WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 requires a special mechanic for Priest Runes. We’ll go over the fine details below, but players must pray and gain a buff for their faith before unlocking these Runes. It makes this more complex, and will almost require players to work together with other Priests, as some of these Runes are quite powerful.
The WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Priest Runes are balanced between DPS and Healing, so there are options no matter what build you go.
Meditation Mechanic for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Priest Runes
You can work on the various Priest Runes for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 without a Meditation buff, but if you want to wrap them up and learn the power, you will need at least one - sometimes two. This buff lasts 240 minutes and will persist through death. You gain them by kneeling in specific spots in the world, based on your faith. Here are the Meditation locations, based on in-game faction:
- Dwarves/Humans (Meditation of the Light): Holy places; Northshire Abby, the stairs to the altar at Stormwind Citadel, and various Altars of Light around the world (Anvilmar, Loch Modan, Ironforge’s Mystic Ward)
- Night Elves (Meditation on Elune): Any Moonwells you find - such as Stormwind and Dolanaar.
- Undead (Meditation on Undeath): Any graveyard in the world.
- Trolls (Meditation on the Loa): Loa Altars - Sen’Jin Village, Crossroads (The Barrens), Ashenvale (Zoram’gar Outpost), and Alterac Mountains.
You can unlock the ability to pray at other faith’s altars once you hit levels 17 (Alliance) and 18 (Horde). You can find the quest locations below for each race:
- Dwarves/Humans: Secrets of Elune: The Park in Stormwind. Slay Wolves in Duskwood, and complete another quest in Auberdine.
- Night Elves: Secrets of the Light: Temple of the Moon in Darnassus. It requires you to kill Undead in Ashenvale and complete a follow-up in Stormwind.
- Undead: Secrets of the Loa: War Quarter of Undercity. Slay Humans in Hillsbrad Foothills, and go to the Echo Isles for the next quest
- Trolls: Secrets of Undeath: Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar. Defeat Shadethicket Elementals in Ashenvale, and complete the Tirisfal Glades follow-up quest. Only complete this in the Brill graveyard.
Another point to be aware of for this WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Priest Runes feature is that you can use the /kneel command in front of a different Priest (different faith), and if they do the same while targeting you, you’ll share each other’s Meditations, and refresh the cooldowns.
All Priest Runes for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3
1) Surge of Light

“Critical spellcasts cause your next Smite or Flash Heal cast within 15 sec to be instant cast.”
An incredibly useful power, this portion of the WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Priest Runes will likely need someone who can use arcane damage. A wand may work, but that could be incredibly slow. A mage might make it faster. It’s been said that repeated casts of Holy Fire work for this, but it is, at this time, unconfirmed.
Find the Echo of a Lost Soul in one of a few locations, listed below, and defeat it. However, it has a buff that gives it immunity to Fire, Frost, Holy, Nature, Physical, and Shadow Damage. That means you need Arcane damage. To learn this Rune, you need to have two Meditation buffs active. There is also speculation that it only spawns between 12 am and 6 am server time, and has a rather long respawn time.
Enemy locations
- Tanaris: Gadgetzan Graveyard: 54, 28.6
- Swamp of Sorrows: Graveyard southeast of Stonard: 50.4, 61.1
- Stranglethorn Vale: Ruins of Aboraz: 30, 73
- The Hinterlands: Graveyard northwest of Revantusk Village: 72.6, 68
2) Void Zone

“Summons a void zone in the target area that deals Shadow damage to enemies that stand within it every second for 10 sec.”
This Priest Rune will likely be one of the best for Shadow Priest raiding when it comes to the WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 options. It’s also a very easy one to unlock. This is one of the Runes that requires players to gain Friendly Reputation with the Emerald Wardens faction.
You can find the Nightmare Incursion locations below. Going to one of these places and farming reputation is the fastest, most reliable way to get this done at this time.
Nightmare Incursion locations
- Level 25: Duskwood: The Twilight Grove, accessed by a path through the hills from the south.
- Level 40: Ashenvale: The Emerald Portal, where you unlocked Immolation Aura
- Level 50: Feralas: Northeast of the Twin Colossals
- Level 50: Hinterlands: North of the river leading to the ocean, at Seradane
3) Pain and Suffering

