All Blue Mage spells in Final Fantasy 14 and where to find them

There are so many Blue Mage spells, but here
Here is where you can find all Blue Mage spells presently in Final Fantasy 14 (Image via Square Enix)

Final Fantasy 14's Blue Mage has a wealth of spells - 124 of them as of this writing. They are often found in specific places, though some common spells are easier to get. Whether enemies in the world or particular dungeons and trials, it will take time to learn them all. Like Pokemon, you must put significant effort in if you want to be a master of all these monster abilities. Thankfully, it's far from impossible to learn everything.


We've got you covered if you want to know where you can learn each spell for Blue Mage in Final Fantasy 14. We put the latest abilities at the top for easy access and a separate grouping below for all spells already in FF14.

All new Blue Mage spells added in Final Fantasy 14 update 6.45

Note: The format for the list is "Ability" (Rank): Location (Enemy).


The below Blue Mage spells were added in the latest update, 6.45 of Final Fantasy 14. Most of these particular spells are found on trials, but with enough mages coming together, it will be easy enough to unlock them all. Here are the locations of the newest spells for Square Enix's premier Limited Job.


Blue Magic spells in 6.45

  • Ruby Dynamics (4-star): Cinder Drift (Ruby Weapon)
  • Divination Rune (4star): The Dancing Plague (Titania)
  • Dimensional Shift (4-star): Eden's Gate: Resurrection (Eden Prime)
  • Conviction Marcato (3-star): Mt. Gulg (Forgiven Obscenity)
  • Force Field (3-star): After learning 120 spells (Whalaqee Totem)
  • Winged Reprobation (3-star): The Crown of the Immaculate (Innocence)
  • Laser Eye (3-star): Eden's Promise: Eternity (Eden's Promise)
  • Candy Cane (2-star): Dohn Mheg (Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze)
  • Mortal Flame (3-star): The Grand Cosmos (Lugus)
  • Sea Shanty (5-star): Matoya's Relict (Nixie)
  • Apokalypsis (5-star): Amaurot (Therion)
  • Being Mortal (5-star): The Dancing Plague (Titania)
  • Goblin Punch (1-star): Khoulsia (Hobgoblin) (33, 33)
  • Right Round (2-star): Malikah's Well (Greater Armadillo)
  • Schiltron (1-star): Ah Araeng (Long-tailed Armadillo) (17, 30)
  • Rehydration (1-star): Amh Araeng (Slippery Armadillo) (32, 9)
  • Breath of Magic: (3-star): Reach level 80 as Blue Mage
  • Wild Rage: (4-star): The Heroes' Gauntlet (Spectral Berserker)
  • Peat Pelt (2-star): Matoya's Relict (Mudman)
  • Deep Clean (3-star): The Grand Cosmos (Seeker of Solitude)

Blue Mages can now hit level 80 in this latest update of the game and, as a result, have the list of new spells they can track down in Final Fantasy 14. The actual unlocking of these spells is up to you, but the locations are above.

You may notice that sometimes a Whalaqee Totem is necessary. Once you meet the requirements, go to Wayward Gahell in Uldah - Steps of Thal (x: 12.5, y: 12.9). This could mean learning certain spells or completing stages of the Masked Carnivale.


All other existing Blue Mage spells in Final Fantasy 14

To unlock a Blue Mage spell in Final Fantasy 14, you must first experience it yourself. This can mean several things, but you must be in the battle when it's taking place. Then, it would help if you defeated that enemy. It's easiest done with a group of the same limited class.

Note: This list will be sorted by (Number)Spell: Location (Level) (Rank).


Spells learned in special ways

  • (1) Water Cannon: Default/Kraken (lv. 1) (1-star)
  • (20) Off-guard: 5 spells learned (n/a) (2-star)
  • (30) Mighty Guard: 10 spells learned (n/a) (4-star)
  • (13) White Wind: 10 spells learned (n/a) (3-star)
  • (22) Transfusion: 20 spells learned (n/a) (2-star
  • (39) Moon Flute: Clear 10 stages of Masked Carnivale (lv. 50) (1-star)
  • (42) Doom: Clear 20 stages of Masked Carnivale (lv. 50) (4-star)
  • (71) Revenge Blast: 50 spells learned (n/a) (2-star)
  • (72) Angel Whisper: Clear 30 stages of Masked Carnivale (n/a) (4-star)
  • (88) Angel's Snack: Reach level 70 Blue Mage (n/a) (3-star)
  • (95) Dragon Force: Learn 100 spells (n/a) (3-star)
  • (100) Matra Magic: Learn 100 spells (n/a) (3-star)
  • (109) Breath of Magic: Reach level 80 as Blue Mage

