Elder Scrolls Online is set in a rich and expansive universe that draws upon the lore and history of the preceding single-player games. It allows players to explore the world of Tamriel and encounter formidable challenges. From world bosses scattered throughout the different zones to group dungeons designed for collaborative efforts, there is much to overcome.
Among various challenges, the Veteran twelve-man Trials are often regarded as the apex of difficulty. They require an immense amount of teamwork and strategy, rewarding the victors with various unique skins, mounts, and titles. So, what are the hardest bosses in Elder Scrolls Online?
Saint Olms, Assembly General, and more dominate in Elder Scrolls Online
1) Nahviintass the Gold Dragon

Nahviintass, the Gold Dragon, is the final boss in the Sunspire Trial. It is located in the Elsweyr zone and can be challenged in Normal and Veteran difficulty.
This is the first Trial in Elder Scrolls Online which added Hard modes to each boss, alongside the Veteran difficulty. As such, the final encounter of this Trial, the Gold Dragon, is especially jaw-dropping both in scale and difficulty. Beating this entire Trial in Veteran Hard mode, without any deaths, and in a certain amount of time reward the players with the rarest mount in the game called the "Sunspire Champion Senche-Lion."
2) Flame-Herald Bahsei

Flame-Herald Bahsei is the second boss in the Rockgrove Trial, located in the Deadlands zone. Its Veteran Hard mode variant is extremely challenging, with any marginal error resulting in the entire team getting wiped out.
Alongside the mechanics in the Veteran difficulty, the Hard mode adds "Embrace of Death," a caveat that requires players to use certain abilities like Mist Form. Many were initially unhappy about having no alternative to this ability, as it cannot be used without becoming a Vampire. However, the satisfaction from overcoming such a hard encounter left an overall positive impact.
3) Z'Maja

Z'Maja is the main boss in the Cloudrest Trial, located in the Summerset zone. Here, players can kill the three side bosses and then face the final one separately or directly go for the latter.
In the latter scenario, the side bosses will join the battle with Z'Maja and appear in turns, making the boss fight gruesome and demanding. Those who beat this challenge without any deaths will receive one of the rarest titles in Elder Scrolls Online, "The Gryphon Heart."
4) Saint Olms

Saint Olms is the main boss encountered in the Asylum Sanctorium Trial, located in the Clockwork City. Similar to the previous entry, players can either kill the side bosses first before facing the main boss or fight them all together.
This is the first Trial that experimented with the idea of letting players face all the bosses at once. And those who overcome this challenge without any deaths receive the prestigious title of "Immortal Redeemer" and the "Sanctified Silver" skin.
5) Assembly General

Assembly General is the final boss that players will encounter in the Halls of Fabrication Trial, located in the east of Morrowind. The Halls of Fabrication Trial is often considered the longest in Elder Scrolls Online. With five bosses in total, fighting the Assembly General will require players to a grueling test of endurance.
Since the Trial launched before Sunspire, only the final boss can be encountered in Hard mode. So, the first four bosses present an easier challenge.
But that doesn't stop the Assembly General from raising hell on one of the most unique boss arenas in the game. And those skillful enough to overcome this challenge will receive the golden "Fabrication Sheath" skin.