Bungie recently added a few features in Destiny 2 to celebrate the franchise's 10th Anniversary. The poster armor set from the first game is available within The Pale Heart destination loot chests, alongside a few more triumphs for a brand-new seal, titled Legend. There are seven different objectives needed to unlock the seal, most requiring players to equip the Legendary armor set.
This article lists all seven triumphs required to unlock the seal.
Legend seal guide in Destiny 2

Here's a list of all the triumphs available for the Legend seal:
- Cayde's stashes: Collect Legendary armor pieces from all five stashes located within The Pale Heart Tower.
- Special Delivery: Claim a set of veteran Legend armor ornaments from the Special Deliveries Terminal in the normal Tower.
- Timelost: Complete timeline missions.
- Among Friends: Complete Vanguard Ops playlist activities, Crucible activities, or Gambit matches while wearing a full set of Legend armor or ornaments.
- Accidental Generosity: Defeat combatants and loot engram in the Skywatch location of Cosmodrome while wearing a full set of Legend armor or ornaments.
- Disappointment: Decrypt 10 Engrams at Cryptarch. Focused decoding from any other NPC does not count.
- Justiciar: Achieve the Justiciar Guardian Rank, which is GR8.
Regarding Cayde's stashes, there are five to collect in the different corners of The Pale Hart tower, one for each piece. Readers can refer to our detailed guide on Cayde's stash locations to get a better idea of each location.
Destiny 2 Accidental Generosity triumph temporary workaround for Engrams
It seems that one of the primary issues of the event lies within the Accidental Generosity triumph, which forces players to stop in their tracks with broken Engram drop rates. While killing enemies is easy, getting Engrams hasn't been great for everyone. However, there is a small fix to this.
Players can launch the Vanguard playlist activities and keep trying until they get the "Battleground: Foothold" mission on Cosmodrome. The mission finishes on Skywatch, and there's a guaranteed chance for an Engram drop at the end. This Engram will count towards the progress. Each Engram will be granted 7% towards completion.

Each Engram will be granted 7% towards completion. Hence, you must run the Battleground: Foothold mission from the playlist 15 times, or less, depending on the number of Engrams you get from enemies from inside the mission itself. While this is a temporary "fix", Bungie is expected to announce a change to this triumph, where the developers might buff the progress with each Engram, or nerf the required amount as a whole.

Another small adjustment is to equip the "Public Defender" Ghost mod and run Public Events around the Skywatch area. As mentioned, these are just "temporary" fixes, applicable to anyone trying to get the Legend seal as fast as possible.
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