for the best top-tier jets in War Thunder. It is one of the fastest and most maneuverable jets in-game.
The plane is quite big and heavy, but its two turbojet engines produce enough thrust to make its flight performance similar to a fast and nimble jet. It can easily turn fight and energy fight almost every jet it faces and take on multiple enemies at once.
The missile kit of the F-15J(M) makes it even more lethal. It can carry a total of eight missiles, including the AIM-9L, AIM-9M, and AAM-3 IR-guided IRCCM missiles, The SARH AIM-7M, as well as the ARH AIM-120A and AAM-4 missiles. All of these missiles are the meta-defining variants in War Thunder currently.
It is also equipped with the 20mm JM61A1 cannon and can carry a decent loadout of unguided bombs for ground attack.
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