All WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Paladin Runes (and where to find them)

WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Paladin Runes
Paladin Runes offer players a wide assortment of upgrades during WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

WoW Classic SoD Phase 3’s Paladin Runes walk a line between three specs, making it harder to give something to all three builds. However, it seems like Blizzard has done just that, though, at the time of writing, one is missing. The location of Light’s Grace has not been uncovered, but we will update this accordingly once it has.


The WoW Classic SoD Community has been working hard to uncover all the secrets, whether Paladin Runes or for any other class. There’s so much to find. Most of it has been found, but not everything.

Let’s dive into the Alliance-exclusive class and uncover their runes.

All known Paladin Runes for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3

1) Hammer of the Righteous

The exclamation mark is the quest, and the circles are the demons you can kill, courtesy of Wowhead (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The exclamation mark is the quest, and the circles are the demons you can kill, courtesy of Wowhead (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
“Gain the Hammer of the Righteous ability: Hammer the current target and up to 2 additional nearby targets, causing 4 times your main hand damage per second as Holy damage.”

Hammer of the Righteous is such an incredible ability, and it’s nice to see it on the Classic Servers. Paladins need all the help they can get, after all. Unlocking this Paladin Rune for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 will take just a bit of work. They need to at least have Fanaticism before they can get this. Once you do, take on the Felwood quest Materials of Significance.

You’ll go to coordinates (43, 57) and climb a rope that leads to Aeonas. Speak with them, and then Gregory to get the quest. Farm the below items, and then return to Gregory for the Rune:


Required quest items

  • Fiery Infernal Core x3: Infernals and Entropic Beasts in Felwood.
  • Shimmering Grave Dust: Loot grave moss after defeating Princess Theradras in Maraudon.
  • Triple-Brewed Molten Lager: Costs 2g 50s. Head to the Grim Guzzler Bar in Blackrock Depths, and buy it from Plugger Spazzring.

2) Improved Hammer of Wrath

The locations for the Nightmare Incursions: Duskwood, Ashenvale, Feralas, Hinterlands (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The locations for the Nightmare Incursions: Duskwood, Ashenvale, Feralas, Hinterlands (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
“Hammer of Wrath is now instant and the cooldown on Hammer of Wrath is reset each time it damages an enemy below 10% health.”

This Paladin Rune makes Hammer of Wrath a much more potent ability during WoW Classic SoD Phase 3. Now closer to the modern version, it is an instant cast, and its cooldown is reset each time it hits a foe under 10% health.

Much like the Priest Rune Surge of Light, this one is found by farming Emerald Warden Reputation, getting at least Friendly. This is done by defeating foes in the Nightmare Incursions, listed below. Bring 1g, 60s, and you can buy the Rune from the faction’s various quartermasters.


Nightmare Incursions

  • Level 25: Duskwood: The Twilight Grove, accessed by a path through the hills from the south.
  • Level 40: Ashenvale: The Emerald Portal, where you unlocked Immolation Aura.
  • Level 50: Feralas: Northeast of the Twin Colossals.
  • Level 50: Hinterlands: North of the river leading to the ocean, at Seradane.

3) Purifying Power

The locations of the leylines for Purifying Power in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The locations of the leylines for Purifying Power in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
“Reduces the cooldown on Exorcism and Holy Wrath by 50%, and Holy Wrath can now be cast at any target and will Stun Undead and Demon targets for 2 sec.”

This can be used by any build of Paladin, to be honest. It’s going to be one of the more useful runes in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3, provided you’re targeting Demons. If that’s the case, this is going to be your best friend.

It will help to bring a Mage with you for this one; especially one who has some spare Comprehension Charms to turn into Scrolls of Geomancy. You need that, or Worldcore Fragments found in Imp Explorations from Warlocks, and then take them to the following locations:

  • Feralas: The High Wilderness: 57, 60
  • The Hinterlands: North of the Altar of Zul, 48, 59
  • Azshara: Southwestern mountains near The Forlorn Ridge, 22, 79
  • Searing Gorge: 55, 65

When you complete the last one, you’ll summon a monster that’s immune to arcane damage: The Level 47 Manaburn. It’s recommended you bring a party, because this enemy is incredibly powerful.

4) Fanaticism

This is where the quest for Fanatacism begins: In church (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
This is where the quest for Fanatacism begins: In church (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
“Increases your critical strike chance with Holy spells by 18%.”

To begin Fanatacism, you need to have completed the Sheath of Light Rune from a previous update. That way, Aeonas the Vindicated will appear. Speak to him in the Stormwind Cathedral, then Katherine the Pure. You’ll gain the quest The Mysterious Merchant, and then head to Theramore.

Once you’re in the Theramore Inn, speak to the Merchant and then kill him. This will send you back to Stormwind Citadel, where you can gain the WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Rune for Paladins.


5) Improved Sanctuary

“Increases the damage prevented by your Blessing of Sanctuary by 100%, and increases damage done by your Blessing of Sanctuary by 30% of your shield block value.”

A solid buff to Blessing of Sanctuary, this WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Rune will require you to complete The Wild Gods quest chain. Head to (51.5, 82) in Felwood, and speak with the Shadowtooth Emissary to get this started. This is not a shareable quest: keep that in mind if you’re in a group.


To push this forward for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3, kill Elite Trolls in Jinth’Alor until one drops a Wildwhisper Draught. Take this to Razorfen Downs, and clear until Amennar the Coldbringer. Clear out his room and drink the draught. This will summon a spirit that you speak to, to get another quest.

You’ll head to three dungeons, kill specific enemies, and use the quest item to get the attention of the Delirious Ancient. Kill it, claim the item, and bring it back for your Rune reward in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3:


Target enemies

  • Zul’Farrak: Defeat Ghaz’rilla and spawn the Ghostly Spider, to summon Delirious Ancient.
  • Maraudon: Clear Princess Theradras’ area, and spawn the Ghostly Raptor out in the water. This summons the Delirious Ancient.
  • Blackrock Depths: Defeat High Interrogator Gerstahn, Houndmaster Grebmar, and the Ring of Law event. This spawns a Ghostly Basilisk on the Dark Iron Highway, to summon the Delirious Ancient.

6) Wrath

This is the location of the Vengeful Spirit, courtesy of Wowhead (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
This is the location of the Vengeful Spirit, courtesy of Wowhead (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
“Your Consecration damage can now be critical strikes, and damage from your Exorcism, Holy Shock, Holy Wrath, and Consecration spells gains additional critical strike chance equal to your melee critical strike chance.”

All specs of Paladin can make use of Wrath—who doesn’t want more critical hits, especially from their holy spells? It’s incredible no matter what build you have going. Make sure you train Sense Undead first, though. It’s required for this WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Rune.

Go to The Hinterlands, to (33, 44). It appears to only spawn at night, but that’s not 100% confirmed. It is confirmed to spawn past 9 pm server time, and has a relatively fast spawn time. The Vengeful Spirit you must slay is Level 45, and can be killed in a raid group. Defeat it, and head to Ironforge’s Mystic Ward (27.2, 10.0). Speak to Magister Falath, interact with him, and you’ll gain the Wrath Rune during WoW Classic SoD Phase 3.


Only one Rune is missing for Paladins in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3. Fans are still looking for Light’s Grace, and it should be located in a day or two. We will update this article once it has been found.

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Edited by Angad Sharma
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