ARK Survival Ascended is an open-world MMO, where surviving the harsh primeval environment against monstrous creatures and other players forms the core of its gameplay. However, these lethal creatures are not just enemies, but can be tamed as well. They help gather resources, protect bases from other animals, and can change the tide of battle against other gamers.
With a myriad of different tameable dinosaurs present, the game can be quite overwhelming for beginners. Taming the right lethal creature can be the difference between survival or the end of their journey. So, here are the best lethal tames in ARK Survival Ascended.
Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer.
5 lethal tames that dominate in ARK Survival Ascended
1) Tyrannosaurus

The Tyrannosaurus, popularly known as T-Rex, is an aggressive tame in ARK Survival Ascended. It can be a bit tricky to tame and requires ample amounts of Tranq arrows to increase its Torpor, but it dominates the wild once captured.
The T-Rex is one of the best creatures for harvesting various resources from carcasses, as its huge health pool and agility make it quite intimidating to other creatures. It is also proficient in transporting goods, due to being effective at traversing rugged terrain.
However, where the T-Rex outshines most other tames is against boss battles in ARK Survival Ascended. Its high damage output and massive health pool make it suitable as the main DPS against bosses like the Broodmother Lysrix and the Megapithecus.
2) Daeodon

The Daeodon in ARK Survival Ascended always travel in groups, so capturing them can be a hassle. The strategy is to kill the weaker ones first to reduce the efficiency of their special ability. Weapons like the Bola can be useful in this endeavor.
The Daeodon is a crucial tame due to its healing ability. It automatically heals other tames by consuming food points, and is unmatched in its ability to perform as the primary raid's healer by providing sustained healing over a period of time. This is achieved by feeding it kibble or prime meat.
While in healing mode, the Daeodon is also a good producer of fertilizer, which is essential for the food it consumes.
3) Giganotosaurus

The Giganotosaurus is an extremely dangerous creature in ARK Survival Ascended. It is best to avoid confrontation and utilize other tames like Lightning Wyvern to attack it from above. However, caution is advised as it can devour players in a few bites.
The Giganotosaurus is the strongest tame in the game, capable of battling a Guardian by itself. It is proficient in hunting alpha creatures as well, due to its large health pool and insane damage output.
Among all the tameable creatures in the game, utilizing the Giganotosaurus as a mount can prove useful in PvP. If the stats are invested well, it can thwart any unwarranted attack.
4) Thylacoleo
The Thylacoleo in ARK Survival Ascended can be found near Redwood trees. It is an adept climber and can pounce on enemies from atop the trees. So, it is recommended to stay out of its pouncing range and use ranged weapons like firearms or crossbows.
Despite the Thylacoleo's small appearance, it is one of the most lethal creatures in the game. Each of its deadly attacks can cause a bleeding status effect, which drains up to 5% of the enemy's health.
Due to the Thylacoleo's exceptional dexterity, it can be used to ambush other unsuspecting players in PvP.
5) Yutyrannus
The Yutyrannus is the most well-rounded creature in ARK Survival Ascended. It is found near the snow biome, where luring it into the water away from icebergs and shooting it with ranged weaponry can be the key to taming it.
The Yutyrannus uses the Courage ability, which boosts the attack damage of all allied tames by 25% and reduces incoming damage by 20%. This is incredibly useful against bosses, and can be paired with any of the previously listed tames.
The Yutyrannus' eggs can be used to produce Extraordinary Kibble. This can be a food source for the said creature, but is also effective for taming any kibble-fed animal in ARK Survival Ascended.