The Rust Primitive update is live, introducing a ton of bug fixes to amend various problems within the game. It addresses almost everything, from issues in the workshop section to a bug causing items not to function as they should. This is a great quality-of-life patch for the title.
This article lists all the bug fixes in the Rust Primitive update.
Different bug fixes in the Rust Primitive update
Here's a list of all the bug fixes in the Rust Primitive update.
- Fixed F1 Grenades not saving Specular maps on the Community Workshop.
- Fixed Lumberjack Hoodie not rendering when equipped.
- Fixed item store Prototype Pickaxe being referred as Protoype Hatchet
- Fixed the performance issues impacting Chinese, Japanese and Korean fonts when opening menus or using the chat
- Fixed missing Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters in the UI
- Removed the "GiveItem failed!" error message that appeared when looting an item with a full inventory
- Dropped pumpkins no longer roll indefinitely
- Fixed spraying the factory skin twice would result in a broken texture
- Fixed some packs in the store displaying their store page incorrectly at low UI scale
- Fixed fish traps needing to be reset after a server restart
- Fixed a calculation error when applying dynamic pricing to a vending machine sale
- Fixed holosights looking different based on the accessibility color selected while in NVG
- Fixed certain AntiHack errors preventing the placement of deployables (e.g. barricades)
- Fixed occasional errors when saving shots (Demo Editor)
- Fixed shot and folder input fields resetting when pressing escape (Demo Editor)
- Fixed Ice Assault Rifle's name and description to be in line with other similar items.
- Fixed an issue with player inventory being locked if kicked when surrendering.
- Items can no longer be swapped into softcore reclaim bags, fixing an exploit.
- Submarines can no longer be stolen when purchased at Fishing Village.
- Submarine fuel can no longer be stolen from a submarine purchased at the Fishing Village.
- The patrol helicopter will no longer shoot at scientists.
- Remove an error logged by wolves that could spam server logs.
- Fixed DLSS Ultra Performance Mode artifacts.
- Fixed formatting issues with importing and exporting normal maps via the workshop.
- Fixed Fishing Villages spawning too close to harbor
- Fixed Cargoship being able to abduct NPCs
- Fixed Road Bradley and Travelling Vendor events not outputting the correct printouts
- Fixed respawning static planter causing hash conflicts on sockets
- Fixed Vending Machine stats panel incorrectly separating combined purchases as single purchases
- Ensured phrases are translated properly on Vending Machine stats panel
- Fixed death and auth commands not working for locks on tool cupboards
Also read — Rust Primitive update: Everything we know
That's all there is to know about the bug fixes in the Rust Primitive update. If you're interested, you can also check out the following guides:
- 5 base-building tips for beginners in Rust (2025)
- Homing Missile Launcher in Rust: How to craft, how to use, and more
- Rust Minigun and Military Flamethrower: How to get and use
- 5 best monuments to build near in Rust in 2025
Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh