Just like its ground tree, the Swedish air tree in War Thunder is one of the smallest. Even after the addition of the Finnish subtree, the Swedish air tree remains smaller than most, making it quicker to grind. Most of the planes in the tree are Swedish-designed, so it's more or less a unique tech tree. Jets like the Draken and Gripen have some of the best flight performances in War Thunder, and even in lower BRs, Sweden is a fun nation to play.
In this article, we will look at the five best Swedish planes in this vehicle combat MMO.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer. We have not taken into account premium or event vehicles.
What are the five best Swedish planes in War Thunder?
1) T18B(57)
The T18B(57) is a Swedish dive bomber that sits at Rank III, Battle Rating 4.3 in War Thunder. It is an excellent aircraft for both air and ground battles. In aerial combat, it is quite maneuverable for a fairly large bomber.
It is equipped with one 13.2 mm machine gun, two 20 mm cannons, and a 57 mm cannon as its offensive weapons. It also has a turret with one 13.2mm machine gun. This is enough firepower to shoot down any plane it might face. This firepower, coupled with its decent maneuverability, makes it a hard opponent to fight against, even for fighters.
In ground battles, it is equally effective as a close air support aircraft. It can carry eight 50 kg bombs as well as eight rockets, which can be used against ground vehicles. The nose-mounted 57 mm cannon can also punch through tank armor pretty easily.
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2) SK60B
The SK60B is an early jet in the Swedish tech tree. It sits at Rank V, BR 7.0, and is a strike aircraft. It is pretty fast and agile for its BR and can dogfight various other planes.
It has two wing-mounted gunpods which can shoot tanks as well as planes. Other than that, it gets access to manually guided AGMs and unguided rockets for taking out ground targets. The AGMs are a big boost to its capability, as no other plane gets AGMs at that low of a BR in War Thunder.
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3) J35D
The J35D 'Draken' is one of the most iconic Swedish fighter jets. It sits at Rank VII, BR 10.3 in War Thunder. Being a supersonic jet, its double delta wing design makes it one of the most maneuverable jets in the game. However, that same double delta wing design can also be detrimental since it makes the plane bleed speed very quickly.
However, due to its excellent maneuverability and turn radius, it is very easy to get guns on target, and its 30 mm cannons can make quick work of the enemy. It also has decent air-to-air missiles, making it a bigger threat, even more so in downtiers.
However, two glaring weaknesses of the aircraft are its lack of countermeasures and a Radar Warning Receiver. Due to this, you have to be very alert so that you do not get shot down by missiles easily.
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4) JA37D
The JA37D 'Viggen' is a Rank VIII, BR 12.0 supersonic fighter. It is a delta wing design but also has canards. As a result, it does not bleed speed as fast as the Draken.
The aircraft has decent maneuverability and speed. It has decent missiles that include all-aspect IR missiles as well as Semi-Active Radar Homing missiles. The 30 mm cannon is decent as well.
The Viggen gets access to RWR and a large number of countermeasures, making it a pretty solid plane to use at its BR.
5) JAS39C
The JAS39C 'Gripen' is the top-tier jet of the Swedish tech tree in War Thunder. It sits at Rank VIII, BR 13.7, and is one of the best top-tier jets in the game. It is a small, fast, and nimble aircraft that is good at dogfighting, BVR engagements, and ground strikes.
It is a Fox 3 capable aircraft with access to RB 99 ARH missiles and RB 74(M) all-aspect IRCCM missiles. This gives the Gripen a very strong air-to-air loadout in the game. The 27 mm cannon is also very effective at shooting down enemy aircraft.
For ground pounding, it has a variety of guided and unguided ordinances, from rockets and bombs to even AGMs. It can also carry many countermeasures, making it more survivable.
All in all, the Gripen is a plane that you cannot ignore in the Swedish tech tree.
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