Spells from the open world

  • (16) Ice Spikes: Central Shroud (27, 24), Trickster Imps (lv. 9) (1-star)
  • (18) Acorn Bomb: North Shroud (24, 28), Treant Saplings (lv. 12-17) (1-star)
  • (12) Bristle: East Shroud (18, 24), Wild Boar (lv. 20-21) (2-star)
  • (11) Plaincracker: North Shroud (17, 29), Clay Golem (28) (2-star)
  • (28) Bad Breath: Central Shroud 18, 21, Stropers
  • (19) Bomb Toss: Middle La Noscea (23, 21), Goblin Fishers/Goblin Gamblers (lv. 5-7), (2-star)
  • (17) Blood Drain: Lower La Noscea (27, 16), Cave Bats (lv. 7) (1-star)
  • (8) Final Sting: Middle La Noscea (15, 15), Killer Wespes (lv. 13) (2-star)
  • (24) Final Sardine: Eastern La Noscea (27, 35), Apkallu (lv. 30), (1-star)
  • (23) Faze: Central Thanalan (Survivor Rats, FATE), Qiqirn Shellsweeper (lv. 6) (3-star)
  • (21) Self-Destruct: Western Thanalan (27, 16), Glide Bombs (lv. 12) (1-star)
  • (31) Sticky Tongue: Central Thanalan (26, 19), Toxic Toads (lv. 14) (4-star)
  • (32) Toad Oil: Western Thanalan (15, 7), Giggling Gigantoads (lv. 24) (3-star)
  • (36) 1000 Needles: Southern Thanalan (20, 10), Flowering Sabotender, “Flower Power” Levequest
  • (5) Drill Cannons: Northern Thanalan (reverse Engineering FATE), Abandoned Vanguards (lv. 46), (2-star)
  • (7) Loom: Northern Thanalan (B-Rank Hunt), Flame Sergeant Dalvag (lv. 50) (1-star)
  • (43) Pecuilar Light: Mor Dhona (13, 10), Lentic Mudpuppies (lv. 45) (2-star)
  • (27) The Look: Mor Dhona (23, 11), Denizen of the Dark, “Necrologos: The Liminal Ones” Levequest
  • (50) Alpine Draft: The Peaks (27, 25) True Griffon (lv. 59) (2-star)
  • (51) Protean Wave: The Lochs, (S-Rank Hunt), Salt and Light (lv. 70) (3-star)
  • (52) Northerlies: Coerthas Western Highlands (20, 31), Lone Yeti (lv. 51) (4-star)
  • (53) Electrogenesis: The Sea of Clouds (26, 31), Conodont (lv. 50) (2-star)
  • (56) Chirp: The Dravanian Hinterlands (A-Rank Elite Mark), Stolas (lv. 50) (1-star)
  • (62) Frog Legs: The Dravanian Hinterlands (12, 34), Proggo (lv. 59) (1-star)
  • (64) Whistle: The Sea of Clouds (16, 32), Dhalmel (lv. 56) (3-star)
  • (74) Reflux: The Churning Mists (26, 28), Cloud Wyvern (lv. 56) (3-star)
  • (81) Triple Trident: Yanxia (28, 6), Ebisu Catfish (lv. 64) (1-star)
  • (82) Tingle: Yanxia (28, 6): Ebisu Catfish
  • (91) Basic Instinct: Upper La Noscea (9, 21), Master Coeurl (lv. 24) (2-star)
  • (92) Ultravibration: The Peaks (11, 25), Kongamato (lv. 68) (1-star)
  • (96) Aetherial Spark: The Lochs (22, 22), Salt Dhruva (lv. 69) (1-star)
  • (99) Choco Meteor: The Dravanian Forelands (37, 24), Courser Chocobo (lv. 53) (1-star)

