WoW The War Within has introduced plenty of new mounts and while some are a breeze to farm up, a few require you to tackle them as a group. In fact, there's one boss that requires five people just to summon it, while also being quite tanky and having a massive HP pool. Still, with some coordination and a few friends (or the group finder), these are easy enough to unlock.
So, if you’ve already hit level 80 and need something to do to pass the time until you start leveling again, here are some great new mounts to chase.
Which mounts are easy to farm in WoW The War Within?
1) Swarmite Skyhunter

This is arguably the easiest mount to farm in WoW The War Within. All you need is to collect all of the various Skyriding Glyphs in each zone: Isle of Dorn, Ringing Deeps, Hallowfell, and Azj-Kahet. Once you collect them, you get the achievement Khaz Algar Glyph Hunter, and immediately unlock the Swarmite Skyhunter.
That said, I recommend doing this at level 80 after you’ve unlocked Steady Flight. Many of these Glyphs are in out-of-the-way locations, and require great use of your Stamina, or are simply incredibly high in the air.
2) Reins of the Soaring Meaderbee

This is a grind I’ve begun, and will likely finish later this morning. The Reins of the Soaring Meaderbee are an easy-to-farm mount in WoW The War Within - but it’s recommended you do it in a group. You need to farm 900 Sizzling Cinderpollen, which drops from the various Elite Bees in the Isle of Dorn’s Meadery Area. The non-Elites and non-Bees also have a chance to drop this item. Once you have enough, head to the nearby Meadery and purchase the item from the vendor.
You can complete this grind in a couple of hours if you're doing it as a group. Another reason we recommend a group is cause many of these Elites do not come alone, and the enemy packs are close together leading to you getting overwhelmed. So, while you could probably solo this depending on your class, it’s so much faster with friends.
3) Dauntless Imperial Lynx

You can begin grinding this easy-to-farm mount in WoW The War Within once you have Renown 3 in Hallowfell. This is incredibly easy to do and unlocks the Spreading the Light World Event.
Start by heading to the northeast section of Hallowfall and farm the enemies there for Radiant Remnants. While 3 Radiant Remnants can activate a small Lamplight, you want to farm 20, for the Major Lamplight. Lighting those will grant you a bonus objective to complete. Doing this rewards you with a Lamplighter Supply Satchel, which has a chance to drop the Dauntless Imperial Lynx.
However, you can also light the Lesser Keyflames for a weekly quest that has a chance at a Satchel. The mount isn’t a guaranteed drop, but it’s not hard at all to farm. You also don’t have to be the one to light the flame to get the bonus objective. If you’re in the area, you can participate.
4) Regurgitated Mole Reins/Ol' Mole Rufus

To unlock the Regurgitated Mole Reins, five levers need to be pulled at once in the Ringing Deeps, within ten seconds of each other. With the right coordination, this is pretty easy to do. Just have people positioned at the following coordinates in a group, and pull the switches:
- /way 49.46 8.81
- /way 53.90 25.29
- /way 57.62 23.57
- /way 62.84 44.64
- /way 59.05 92.39
If it's successful, you’ll see a message “As the earthen machinery turns, something begins to stir in the nearby lake.” The boss spawns at (60.8 76.6) and has 22M HP. Do this in a raid group for the best odds. Although it does not guarantee the mount will drop, it’s a very easy boss to farm in WoW The War Within.
5) Siesbarg

Once you slay the Rare Elite Tka’ktath in WoW The Warm Within, you can begin farming this mount. It also requires you to be level 78+, and you will need to be far enough in the Main Campaign to be able to speak to the various, important Nerubians in the zone. The quest starter is a Vial of Tka’kath’s Blood - not a guaranteed drop, but it does have a very high drop rate.
Once you pick this up, you’ll start a quest chain. You need to farm Nerubian Chitin, 1,000 Nerubian Venom, and 500 Nerubian Blood. There are often groups farming this together to make it much faster. It’s not 100% clear at this time which Nerubians drop the Nerubian Blood, but it’s said to potentially be the Ascended Nerubians.
The best part about this mount is that once you’ve wrapped up all the quests, you will receive Siesbarg as your reward.
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