Over the years, Warframe has evolved into a horde-shooter where weapons with crowd-clearing capabilities reign supreme. Nevertheless, there are a good amount in its vast arsenal that go against the grain to place more emphasis on precision shots. The best-case example for this is sniper rifles. This long-range subclass accounts for a minority among Warframe's primary munitions, but it nevertheless has its uses.
In Warframe, sniper rifles tend to come with some form of innate minigame that rewards precision gameplay, with a combo window that provides you bonus damage as long as you keep chaining shots. Furthermore, their scoped modes also provide additional benefits from extra headshot damage to additional critical chance.
The most prevalent niche for them in Warframes is indubitably Eidolon hunts. Several Incarnon assault rifles and secondaries have invaded the Eidolon-hunting meta of late, but sniper rifles remain the most trusted choice for most players.
5 best Warframe sniper rifles to use in Eidolon Hunts: Rubico Prime, Komorex, and more
1) Rubico Prime

The Rubico Prime is considered the top-notch solution for all areas where sniper rifles are required. Due to its easy handling, it once used to be the cream of the crop of its weapon subclass. Despite the many alternatives that have presented themselves for Eidolon-hunting in the Plains, the Rubico Prime remains the community's darling.
As you zoom in further, the Rubico grants you more critical-damage multipliers. Before mods are even factored into it, it can go as high as 8.0x. This lets you hit ludicrously high damage numbers even with the mediocre base damage by stacking mods like Vital Sense and Hammer Shot.
2) Vectis Prime

At a cursory glance, the two-bullet magazine size of the Vectis Prime may tick some newcomers off. However, this actually works in its favor if you use the Primed Chamber mod. Obtainable from Baro Ki'Teer, it lets you hit for 100% extra damage for the first shot in your magazine.
While it seems negligible in the face of the Acolyte Arcanes from Steel Path, 50% extra additive DPS with one mod slot actually adds great value to Eidolon Hunts in Warframe. The Vectis Prime also has the lowest reload time of all snipers, and reloading does not take away the scoped mode. Coupled with the extra headshot multiplier from zoom levels, you can shred through Eidolon Synovia even without damage-buff abilities.
3) Komorex

An auto-trigger Corpus rifle aided by Sentient technology, the Komorex bears the clear design quirks of the more modern sniper rifles in Warframe. Introduced with the Jovian Concord update, it boasts two different fire modes built into its scope mechanic, on top of a few passive perks.
While unscoped, you can use it as an assault rifle to proc status effects easily. Even though it has a low maximum ammo capacity, its bullet-hose nature is sustainable due to a built-in ammo mutation passive. Scoping in at the maximum zoom level causes attacks to deal a radial Viral splash of damage at the impact point, at the cost of a lower fire rate.
This allows you to build for both Corrosive and Viral elemental status, which is particularly useful against armored targets on the star chart. Although a general-use weapon, the Komorex can perform well in Eidolon Hunts and even Profit-Taker Orb.
4) Vulkar Wraith

For Warframe players who prefer to stand out of the meta, the Vulkar Wraith is an underrated Grineer sniper rifle worth using. Like the Vectis Prime, it provides additional headshot damage multipliers with its zoom levels, which finds good use in Eidolon Hunts.
Why use it over the Vectis Prime, which provides similar advantages with much better overall stats on top? Because of Riven mods. At 1.40x Riven Disposition (5/5), Vulkar Wraith Riven mods can give you the highest mathematical stat boosts. Add this to a high fire rate and general ease of use, and a good Riven can easily turn the Vulkar Wraith into the best sniper in your arsenal.
5) Perigale

Introduced with the Lua's Prey update, the Perigale is the newest addition to the sniper rifle subclass in Warframe. You have to either obtain its parts from Conjunction Survival rotation rewards or buy them out for a good chunk of Lua Thrax Plasm. Overall, it does seem to be worth the effort, providing a sound alternative to meta weapons like the Eidolon-hunting arsenal.
The Perigale has a lot of numeric similarities with the Rubico: similar damage, similar magazine size, reload times, and even an additive critical-damage bonus on zoom levels.
The community verdict is that the Rubico Prime is overall the superior option for Eidolon Hunts. However, the Perigale offers the Gale Force buff if you hit four headshots in a burst. Like the Knell, it makes your shots cost no ammo for four seconds afterward.
This lets you land headshots on the Eidolon and let it rip, constantly refreshing the buff as long as you don't miss. Consequently, if you can keep landing the hits consistently, the Perigale can outperform the Rubico Prime with two fire rate mods in terms of Eidolon DPS in Steel Path.
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