WoW Classic SoD Phase 3’s Hunter Runes are filled with a variety of ways for players to deal more damage. After only a day or two, all six new runes for this class have been found, giving players access to the secrets of this ranged DPS class. However, some of these might work even if you’re considering a Melee Hunter, though it is focused on ranged combat with your pet.
As players explore the Classic Servers again, tackling new challenges, they’ll need all the power they can get. That’s where these new Hunter Runes come in for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3. Here’s where you can find all of them.
Locations of all WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Hunter Runes
1) Focus Fire

“Consumes all applications of Frenzy from your pet, increasing your ranged attack speed by 3% and granting 4 Focus to your pet for each application of Frenzy consumed. Lasts 20 sec. Your pet gains Frenzy each time it uses a Basic Attack, increasing its melee attack speed by 6% for 10 sec, stacking up to 5 times.”
If you want your pet to become a monstrous killing machine, Focus Fire will be one of the WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Hunter Runes you want in your collection. It’s all about building Frenzy, and then burning it off to increase attack speed and Focus.
As long as you’re careful, this rune is relatively easy to unlock. In Searing Gorge, head to coordinates (55, 51) and look for a long branch that hangs over a canyon. Carefully walk across it to get to a Stormcrow Nest.
Loot the egg, and do your best to get off the branch. An Enraged Stormcrow that you need to defeat will spawn. Looting it will grant the rune. However, you will probably want to dismiss your pet before walking across the branch, as he’ll take the long way and pull a ton of extra enemies to you.
2) Lock and Load
“Each time one of your traps is triggered, your next Shot ability within 20 sec costs no mana and does not incur a cooldown.”
Some Hunters really love their traps, and this ability is made just for them. Whenever a trap is triggered, you can pop one of your Shot abilities with no mana cost or cooldown. That is an incredible value, especially if you’re kiting a powerful enemy around and need more damage. As far as Hunter Runes go, this is one of the best for soloing in my opinion, for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3.
You must head to Felwood’s Emerald Sanctuary (51.5, 82) and speak to the Shadowtooth Emissary to begin The Wild Gods quest. If you’re in a group, every person needs to get the quest itself. You cannot share it.
First, head to the Hinterlands’ Jinth’Alor area, and slaughter the Elite Trolls you find until you get Wildwhisper Draught. This step of the WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Hunter Rune might take a while - depends on how lucky you are.
Then go to the Razorfen Downs dungeon, and clear the arena around Amennar the Coldbringer. Gulp down the Draught and speak to the Spirit of Agamaggan that spawns. You’ll get a quest and an item: Agamaggan’s Roar. Only one person needs to do this part of the quest if you’re in a group.
This quest will send you to a series of dungeons, where you must kill specific mobs to spawn a ghost. This ghost can only be killed once per dungeon lockout period, so if you’re doing this with several hunters, you must reset the dungeon a few times for this WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Hunter Rune:
Target enemies
- Zul’Farrak: Defeat Ghaz’rilla and spawn the Ghostly Spider to summon Delirious Ancient.
- Maraudon: Clear Princess Theradras’ area and spawn the Ghostly Raptor out in the water. This summons the Delirious Ancient.
- Blackrock Depths: Defeat High Interrogator Gerstahn, Houndmaster Grebmar, and the Ring of Law event. This spawns a Ghostly Basilisk on the Dark Iron Highway to summon the Delirious Ancient.
Bring the Wild Offerings from each Ancient back to the Shadowtooth Emissary, and you’ll gain your Rune.
3) Raptor Fury

“Raptor Strike increases damage done by Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite by 15% for 15 sec, stacking up to 5 times. Subsequent doses do not extend the duration of this effect.”
Raptor Fury is an interesting addition to the Hunter Runes in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 and just increases their raw damage with two of their abilities. There may be other places to unlock this Rune, but for now, there’s one location.
Head to Tanaris, at the coordinates (43, 33) and defeat the Level 43 elite Zopilote, and the Rune will be among the items on the body of the slain monster.
4) T.N.T.

“Increases the damage done by Explosive Shot and all your damaging traps by 10%.”
Another very straightforward ability for Hunters, this Rune found in the WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 collection just increases your Explosive Shot and trap damage. That’s pretty solid value if you find yourself using these often.
Similar to the Mage Rune Molten Armor, and the other classes, this is the Hunter Rune that requires a reputation farm. You can purchase it from Emerald Warden quartermasters for 1g 60s, once you reach Friendly Reputation. You can head to the following areas to grind out reputation:
- Level 25: Duskwood: The Twilight Grove, accessed by a path through the hills from the south.
- Level 40: Ashenvale: The Emerald Portal, where you unlocked Immolation Aura
- Level 50: Feralas: Northeast of the Twin Colossals
- Level 50: Hinterlands: North of the river leading to the ocean, at Seradane
5) Catlike Reflexes

“Increases your chance to dodge by 20% and your pet's chance to dodge by 9%. In addition, reduces the cooldown of your Kill Command and Flanking Strike abilities by 50%.”
Unless Blizzard intends on making Hunters a tank in the final phase, this WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Hunter Rune feels more like it’s built for soloing content. The dodge part is nice for soloing, but reducing the Kill Command/Flanking Strike cooldowns is also a really enjoyable perk.
Before you tackle this rune, make sure to have a Soft Banana Bread or Tel’Abim Banana with you. Go to the Feralas Yeti Cave (53, 60), and look for the Groddoc Infant. Feed that banana item to them, and guide them back to the Groddoc Matriach at (59, 58) in ten minutes or less. You can group for this as well if you’d like.
6) Rapid Killing

“Reduces the cooldown on Rapid Fire by 2 min, and your next Shot ability within 20 sec after killing a target worth experience or honor deals 20% increased damage.”
Rapid Killing is a solid damage Hunter Rune for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3. Most of this phase’s Runes have been built around just providing more raw damage, and this one is no exception.
If you want this WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Rune, you must head to Searing Gorge, to the west wall of the map. It’s near one of the flight points, with an entrance to the cave you want to explore at (22, 36). This is a dangerous cave, so you might have to run in, die close to the target, and spawn close to it.
You must find the Weathered Etching within the cave. Clicking it will give you a quest to go to the Blasted Lands. Do this and speak to Bloodmage Lynnore, who is west of the road into Stonard. You can find her at (50.6, 14.2).
Defeat the Shadowsworn she asks for, and claim five Infernal Chain Links. Turn these in for a new quest. Now, you need Fel Lifeblood from Calefactus the Unleashed - a Corehound monster. She also gives you the Infernal Lasso item to weaken it.
Once you return to Bloodmage Lynnore again, she grants you the rune, and more importantly, the Infernal Lasso. It lets you root demons or beasts and deal them fire damage. However, Lassoed Core Hounds can be tamed and made into pets.
WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 is still very much in effect. If you want to know about Runes from other classes, we’ve got everything you need, whether you want to play a powerful Warlock or a Warrior.