Alchemy is a core system in The Elder Scrolls Online, used to craft powerful potions and poisons vital to adventurers exploring the vast continent of Tamriel. It is an essential part of gameplay as the resource management aspect of combat and numerous boss mechanics are balanced around the consumption of potions and buffs.
Players can often find themselves exploring dangerous caverns and battling evils where a health potion can be the difference between life and death. It also provides great utility in PvP battles, where focusing on offensive abilities and leaving the rest to potions can be the key to victory.
That's said, let's us look at all the Healing potion recipes in The Elder Scrolls Online.
All Healing potion recipes in The Elder Scrolls Online
Crafting a potion in The Elder Scrolls Online requires the following ingredients:
- Solvent: Looted from spots of pure water found near lakes, rivers, and seas.
- Reagent: Collected from different resource nodes and creatures around Tamriel.
The solvent types found around the world are dependent on the player's character level or their Solvent Proficiency rank, which can be increased by levelling up the Alchemy skill line and investing points in it.
Here are the solvents available in The Elder Scrolls Online:
- Natural Water
- Clear Water
- Pristine Water
- Cleansed Water
- Filtered Water
- Purified Water
- Cloud Mist
- Star Dew
- Lorkhan's Tears
Reagents in The Elder Scrolls Online have four alchemy effects. When potions are crafted using two to three different reagents sharing the same effects, they manifest in the resulting potion.
Here are the reagents with the Restore Health effect:
- Blue Entoloma: Additional effects include Ravage Magicka, Cowardice, and Invisible.
- Bugloss: Additional effects include Increase Spell Resist, Cowardice, and Restore Magicka.
- Butterfly Wing: Additional effects include Uncertainty, Lingering Health, and Vitality.
- Columbine: Additional effects include Restore Magicka, Restore Stamina, and Unstoppable.
- Luminous Russula: Additional effects include Ravage Stamina, Maim, and Hindrance.
- Mountain Flower: Additional effects include Increase Armor, Maim, and Restore Stamina.
- Water Hyacinth: Additional effects include Spell Critical, Weapon Critical, and Entrapment.

Healing potions can be crafted using a solvent and any two to three reagents with the Restore Health effect. It is also worth noting that using three reagents can add additional effects to them.
Here are all the Healing potion recipes:
The Healing potions can be further strengthened using an additional ingredient while crafting them, which enhances it with a secondary or a tertiary effect. This can be achieved by using three ingredients that share multiple similar effects.
The Healing potion can have the following additional effects:
- Cowardice
- Restore Stamina
- Restore Magicka
- Vitality
- Lingering Health
- Invisible
- Unstoppable
- Hindrance
- Ravage Magicka
- Increase Armor
- Weapon Critical
- Spell Critical
- Increase Spell Resist
- Maim
- Ravage Stamina
Utilizing potions is essential to fighting bosses in The Elder Scrolls Online. It encourages players to explore professions like gathering and crafting for their benefit in combat. The crafting ingredients and products can also be sold to other gamers through the Marketboard, maintaining a healthy and active economy in the title.