Spells from dungeons/raids

  • (41) Mind Blast: The Tam-tara Deepcroft, Galvanth the Dominator (lv. 16) (1-star)
  • (14) Level 5 Petrify: Haukke Manor, Manor Sentry (lv. 27) (2-star)
  • (33) The Ram’s Voice: Cutter’s Cry, Chimera (lv. 38) (2-star)
  • (34) The Dragon’s Voice: Cutter’s Cry, Chimera (lv. 38) (2-star)
  • (10) Glower: The Aurum Vale, Coincounter (lv. 47) (4-star)
  • (15) Sharpened Knife: The Wanderer’s Palace, Tonberry King (lv. 50) (4-star)
  • (4) Flying Frenzy: Pharos Sirius, Zu (lv. 50/48) (3-star)
  • (9) Song of Torment: Pharos Sirius, Siren (lv. 50/48) (3-star)
  • (6) High Voltage: The Binding Coil of Bahamut T1/T2, ADS (lv. 50/70) (4-star)
  • (40) Tail Screw: Sastasha (Hard), Karlabos (lv. 50/80) (4-star)
  • (37) Ink Jet: Sastasha (Hard), Kraken (lv. 50/80) (3-star)
  • 38) Fire Angon: The Wanderer's Palace (Hard), Frumious Koheel Ja (lv. 50/90) (3-star)
  • (2) Flame Thrower: The Keeper of the Lake, Einhander & Magitek Gunship
  • (54) Kaltstrahl: Alexander - Fist of the Father, Faust, Sturm Doll (lv. 60) (2-star)
  • (55) Abyssal Transfixion: Haukke Manor (Hard), Ash (lv. 50) (4-star)
  • (57) Eerie Soundwave: The Lost City of Amdapor (lv. 50) (2-star)
  • (59) Gobskin: Alexander - Breath of Creator, Alexandrian Hider
  • (60) Magic Hammer: The Great Gubal Library (Hard), Apanda (lv. 60) (2-star)
  • (61) Avail: Saint Mocianne’s Arboretum, Queen Hawk (lv. 60) (1-star)
  • (62) Sonic Boom: Pharos Sirius, Zu (lv. 50), (4-star)
  • (65) White Knight’s Tour: The Vault, White Knight (lv. 57) (2-star)
  • (66) Black Knight’s Tour: The Vault, Black Knight (lv. 57) (2-star)
  • (67) Level 5 Death: The Great Gubal Library, Page 64 (lv. 59) (4-star)
  • (68) Launcher: Baelsar’s Wall, Armored Weapon (lv. 60) (2-star)
  • (69) Perpetual Ray: Alexander - Burden of Father (N/S), The Manipulator (lv. 60) (4-star)
  • (70) Cactguard: The Sunken Temple of Qarn (hard), Sabotender Gaurdia (lv. 50) 1-star)
  • (73) Exuviation: The Lost City of Amdapor, Wamoura (lv. 60) (2-star)
  • (75) Devour: The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1, Caduceus (lv. 50) (1-star)
  • (76) Condensed Libra: The Great Gubal Library (Hard), Mechanoscribe (lv. 60), (3-star)
  • (77) Aetherical Mimicry: Pharos Sirius (Hard), Ghrah Luminary (lv. 60), (4-star)
  • (80) J Kick: Alexander - Burden of Son, Brute Justice (lv. 60) (5-star)
  • (83) Tatami-gaeshi: Kugane Castle, Dojun-maru (lv. 70) (3-star)
  • (84) Cold Fog: The Burn, Mist Dragon (lv. 70) (4-star)
  • (86) Saintly Beam: Sigmascape V1.0, Phantom Train (lv. 70) (2-star)
  • (87) Feculent Flood: Saint Mocianne’s Arboretum (Hard), Tokkapchi (lv. 80) (1-star)
  • (89) Chelonian Gate: Hell’s Lid, Genbu (lv. 70) (4-star)
  • (90) The Rose of Destruction: Temple of the Fist, Ivon Couerlfist (lv. 70) (2-star)
  • (93) Blaze: Deltascape V1.0, Alte Roite (lv. 70) (2-star)
  • (94) Mustard Bomb: Alphascape V3.0, Omega (lv. 70) (4-star)
  • (97) Hydro Pull: Drowned City of Skalla, Kelpie (lv. 70) (4-star)
  • (98) Malediction of Water: The Swallow’s Compass, Sai Taisui (lv. 70) (2-star)
  • (101) Peripheral Synthesis: Alphascape V3.0, Omega (lv. 70) (4-star)
  • (102) Both Ends: The Swallow’s Compass, Qitian Dasheng (lv. 70) (5-star)

Spells from trials

  • (25) Snort: The Dragon's Neck, Typhon (lv. 50/80) (4-star)
  • (26) 4-Tonze Weight: The Dragon's Neck, Ultros (lv. 50/80) (4-star)
  • (3) Aqua Breath: The Dragon’s Neck, Ultros (lv. 50/80) (4-star)
  • (35) Missile: Battle in the Big Keep, Enkidu (lv. 50/90) (4-star)
  • (29) Diamondback: The Steps of Faith, Horde Armored Dragon (lv. 50/90) (4-star)
  • (58) Pom Cure: Thornmarch (H/E), Furryfoot Kupli Kupp (lv. 50) (3-star)
  • (85) Stotram: Emanation, Lakshmi (lv. 67) (2-star)
  • (103) Phantom Flurry: Hells’ Kier, Suzaku (lv. 70) (5-star)
  • (104) Nightbloom: Castrum Fluminis, Tsukuyomi (lv. 70) (5-star)

Spells from Primals

  • (45) Eruption: The Bowl of Embers (N/H/E), Ifrit (lv. 20, 50/49, 50/67) (5-star)
  • (46) Mountain Buster: The Navel (H/E), Titan (lv. 50/57, 50/67) (5-star)
  • (49) Veil of the Whorl: The Whorleater (H/E), Leviathan (lv. 50/60, 50/80) (5-star)
  • (44) Feather Rain: The Howling Eye (E), Garuda (lv. 50/65) (5-star)
  • (47) Shock Strike: The Striking Tree (H/E), Ramuh (lv. 50/65, 50/85) (5-star)
  • (48) Glass Dance: Akh Afah Ampitheatre (E), Shiva (lv. 50/95) (5-star)
  • (78) Supanakha: Thok ast Thok (H/E), Ravana (lv. 53) (5-star)
  • (79) Quasar: Containment Bay P1T6, Sophia (lv. 60), (5-star)

Blue Mage will continue gaining new spells and abilities as Final Fantasy 14 continues. However, its level cap is now 80, while other classes are level 90 at their maximum. You can read the official 6.45 patch notes here.

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Edited by Arkaprovo Roy
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