Warframe offers players various abilities to take down enemies efficiently. While some of them focus on discharging great damage on a single target, some can wipe out a room full of enemies. One can use nuke abilities to inflict astonishing damage, eliminating multiple enemies at once.
Nuke abilities are available for multiple Warframes, but some are better than others. Here's a list of the five best nuke abilities.
Note: This list is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.
Maim, Inferno, and 3 other best nukes in Warframe
1) Maim (Equinox)

Equinox's ability, Maim, has one of the highest damage potentials in Warframe. On using her fourth ability, she starts accumulating damage that is inflicted on the enemies that are in the radius. Once it has been used and enough damage has been dealt, players can activate the power again and unleash massive damage on enemies.
This ability has no damage cap; the more damage one deals during the first half of the ability, the more damage one can inflict in the second phase. The ability clears a large wave instantly, but Warframe players must be careful when using it against solo enemies like bosses.
2) Miasma (Saryn)

Saryn is considered one of the best Warframe, and it can nuke enemies by combining multiple abilities. To successfully nuke, players must use the first ability, Spores, on multiple enemies, activate the fourth ability, Miasma, to inflict damage on them, and spread the Spores throughout a large area.
Players can also use her third ability to apply the Spores more efficiently. The key is repeatedly using her fourth ability in certain gaps for optimum damage.
In specific battle scenarios, the damage might not scale up because of weak enemies that die before the pores appropriately spread. Players must be wary of this before using this ability.
3) Slight of hand (Mirage)

Mirage's second ability, sleight of hand, is the key to her nuke in Warframe and can turn nearby pick-ups into booby traps. One can combine it with an augment called Explosive Legerdemain that can spawn proximity mines upon the death of enemies. This combo can be used to kill a large number of enemies swiftly and can also spawn-kill some enemies if appropriately used, making it useful for missions.
Players can also use the first skill to generate multiple booby traps resulting in more damage. One can cast her skills repeatedly to get optimum damage.
4) Discharge (Volt)

Discharge is Volt's fourth ability, inflicting a debuff and damaging Warframe enemies nearby. It will paralyze nearby enemies and damage them with an electric charge upon every use.
As the ability has immense damage and range, it can perform very well when enemies are packed in a particular area. It is also easy to use with great damage and effectiveness, as it only needs the user to activate it without any setup.
Volt users may be energy deficient after using this ability frequently; Warframe players must pair it up with mods like Preparation. Discharge is easy to use, even for beginners.
5) Inferno (Ember)

Ember can deal extreme heat damage with its fourth ability, Inferno. When used, Ember calls upon meteors that crash upon multiple Warframe enemies, inflicting massive damage.
The meteors only fall on the enemies that are visible by Ember. Players can use a strength and efficiency build to spam the fourth ability, swiftly clearing mobs. The heat caused by Ember's attacks can also pile up the damage of Inferno.
Players can use Ember's first ability, Fireball, to remove armor from high-armored enemies before using Inferno for optimum damage.