Every Primalist build in Last Epoch is different yet fun to play, considering this class features the mightiest warriors from Eterra that harness the power of nature. They can either morph into natural predators or wield different totems to command elements.
With mana coursing through their bodies, they have all the tools to fight back the hostile creatures in the arena, as long as you empower them with the right setup.
This article lists some of the best Primalist builds in Last Epoch that you can use in any end-game content.
Disclaimer: Last Epoch allows for a great deal of build variety and encourages creative building. This is not the only "best" viable build for the current endgame content at patch 1.0. You can use this as a reference and make your own alterations as long as you understand how scaling works for your chosen skills. This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.
What are the best Primalist builds in Last Epoch?
1) Tempest Earthquake Beastmaster

Beastmasters are a strong Mastery of the Primalist, as they have the ability to manipulate creatures into fighting the hostile foes in Ettera. But in the Tempest Earthquake build, the warrior actively lunges in the battle using Fury Leap.
The primary skills to focus on here are Tempest Strike and Earthquake. The latter, in particular, deals massive AoE damage, creating a lingering aftershock effect. Overall, a Tempest Earthquake Beastmaster is a solid single-target DPS option that scales significantly in the endgame.
That said, this Primalist build in Last Epoch requires you to manage the buffs from Summon Frenzy Totem and Warcry.
2) Upheaval Beastmaster

The Upheaval Beastmaster might just be the most fun-to-play Primalist build in the game. It has great AoE damage potential, which is always an added benefit, considering a lot of the dungeons you come across are swarmed with enemies.
This build pairs the Upheaval skill, which is a grounded ability that travels in a straight path and damages foes along the way. The Summon Wolf and Summon Frenzy Totem will further buff the ability for maximum impact.
Remember that the specified skill consumes a bit of mana, so you might burn through the resource if you are not careful.
3) Frostbite Swarmblade Druid

Druids are a unique Mastery class that can morph into a beast instead of commanding one in battle. Additionally, they project high damage and an intricate combat style, which many players seem to like.
Now, for this Primalist build in Last Epoch, you are looking at a Druid that uses the Swarmblade Form. The transformation grants them enhanced melee abilities, which can be paired with Tornado and Maelstrom to unleash devastating crowd-control combos. The combination offsets the lack of AoE options in the setup.
4) Swipe Werebear Druid

Hardcore Druid mains are in for a treat, as a Swipe Werebear build perfectly showcases the beastly power of this subclass. Staying true to the name, your character will utilize the Werebear Form, which significantly increases their raw strength.
The primary damage skill will be a combination of Swipe and Maelstrom. While both abilities are lacking in the range department, they are highly lethal once you can close the gap.
On that note, the Roar will stun nearby enemies, making them an easy target to pounce on.
5) Thorn Totem Shaman

If you are a Shaman main, you cannot go wrong with a Thorn Totem build. It incorporates the Summons Thorn Totems with Spriggan Form, which makes the whole composition a lot easier to manage. Since your mana will be transformed into Rage, you can basically spam the ability to deal massive damage.
This Primalist build in the Last Epoch also utilizes Eterra’s Blessing to sustain instead of any lifesteal techniques. Due to this, you might not be able to tank a lot of damage, but your playstyle will be safe. All you have to do is stay out of range and let the thorn totems do the heavy lifting.
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