All WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Mage Runes (and where to find them)

WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Mage Runes
Mages have some truly incredible Runes for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

The WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 update has finished, and now it’s time to find the Mage Runes. Fans of big damage and alternative methods of healing will love Mages on the Classic Servers. While healing as a Mage might have started as mediocre, there is great potential in some of these new powers to make them more viable, even if as an off-healer.


Unfortunately, some of the secrets of the Mage Runes are still hidden for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3. A few of the Runes remain uncovered, but as we and the playerbase find these, this article will be updated, so that you have all the information you need going forward for all you would-be masters of the arcane arts.

All known Mage Runes for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3

1) Balefire Bolt

Close the rift to get a Rune (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Close the rift to get a Rune (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
“Unleash a reality-distorting burst of raw magic at your enemy, dealing Spellfire damage. Each time you cast Balefire Bolt, the damage of your next Balefire Bolt within 30 sec will be increased by 10% and your Spirit will be decreased by 10% for 30 sec, both stacking up to 10 times. If your Spirit reaches 0 as consequence, you will immediately die. This spell will be checked against the lower of the target's Arcane and Fire resists.”

Balefire Bolt was one of the Mage Runes revealed in an early teaser by Blizzard for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3. It’s an interesting one because it can kill you if you use it too often and run out of spirit.

To unlock this Rune, you need to acquire a Scroll of Spatial Mending from an Enchanter or the Auction House. Take it and head to one of the Fel Portals that are scattered across Azeroth. Use the scroll to close to tear, and you’ll gain the Rune as a reward:

  • Fel Sliver: Barrens, Westfall, Darkshore, Silverpine Forest
  • Fel Crack: Barrens, Ashenvale, Redridge Mountain
  • Fel Tear: Swamp of Sorrows, Desolace
  • Fel Scar: Feralas
  • Fel Rift: Unknown

2) Displacement

Head to these locations when you have the Scrolls, to channel the Leylines (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Head to these locations when you have the Scrolls, to channel the Leylines (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
“Teleports back to where you last cast Blink from and resets the cooldown on Blink. Only usable within 10 sec of casting Blink.”

This is a very useful mobility Rune for Mages in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3. However, you will need 4x Scroll of Geomancy before you attempt this. You can gain these by using deciphering scrolls with your Comprehension Charms. You can use these to attune to a series of Leylines, found below:

  • Feralas: The High Wilderness: 57, 60
  • The Hinterlands: North of the Altar of Zul, 48, 59
  • Azshara: Southwestern mountains near The Forlorn Ridge, 22, 79
  • Searing Gorge: 55, 65

After you complete these, you’ll spawn Manaburn, a level 47 Arcane Elemental. It’s immune to Arcane damage, so use any other source of damage you have. However, it’s incredibly strong, so it’s advised to bring a party - preferably Priests and Warlocks. They have a Rune here as well.

3) Molten Armor

This Rune is the pre-requisite faction grind Rune in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
This Rune is the pre-requisite faction grind Rune in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
“Causes Fire damage when hit, increases your spell critical strike chance by 5%, and reduces the chance you are critically hit by 5%. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Mage at any time. Lasts 30 min.”

An important defensive buff in its own right, this is one of the utility Mage Runes offered in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3. This will require a grind of the Emerald Wardens Reputation, where you need to be at least Friendly. Warlocks and other classes also require this grind for their Runes, so it’s worth it to go with a friend. You can find the locations below:

  • Level 25: Duskwood: The Twilight Grove, accessed by a path through the hills from the south.
  • Level 40: Ashenvale: The Emerald Portal, where you unlocked Immolation Aura
  • Level 50: Feralas: Northeast of the Twin Colossals
  • Level 50: Hinterlands: North of the river leading to the ocean, at Seradane

4) Temporal Anomaly

“Launches an orb of temporal energy which slowly moves forward and every 2 sec grants all nearby party members a shield absorbing damage for 15 sec.”

This is one of the must-have Runes if you want to be a healing mage in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3. You can begin the journey to picking up this utility rune at level 42, by taking the A Lesson in Literacy quest from Garion Wendell (Alliance - Stormwind) or Owen Thadd (Horde - Undercity). Gather up the following items and bring them back:

  • Farraki Papyrus x8: Zombies in Zul’farrak drop this
  • Zukk’ash Resin x5: Most bug mobs in Feralas, but Zukk’ash Hive is the best spot
  • Priestine Owlbeast Quill: Slaughter the Owlkin mobs in The Hinterlands

This also rewards players with an incredible off-hand, if they’re using a one-handed weapon on their Mage. At this time, it is unknown if you need to collect the books from previous Mage Rune quests. There are new books in Phase 3, but their locations are still unknown.


5) Advanced Warding

This is where the quest chain begins for this powerful Rune (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
This is where the quest chain begins for this powerful Rune (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
“Increases the magnitude of your Mana Shield, Frost Ward, and Fire Ward by 100%, and decreases mana drained by Mana Shield by 50% per damage done.”

Advanced Warding is a pretty important Rune for Mages in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3. Especially when soloing content, you want your various Shields and Wards to be as powerful as possible. However, the quest for this cannot be shared - make sure everyone has it in your party before starting.

Grab The Wild Gods quest from the Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood’s Emerald Sanctuary at (51.5, 82). You’ll be tasked with getting Wildwhisper Draught from Elite Trolls in the Jinth’Alor region of The Hinterlands.


Bring this to Razorfen Downs, and defeat your way to Amennar the Coldbringer. Clear the room, and have one person gulp down the Draught. You’ll gain an item and quest from the spirit, which sends you to specific dungeons in the world. Defeat the required monsters, and use the item to draw in the Delirious Spirit. Kill it, grab the item from all three, and come back for your reward:


Target enemies

  • Zul’Farrak: Defeat Ghaz’rilla and spawn the Ghostly Spider, to summon Delirious Ancient.
  • Maraudon: Clear Princess Theradras’ area, and spawn the Ghostly Raptor out in the water. This summons the Delirious Ancient.
  • Blackrock Depths: Defeat High Interrogator Gerstahn, Houndmaster Grebmar, and the Ring of Law event. This spawns a Ghostly Basilisk on the Dark Iron Highway, to summon the Delirious Ancient.

6) Deep Freeze

“Stuns the target for 5 sec. Only usable on Frozen targets. Deals damage to targets permanently immune to Stun.”

Deep Freeze has finally been found! In order to even get this book, you need to have read the books for Spell Power and Icy Veins, and is part of the Greater Friend of the Library quest. Below are the coordinates for the new books:

  • Sanguine Sorcery (Swamp of Sorrows): (70, 51)
  • Legends of the Tidesages (Tanaris): (72.6, 47.8)
  • The Liminal and the Arcane (Feralas): (50.6, 15.7) - inside “Book”
  • Everyday Etiquette (Azshara): (20.7, 62)
  • Stonewrought Design (Blackrock Depths): Center of the Iron Vault, on the iron felt
  • Venomous Journeys (Hinterlands): (36, 72.7)
  • A Mind of Metal (Searing Gorge): (37.8, 49.6)
  • Conjurer’s Codex (Blasted Lands): (55.3, 32.2)

You need to have read 25 books total to get the Deep Freeze Rune. That means you don’t have to read all of these books, but it’s recommended you do it anyway. That way, when the next step of this quest pops up in Phase 4, you’ll be prepared.

There are still plenty of secrets to uncover in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3, whether it’s Mage Runes, hidden books, or abilities for other classes. As we find the last two remaining runes, we'll update this accordingly.

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Edited by Adarsh J Kumar
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