This new TWW faction comes with its on Renown grind (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The Hallowfall Arathi Renown is a new earnable experience track in WoW The War Within. By completing quests, doing dailies, and finishing other types of content players can earn Renown with this faction to get rewards. These rewards include items, cosmetics, currencies, and even passive bonuses that will apply while in The War Within zones.
Blizzard just recently launched their Early Access to World of Warcraft The War Within on August 22nd. The full launch will be on August 26th for those who didn't purchase the Epic Edition pre-order. This new expansion is the first entry in the planned Worldsoul Saga, which will encompass multiple expansions, all building upon each other's content and stories.
In this article, we will look at the Renown Ranks for the Hallowfall Arathi and what rewards players receive for achieving them.
How to Increase Hallowfall Arathi Renown in WoW War Within
By doing activates in the Hallowfall area you can progress this new grind (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
In World of Warcraft's newest expansion, The War Within, players can unlock several Renown tracks. These tracks represent the different factions present in the storyline of this new landmass, Khaz Algar.
There are several ways to increase the amount of Hallowfall Arathi Renown you have in TWW, such as doing the main questline of the Hallowfall zone, completing daily quests for faction representatives, and doing World Quests in Hallowfall.
All Renown Ranks for Hallowfall Arathi in WoW War Within
Blizzard continues to utilize the Renown system introduced in the last few expansions (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The Hallowfall Arathi Renown track in WoW War Within has the standard 25 levels to progress through. Each one will unlock new items, currencies, and passives to help your character on their journey throughout Khaz Algar.
To complete these as quickly as possible, you'll want to focus on finishing all available daily and World Quests, as well as getting a faction tabard if it becomes available. Below we'll list everything you get from gaining experience with this faction:
Renown Level
Level 1
On Temporary Assignment
Level 2
Expedition Cape / Armory Access 1
Level 3
Lightning the Way 1 / Radiant Remnant Drops Unlocked
What does the Hallowfall Arathi Quartermaster sell?
When you've unlocked this vendor you can buy useful items from them (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Inside of Hallowfall, you'll be able to access a faction quartermaster. This NPC is named Auralia Steelstrike and sells a host of useful items and cosmetics. In order to purchase from this vendor players will need to have the appropriate Renown rank with the Hallowfall Arathi.
The two currencies that can be used to purchase these items are Resonance Crystals and Artisan's Acruity, so players may need to farm these beforehand.
Below we'll list every item available for purchase and how much of each currency you'll need to afford them: