All Gold Mods in Once Human, and where to get them

All weapon and gear mod for Once Human (Image via Starry Studio)
All weapon and gear mod for Once Human (Image via Starry Studio)

Gold Mods in Once Human are special minor buffs that can be attached to gear and weapons to give them certain boosts and increase their effectiveness. Mods can’t be crafted; they must be obtained by farming weapons and gear crates at certain locations. Grinding certain dungeons in HARD difficulty guarantees Gold Mod drops.


You can unlock higher difficulties by progressing in events. Once you reach phase 3 of the event, you can choose HARD or even higher difficulties when entering dungeons and Silos. Completing a dungeon doesn’t guarantee you the mod you are looking for. You must grind locations multiple times to get the desired Gold Mod in Once Human.

We have divided the mods based on their locations. If you are looking for a specific mod, use CTRL+F and search for the name of the mod to find all its locations.


Disclaimer: This is not an exhaustive list, and new Mods will be added in the future.

Gear Gold Mods and locations in Once Human (Silo)

All the Silo locations for Gold Mods (Image via Starry Studio)
All the Silo locations for Gold Mods (Image via Starry Studio)

Farming the Silo dungeons in HARD mode will have a chance of spawning gear crates with Gold Mods in Once Human. Keep in mind Silos only Spawn Mods that can be attached to armor.


Read More: All active Once Human Redeem Codes

1) All Gold Mods in Silo Alpha (Helmets)

This is a Rosetta base at the Chalk Peak. You will face a Rosetta Chief Bruiser as boss here. Farming the dungeon in HARD mode and above will have chances of spawning crates with these Gold Mods:

NameLocationGear TypeMod TypeStats
Fateful StrikeSilo ALPHAHelmetCrit Rate
Cannot deal Weakspot DMG. Crit rate +10% and Crit DMG +30%
Elemental HavocSilo ALPHAHelmetConditional Elemental DMG
Elemental DMG +10%. When HP is above 90%, 10% additionally.
Deviation ExpertSilo ALPHAHelmetFire Rate Status DMG
Range -25%, Fire Rate +10%, Status DMG +20%
Momentum UpSilo ALPHAHelmetFire Rate Weapon DMG
Fire Rate 10%+ for the first 50% of the magazine and Weapon DMG +30% for the next 50% of the magazine
Precise StrikeSilo ALPHAHelmetWeakspot DMG
Hitting Weakspots grants +12.0% Weakspot DMG for 3 seconds, up to 3 stacks
Work of ProficiencySilo ALPHAHelmetStatus DMG
Reloading an empty mag grants 10% Reload Speed and +15.0% Status DMG, lasting until the next reload
First-Move AdvantageSilo ALPHAHelmetConditional Crit Rate Crit DMG
After reloading, Crit Rate +10%, Crit DMG +20% for 2s
Mag ExpansionSilo ALPHAHelmetMagazine Capacity
When the magazine is empty, Magazine Capacity 30%+

2) All Gold Mods in Silo EX1 (Masks)

This Silo is at the Chalk Peak. You will mostly find Deviants as normal enemies and a Siren as the dungeon Boss.

NameLocationGear TypeMod TypeStats
Lingering FrostSilo EX1MaskFrost Vortex
The longer the duration of Frost Vortex, the higher the Frost Vortex Final DMG, up to +60%.
ObliterationSilo EX1MaskFrost Vortex
The more enemies inside Frost Vortex, the higher the Ultimate DMG of Frost Vortex, up to 60%.
Retrusion ExplosionSilo EX1MaskBurn
Crit DMG +40% for enemies with Burn.
Blaze AmplifierSilo EX1MaskBurn
Every stack of Burn grants +3% Psi Intensity DMG.
Point DetonationSilo EX1MaskUnstable Bomber
When Unstable Bomber hits only one enemy, Unstable Bomber Final DMG +25%.
Explosive ShrapnelSilo EX1MaskShrapnel
The 20th Shrapnel is explosive and deals +300% DMG with guaranteed critical hit.
Shrapnel CarnageSilo EX1MaskShrapnel
The chance of Shrapnel hitting Weakspots is increased by 100.0%, with Weakspot DMG +25.0%.
ThunderclapSilo EX1MaskPower Surge
After triggering Power Surge 20 times, the next hit summons Celestial Thunder (Shock DMG of 200% PSI Intensity).
First ElectrocutionSilo EX1MaskPower Surge
For enemies without Power Surge status, Power Surge's Ultimate DMG +30%.
GunslingerSilo EX1MaskFast Gunner
When in Fast Gunner status, Weakspot DMG +30%.
Break BounceSilo EX1MaskBounce
When a bullet hits an enemy with HP above 50%, the bullet's Ultimate DMG +50%.

3) All Gold Mods in Silo Phi (Shoes)

This dungeon is at Iron River. The enemy type in this location is Deviants. The Dungeon boss is a Sennacherib.

