The gaming community has drawn many comparisons between existing Pokemon and Palworld Pal designs. This is understandable, as both creature collector games draw inspiration from real-world animals and mythological figures. However, it's hard to deny that certain Pals look incredibly similar to some of the most beloved Pocket Monsters.
Although Pocketpair's latest title is still early in its development, the Palworld Pal designs certainly seem to have a distinct Pokemon influence, though whether that's intentional remains to be seen.
Whatever the case, it doesn't hurt to take a look at the Pals that bear a heavy resemblance to some of Game Freak's popular Pocket Monsters.
Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
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20 Palworld Pal designs that are unmistakably similar to Pokemon
1) Fenglope - Cobalion

From the color scheme to the antlers and fur markings, Fenglope's Palworld Pal design is a dead ringer for Cobalion, one of the Pokemon belonging to the Swords of Justice. The main difference is that Fenglope's design is a bit less angular than its Pocket Monster counterpart due to the presence of its cloudy body and tail. However, it wouldn't be hard to mistake Fenglope for a revised Cobalion design.
It's no secret that both creatures have taken significant inspiration from an antelope, but it's kind of interesting to see just how similar these two are despite being games apart.
2) Astegon - Mega Aggron

Astegon, hailing from the Palworld, embodies the Dragon/Dark elements and bears a striking resemblance to Mega Aggron from the Pokemon universe. Despite the divergence in elemental types, the colossal fictional creature, akin to a kaiju, retains its formidable presence with a robust layer of armor.
These creatures primarily adopt a defensive stance, with both heads adorned by a natural helmet. Furthermore, similarities extend to the claws on both their legs and hands. The distinction further lies in Astegon's darker hue and the addition of wings, accentuating its dragon characteristics.
3) Jetragon - The Eon Duo

From the elongated neck to the rounded talons, a good look at Jetragon's Palworld Pal design would likely evoke the imagery of Latios and Latias in the Pokemon series, also known as the Eon Duo. Jetragon does have some differences, including a finned tail similar to a jet and the obvious hard light wings emanating from its back.

Still, Jetragon could even pass for a Paradox version of Latios or Latias if they received one in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
4) Orserk - Garchomp and Toxtricity

Orserk bears a resemblance to both Garchomp and Toxtricity. Its shark-like face and body align closely with Garchomp from Pokemon, featuring similar claw and head horn designs reminiscent of the Sinnoh pseudo-legendary. However, it draws inspiration from Toxtricity by adopting electric traits, showcasing an emo stance and a static spine on its back - a direct nod to the Poison/Electric Gen VIII Pocket Monster. Furthermore, Orserk's Electric/Dragon typing appears influenced by the elemental characteristics of both Pokemon.
5) Boltmane - Luxray

If players didn't know better, Boltmane's Palworld Pal design could make for quite the evolution of the Pokemon Luxray or perhaps a regional variant with different coloration. Whatever the case, the similarities between Boltmane and Luxray are far from subtle. Boltmane has even been used as an example of Pocketpair's new title allegedly ripping off Pocket Monster designs.
While that debate will surely rage on, the overall aesthetics of Luxray and Boltmane are eye-catching and unmistakable, even if they're exceptionally similar when given a quick comparison.
6) Grizzbolt - Electabuzz

Grizzbolt is a prominent Pal in Palworld's marketing material. Its vibrant yellow coloration immediately evokes the electrifying strength associated with Electabuzz from Kanto.
The body shape and patterns closely resemble the Electric-type Pokemon, and distinct black bolt markings, especially on the belly, contribute to significant visual similarities. Grizzbolt also shares minor inspirations in terms of limb size, claw design, and facial features.
7) Jolthog - Shaymin (Land Forme)

Undoubtedly inspired by hedgehogs, Jolthog's Palworld Pal design and Shaymin's Ground Forme in the Pokemon series are very similar when it comes to their base anatomy. The major difference is Jolthog's electric-styled spikes. Shaymin is unabashedly a Grass-type Pokemon at heart. Otherwise, their faces and bodies are remarkably alike.
If players didn't know better, they might assume that Jolthog and Shaymin are connected. Although Shaymin is a mythical species that doesn't appear often, Jolthog looks like it could be its regional variant. Pals are different when it comes to evolution, but these two critters look as though they could have come from a common ancestor.
8) Robinquill - Decidueye

Robinquill, the avian archer, shares striking similarities with the Pokemon Decidueye, belonging to the grass element. While capable of unleashing grass attacks, Robinquill's primary weapon is a naturally created bow, mirroring the Alolan Grass-type starter Pokemon that uses its wing as a bow. The shrouded head and natural cape further enhance the resemblance, portraying both as agile archers of the woods.
9) Anubis - Lucario

Anubis and Lucario are both proficient in hand-to-hand combat, and they both take on the appearance of a bipedal jackal.
All things considered, Anubis and Lucario are much more alike than they are different. Regardless of which creature fans are looking at, it's impossible not to think of the Egyptian God of Funeral Rites, Anubis, with the Palworld Pal even taking on his name and clothing style.
Lucario's less of a carbon copy of the Egyptian god but still has plenty of likeness to him. Whatever the case, Anubis and Lucario look as though they could be battling brothers or at least members of the same family in some regard.
10) Verdash - Cinderace

