There are five types of elements in Destiny 2, and Void is one of them. This subclass has been revamped in the Witch Queen expansion for the first time since 2017. After the overhaul, Void weapons got buffed as Bungie added many harmonious perks to their pools. These changes allowed Guardians to make a lot of Void builds that synergize well with the weapons and help them mow through enemies in Destiny 2.
That said, there are numerous Void weapons in Destiny 2, which can make it hard for Guardians to choose the perfect one for their builds. If you need clarification and wondering which ones to use, this guide is for you. This article will delve into some of the most potent Void weapons in Destiny 2.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and based on the writer's opinion.
Retrofit Escapade, Collective Obligation, and 3 other powerful Void weapons in Destiny 2
1) Retrofit Escapade
The legendary Retrofit Escapade, a Void-based Heavy Machine Gun, is a Rapid-Fire Frame with 900 RPM. It also comes with many perks, making it a perfect pick as an add-clearing powerhouse. In PvE, you can pair this Machine Gun with your Void 3.0 build and have volatile rounds to clear a room full of adds in no time.
Rapid-Fire Frame Machine Guns always tend to kick like a mule but always fall to the wayside when it comes to dishing out damage. However, the Retrofit Escapade can be a staple pick for your end-game DPS builds, thanks to some great perks in its perk pool.
The most potent perks of Retrofit Escapade for PvE include:
- Arrowhead Brake for increased Recoil and Handling.
- Appended Mag for increased mag size.
- Fourth Time's The Charm for ammo return on precision hits.
- Target Lock for increased damage on holding down the trigger.
2) Taipan-4FR
Taipan-4FR is another heavy weapon that can be a staple pick for boss DPS builds where you need to provide a lot of damage in a short amount of time. This Void Linear Fusion Rifle comes with a Precision Frame that fires long-range precision bolts, making it a perfect damage choice for any end-game encounter.
The best part about this Linear Fusion Rifle is that you can craft it just by getting two patterns, which will let you choose enhanced perks to provide more DPS in the Destiny 2 PvE.
The most potent PvE perks that Guardians should go for with the Taipan-4FR are:
- Arrowhead Brake for increased Recoil and Handling.
- Enhanced Battery for increased magazine.
- Triple Tap for ammo return on hitting three precision hits.
- Firing Line for increased precision damage.
3) Funnelweb
After the heavy weapons, let's move on to a primary weapon. Guardians looking for a Void primary that can synergize with their Void 3.0 build can pick this energy SMG. The Funnelweb also comes with a lightweight frame, which means it has a 900 RPM fire rate and high handling. With perks like Subsistence and Frenzy, it is one of the most consistent and reliable SMGs in Destiny 2's PvE mode.
The best perks to pair with this Void submachine gun are:
- Arrowhead Brake for increased recoil control and handling speed.
- Accurized Rounds for increased range.
- Subsistence for auto-reload on defeating combatants.
- Frenzy for increased damage, reload speed, and handling of weapons after being in combat for a short time.
4) Collective Obligation
The Collective Obligation is an exotic Pulse rifle and comes with an exotic perk named Judgment, which provides Void debuffs when damaging targets that are suppressed, weakened, or volatile. The magazine of this weapon also gets automatically reloaded when the wielder gains Devour, a Void overshield, or becomes invisible. Guardians can get this weapon from the final boss chest that spawns after defeating Rhulk in the Vow of the Disciple raid.
Exotic perk: This weapon leeches Void debuffs when damaging targets that are suppressed, weakened, or volatile. Once charged, press and hold the reload button to swap firing modes. In this mode, damage from this weapon applies the same Void debuffs that were leeched.
5) Le Monarque
Le Monarque is an exotic bow that excels more in PvP than PvE. Its Season of the Plunder rework brought it back into the meta. Bungie reworked this exotic bow and added an anti-overload champion perk to its intrinsic perk. Le Monarque also comes with an exotic perk that gives the wielder the power to do damage over time with its poison arrows.
Exotic perk: Arrows fired quickly after a full draw become poison arrows. Precision hits with poison arrows stun the target and spread poison to nearby ones. It is especially strong in disrupting Overload Champions.