Covered AdvanceSilo PHIShoesConditional Weapon DMG, Status DMG
Taking no DMG within 4s grants +20% Melee, Weapon, and Status DMG for 30 seconds. The effect resets when the duration ends.
Slow And SteadySilo PHIShoesConditional Weapon, Status DMG
10% Melee, Weapon, Status DMG. When HP is above 90%, DMG +10%
Secluded StrikeSilo PHIShoesConditional, Weapon DMG, Satus DMG
Having no enemies within 7m grants +15% Weapon DMG and Status DMG
Ruthless Reaper PrecisionSilo PHIShoesCondtional, Refill Ammo
After 2 kills, refill weapon magazine from your reserves without reloading
Ferocious ChargeSilo PHIShoesGeneral DMG
Killing enemies within 10m grants +20% Melee DMG, Weapon DMG, and Status DMG for 8 seconds

4) All Gold Mods in Silo PSI (Bottoms i.e. pants)

You can find this dungeon in the Lone World Wastes. This is a Rosetta base and the dungeon boss is a fridge.

DeadshotSilo PSIBottomsCrit DMG
Each Crit Hit by non-melee weapons grants +5% Crit DMG, up to 45%. The effect is removed upon the next reload.
Melee MomentumSilo PSIBottomsConditional Melee DMG
Killing with melee attacks restores 30.0% of Max Stamina and grants +20.0% Melee DMG for 8 seconds
Reload RampageSilo PSIBottomsConditional
Killing 2 enemies refills 2 bullets from inventory (no more than half of the mag), and grants +10.0% Weapon and Status DMG, lasting until the next reload
UnstoppableSilo PSIBottomsConditional Weakspot DMG
Weakspot DMG +10% when a bullet hits a target more than 20m away. For every additional 1 meter away from the target, Weakspot DMG +1% up to 20%.
Bullet SiphonSilo PSIBottomsWeapon DMG
Weapon DMG +5%. Every 5 bullets consumed in the magazine grants +4% Weapon DMG, capped at 20%.
Status AmplificationSilo PSIBottomsStatus DMG
When the magazine is empty, Status DMG +10% for 12s (up to 3 stacks)
Precision ChargeSilo PSIBottomsConditional Elemental DMG
For every 10% Weakspot hit rate of the previous magazine, Elemental DMG +4%, up to 24%, lasting for 10s. Reloading resets the calculation.
Three StrikesSilo PSIBottomsConditional Weakspot DMG
For the first three hits after reloading (not exceeding 50% of magazine capacity), Weakspot DMG +30%.

5) All Gold Mods in Silo Sigma (Gloves)

This dungeon is at the Broken Delta. It’s a Rosetta Base and the dungeon boss is Lieutenant Dave III – S2147.

Crit AmplifierSilo SIGMAGlovesCrit Rate, Crit DMG
Crit Rate +10%, Crit DMG +15%.
Crit BoostSilo SIGMAGlovesStratus DMG
Crit Rate +15.0%.
Elemental OverloadSilo SIGMAGlovesElemental DMG
Element DMG (Blaze, Frost, Shock, Blast) +18%.
Status EnhancementSilo SIGMAGlovesStatus DMG
Status DMG +20.0%.
Munitions AmplifierSilo SIGMAGlovesWeapon DMG
Weapon DMG +15.0%.
Lifeforce BoostSilo SIGMAGlovesHPHP +12%.
Weakspot DMG BoostSilo SIGMAGlovesWeakspot DMG
Weakspot DMG Boost +25%.
Melee AmplifierSilo SIGMAGlovesMelee DMG
Melee DMG +20%

6) All Gold Mods in Silo Theta (Chest)

This location is at the Broken Delta. The enemies are mainly Deviants. The Dungeon boss is a Glutton.

Resist AdvantageSilo ThetaChestDefense
When out of combat, gain 1 stack of DMG Reduction 5 every 10%. Effect can stack up to 5 times. 1 stack is removed when hit.
Head GuardSilo ThetaChestDefense
When HP is above 70%, the head area is no longer a weakspot.
Healing FortificationSilo ThetaChestDefense
When using a healing shot, DMG Reduction 40% for 2s.
Quick ComebackSilo ThetaChestDefense
When using a healing shot, Movement Speed +20% for 2s and refill the magazine from the inventory up to 100%.
Enduring ShieldSilo ThetaChestDefense
When out of combat, gain 1 stack of Safe Haven every 5s. Effect can stack up to 5 times. With every 5 damage received, remove 1 stack of Safe Haven to get 8% shield for 3s.
Head-on ConflictSilo ThetaChestDMG Reduce
Having enemies within 7 meters around you grants a 10% DMG Reduction. Taking melee DMG from enemies grants an extra 10.0% DMG Reduction for 5 seconds.
Critical RescueSilo ThetaChestDefense
DMG Reduction 20% and Healing Received + 20% when HP is below 30%.
Status ImmuneSilo ThetaChestDefense
When HP is lower than 60%, purge all Deviated State (cooldown: 15s).
RejuvenatingSilo ThetaChestConditional
When HP is above 60%, a kill recovers 15% lost HP.