Verdash and Cinderace could pass as identical twins, from their ear shape to the hair extending from the creature's nose to its ear. Both embody the upright stance characteristic of powerful rabbits known for their potent kicks.
Sharing the same body type with smaller arms and robust legs, the only noticeable difference lies in Verdash's green appearance due to its grass typing, in contrast to Cinderace's fiery red hue. Additionally, Verdash's tail is slightly smaller than that of the Gen VIII Fire-type starter.
11) Lamball - Wooloo

While some people might argue that the similarity is limited to both creatures being based on sheep. However, Lamball's Palworld Pal design having the same color scheme, shape, and attributes might ring some bells for Pokemon fans.
Moreover, Lamball and Wooloo's similarities do not end with their appearance. While the former is a Neutral-type Pal, the latter is a Normal-type Pocket Monster. This makes passing off Lamball's appearance resembling Wooloo's as a matter of coincidence quite difficult.
12) Direhowl - Lycanroc

The same logic as Lamball and Wooloo's design overlapping can be applied here. However, the way Direhowl and Lycanroc have the same alternating color pattern might raise some eyebrows about the inspiration behind this Palworld Pal design.
Direhowl is a Neutral-type beast in Pocketpair's title, while Lycanroc is a Rock-type Pocket Monster. Therefore, the similarity between the two ends at them looking similar. Moreover, despite having the same alternating fur pattern, none of the three forms of Lycanroc have the same black color as Direhowl.
13) Lyleen - Lilligant

Lyleen is one of the most beautiful creatures in Pocketpair's title, and its Palworld Pal design gives it a gown-like appearance with floral embellishments on its head. This design is very similar to Lilligants. Moreover, the two characters' names also sound close to each other.
Lyleen's gown and big bright eyes also resemble Mega Gardevoir to some extent. The latter is one of the most graceful-looking Pocket Monsters in the Pokemon franchise.
14) Jormuntide - Gyarados

When Palworld first came out, players got excited to encounter and capture Jormuntide. Aside from the fact that this Pal is a formidable beast in combat, it also very closely resembles Gyarados from the Pokemon franchise.
Both creatures reside in water and have a serpentine body with fearsome facial features. To make things even more interesting, Jormuntide even has a Fire-type variant, Jormuntide Ignis, that is red—just like Shiny Gyarados.
15) Wumpo Botan - Tangrowth

Wumpo Botan is a cute-looking monster whose Palworld Pal design coincides with Tangrowth from Pokemon. Not only are their bodies similarly shaped, but they also have the same white eyes popping out of a black ground.
Aside from having similar shapes, Wumpo Botan and Tangrowth also have similar demeanor.
16) Dinossom - Meganium

Despite its ferocious-sounding name, Dinossom from Palworld bears an uncanny resemblance to Meganium, the Grass-type Pokemon. Both creatures boast a primarily green body and a gentle demeanor, despite Dinossom's potential for berserker rage.
Like Meganium's signature pink neck flower, Dinossom also possess a pink flower, albeith on its head. This botanical feature hints at their shared connection to the plant world.
17) Cremis - Eevee

Spot the difference? Eevee or Cremis? These two adorable critters might have you doing a double take. Both are small and covered in soft fur, sporting bushy tails and fluffy neck fur. At first glance, their brown color scheme is practically identical.
Look a little closer though, and you'll see Eevee's got those classic floppy ears, while Cremis rocks a spiky hairstyle with pointy ears to match its head. But that doesn't hide their undeniable cuteness.
18) Celeray - Mantine

Celeray and Mantine, both from their respective Palworld and Pokemon worlds, take inspiration from the majestic stingray. While their base design is undeniably similar, a closer look reveals fascinating details. Both share nearly identical wing structures and horns, creating a familiar silhouette.
Despite Celeray sporting "legs", their gill design and tails echo each other with uncanny resemblance. The color palettes, while slightly distinct, showcase a common design trait found in some Palworld creatures, hinting at a possible connection across these monster worlds.
19) Tanzee - Pansage

Tanzee's design shares a striking resemblance with Pansage from Pokemon, to the extent that a casual Pokemon player might just call Tanzee a Pansage. Both share similar features like head shape, mouth design, and even a matching two-leaved tail.
The color scheme and ear placement are nearly identical as well. Unlike Pansage's single leaf, Tanzee opts for a more dramatic broccoli floret. Perhaps that's where the designers drew the line between playful primate and trigger-happy counterpart.
20) Quivern - Reshiram

Quivern, with its sleek, silver form and powerful wings, bears a striking resemblance to Reshiram, the legendary white dragon Pokemon. Both creatures radiate an air of majesty and possess an affinity for fire. Their slender bodies culminate in impressive tails, which could potentially house their fiery essence.
Moreover, both Quivern and Reshiram boast distinct markings along their bodies - Quivern with its blue stripes and Reshiram with its internal flame design - that hint at their unique power.
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