The Swedish tech tree in War Thunder is very strong overall, and with the addition of the Finnish subtree a couple of patches ago, Sweden became even stronger as a nation. As a starter, Swedish tanks at the starting BRs are the only ones that get access to APDS shells in War Thunder.
Going up through the tech tree, the nation gets many unique and effective Swedish-designed tanks. The top-tier lineup consists of upgraded Leopard 2A5 variants, called the Strv 122s, which are arguably the best Leopard 2s in the game.
In this article, we will talk about the five best Swedish tanks in the premier military vehicle combat MMO.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer. We have not taken into account premium or event vehicles.
What are the five best Swedish tanks in War Thunder?
1)Bkan 1C

The Bkan 1C is a Swedish Rank IV, Battle Rating 6.7 self-propelled gun and is one of the most effective tank destroyers in the game. It has virtually no armor and tends to die to ammo explosion as it is extremely easy to hit its ammo at the back of the turret. Although it has average mobility, its firepower is devastating.
This SPG is equipped with a 155 mm kan m/60 cannon with an outstanding reload rate of 3.2 seconds. The HE shell that it fires can overpressure any tank you face, and its Proximity Fuse HE shell is great for shooting down helicopters and aircraft.
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2) U-SH 405

The U-SH 405 is a Rank V, BR 8.0 light tank. Since it has virtually no armor, this wheeled vehicle is extremely mobile. As it is a light tank, it can actively scout targets for the team. The vehicle is very small as well, making it easy for you to hide and ambush unsuspecting enemies.
The U-SH 405's weapon system is equipped with two 81 mm Oerlikon Typ 3Z 8Dla launchers, which can also be found on the Raketenautomat in the German ground tree. They come loaded with nine anti-tank grenades that can be fired in quick succession. These grenades are very effective against almost all the tanks in this BR, making the U-SH a very potent light tank to have in your lineup.
Read more: Top 5 SPAA vehicles in War Thunder, ranked
3) T 80 U

The T 80 U in the Swedish tech tree is basically the same as the Russian tech tree's T-80U. But while the Russian one is at BR 11.3, this one is a squadron vehicle sitting at BR 11.0. This is because the Russian one gets the 3BM46 APFSDS while the Swedish equivalent gets just the 3BM42. The 3BM42 is very reliable, however, giving the T 80 U good firepower.
Other than that, the T 80 is well armored from the front like most other Russian designs, and is very fast and maneuverable. The cons of this tank are its slow reverse speed and the ammo rack, which explodes if a shell penetrates the tank.

The CV90120 is Rank VIII, BR 11.3 light tank. It is lightly armored but is very mobile, and operates very smoothly. It gets active scouting, and as it is Rank VIII, it can deploy scout drones as well.
It also has extremely good firepower. Its 120 mm CTG cannon can fire APFSDS rounds that can penetrate up to 600 mm of armor, making it one of the best shells in the game. On top of that, the CV90120 also gets a five-second autoloader, making it very effective in enaging multiple targets quickly. Additionally, both the commander and gunner get Generation 2 thermal sights.
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5) Strv 122B+

A modified Leopard 2A5, the Strv 122B+ is the top-tier MBT of the Swedish tech tree. It is well-armored and has good mobility, making it arguably the best Leopard 2 variant in War Thunder.
When it comes to firepower, it is equipped with the 120 mm Kan Strv 122 cannon. Its best APFSDS shell can penetrate up to 589 mm of armor, which is enough to disable all the tanks it faces. Unlike other Leopard 2 variants, it also gets a HE shell. Both the commander and gunner have access to Generation 2 thermal sights as well.
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