Weapon Gold Mods for Once Human (Monoliths)

All weapon Gold Mods in Once Human (Image via Starry Studio)
All weapon Gold Mods in Once Human (Image via Starry Studio)

Farming Monolith bosses reward Weapon mods. Farm the monoliths in Hard mode to get the following Gold Mods. Keep in mind farming Monoliths can only drop Gold Mods for Weapons.


Also Read: All Deviant companions in Once Human

1) Location: Ravenous Hunter – Monolith of Greed

Mod Name



Blaze Blessing


Killing enemies affected by Burn restores 5.0% HP.

Burning Wrath


Triggering Burn has a 25.0% chance to grant an additional Burn stack.



Buff effect continues, but Burn stacks are reduced by 50.0%.

Flame Resonance


Burn maximum layers +2, Burn duration reduced by 20.0%.


Frost Vortex

Frost Vortex deals increasing damage over time, up to a 60.0% DMG increase.

Frosty Blessing

Frost Vortex

Frost Vortex disappearing restores 10.0% HP.

Vortex Multiplier

Frost Vortex

Get an additional Frost Vortexes, +10.0%. DMG boost to all frost Vortexes

Vortex Overcharge

Frost Vortex

Frost Vortex deals more damage as more enemies are affected, up to a 60.0% DMG increase.


2) Location: Treant – Gaia Cliff Monolith

Mod Name



Decisive Blow

Unstable Bomber

When you hit a Weakspot the enemy takes +15.0% Unstable Bomber DMG for 3 seconds.

Eruptive Bomber

Unstable Bomber

Enemies affected by Unstable Bomber 5 times make them explode and grant +20.0% DMG to the last hit.

Pinpoint Strike

Unstable Bomber

Unstable Bomber deals +20.0% DMG when it hits only one enemy.

Shock Diffusion

Power Surge

Hitting the Weakspot of enemies affected by Power Surge triggers Power Surge on 2 other enemies within 5 meters.

Shock Rampage

Power Surge

Each time Power Surge DMG is inflicted, the Power Surge Trigger Factor increases by 10.0% (based on Weapon Trigger Chance), lasts for 5 seconds, and can stack up to 3 times.

Static Shock

Power Surge

Power Surge duration reduced by 50.0%, but Power Surge DMG increased by 20.0%.

Super Charged

Unstable Bomber

When you activate Unstable Bomber it gets a +5.0% DMG boost for 5 seconds and can be stacked up to 10 times.

Surge Amplifier

Power Surge

When you deal Power Surge DMG it gets a +5.0% DMG boost for 3 seconds. This can be stacked up to 3 times.


3) Location: Arachsiam (Spider Boss) – Mirage Monolith

Mod Name



Double Gunner

Fast Gunner

Activating Fast Gunner before swapping weapons enhances the new weapon's damage by 0.3% for its initial 600 rounds

Fast Refurbish

Fast Gunner

Fast Gunner activation boosts reload speed by 30% for 5 seconds, with effects stacking up to three times

Fatal Flaw

Bull's Eye

Bull's Eye triggers incrementally boost weapon damage by 6% for 20 seconds, accumulating up to five times

Hunters Perk

Bull's Eye

Eliminating Bull's Eye-marked targets provides 6% damage reduction for 10 seconds, stacking up to five times

Lasting Fortification

Fast Gunner

Increases Fast Gunner's maximum stacks by 1 and enhances the damage bonus by 5% per stack

Precision Rush

Fast Gunner

Sustained fire during Fast Gunner progressively improves accuracy and weakspot damage up to 60% over 3 seconds

Targeted Takedown

Bull's Eye

Increases critical hit chance by 20% against enemies marked by Bull's Eye

Vulnerability Amplifier

Bull's Eye

Enhances the vulnerability effect of Bull's Eye by 8% on marked targets


4) Location Rabizex (Wolf Boss) – Monolith of Thirst

Mod Name



Bounce Rampage


Bounce damage escalates by up to 60% based on the number of targets hit

Long-Range Laceration


Reduces Shrapnel's damage falloff due to distance by 50%

Not Throw Away Your Shot


Bounces that hit allies cause no damage and return 1 bullet to the magazine

Precision Bounce


Increases Bounce damage by 10% and prioritizes hitting weakspots

Shield Breaker


Enhances Shrapnel damage against shielded enemies by 60%

Shrapnel Carnage


Doubles the chance of Shrapnel hitting weakspots and boosts weakspot damage by 25%

Shrapnel Smash


Each Shrapnel trigger grants a 1% Crit Rate for 2 seconds, stacking up to 20 times


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Edited by Adarsh J Kumar
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