“Mind Blast refreshes the duration of your Shadow Word: Pain on the target back to its maximum duration.”
I’m such a huge fan of Pain and Suffering when it comes to the WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Runes. Shadow Priests are fun to play, and resetting your cooldowns to keep the damage rolling is such a satisfying sensation.
To unlock this Rune, you need to go to Tanaris and defeat the Wastewander mobs near Gadgetzan. They will drop Coded Warlock Notes (Shadow Mages) and Wastewander Ciphers (Wastewander Thieves). Combining these creates a Deciphered Warlock Notes item. Then go to (58, 36) and look for a Cryptic Scroll of Summoning on the ground. Stand on it and use your Deciphered notes.
Be careful - this summons an Enraged Voidwalker. Kill it, and you’ll gain the Rune you seek. However, this also drops the Mental Dexterity Rune for Shamans, so a little teamwork here will help complete this WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Rune for Priests.
4) Divine Aegis
“Critical heals create a protective shield on the target, absorbing 30% of the amount healed. Lasts 12 sec.”
Being able to drop extra shields simply for a healing crit is an incredible buff for any Priest. Divine Aegis is certainly a useful Rune, but remember, the quest for this cannot be shared. Other party members have to have it themselves.
Head to the Emerald Sanctuary in Felwood (51.5, 82) and speak to the Shadowtooth Emissary for The Wild Gods quest. In Jinth’Alor (The Hinterlands), kill Elite Trolls until you get a Wildwhisper Draught. Bring it to Razorfen Downs, and clear until you get to Amenar the Coldbringer. Defeat him and clear the room, and then consume the drink. Spirit of Agamaggan will spawn, and give you a new task and item.
You will head to the following dungeons, defeat the required foes, and then use the item to draw the Delirious Spirit to you. Defeat it, and claim the item at each location. Return to the Emissary for your reward.
Target enemies
- Zul’Farrak: Defeat Ghaz’rilla and spawn the Ghostly Spider, to summon Delirious Ancient.
- Maraudon: Clear Princess Theradras’ area, and spawn the Ghostly Raptor out in the water. This summons the Delirious Ancient.
- Blackrock Depths: Defeat High Interrogator Gerstahn, Houndmaster Grebmar, and the Ring of Law event. This spawns a Ghostly Basilisk on the Dark Iron Highway, to summon the Delirious Ancient.
5) Eye of the Void

“Call an eye of the void to fight for you for 30 sec. The eye can cast a variety of curses on your target.”
Having an extra hand to cast debuffs on your targets is great, regardless of your Priest build. I’m a huge fan of Eye of the Void, but it takes a little bit of work to get to. Players have to find 7 Eyes, hidden away in the world. However, all 7 have been located, and the final steps revealed. It’s recommended you be level 50 for this, and might need allies for some steps.
- Felwood: Piercing Eye: (36.5, 55.7). Inside Jaedenar (35.3, 58.7). Look for the Captured Arko’narin. This one you should bring a few friends for. The cave is packed.
- Tanaris: Oozing Eye: (56.4, 73.7). In the Silithid Hive “The Gaping Chasm”, it’s in the middle of the room.
- Feralas: Burning Eye: (57.2, 68.7). Northwest tower in the Ruins of Isildien, behind a Night Elf.
- Stranglethorn Vale: Baleful Eye: (33, 88). Behind Captain Stillwater, sitting on a table.
- Blasted Lands: Pulsating Eye: (49, 14). You’ll need to use a Slow Fall-type effect (Levitation, etc) while mounted to reach this one.
- The Hinterlands: Glowing Eye: (58.4, 72.7). Found in Jinth’Alor.
- Searing Gorge: Vibrating Eye: (43,8, 45.8). In The Slag Pit. There’s a jumping puzzle to solve here. It’s recommended you go to 45.3, 50.2 and put your back to the cliff. Then walk backwards off the edge. You’ll drop onto the entrance of the cave, and can get the eye easier.
When you have all seven, take it to Azshara (89, 33). Inside a doorway in the ruins, you’ll see the Shrine of the Watcher. Use the /kneel command before the Shrine while targeting it, when you have all the eyes in your inventory. It gives you the quest Seven Eyes I Seek to turn in, and it grants you the rune.
There are some that say this part of the quest is bugged. If you kneel while targeting, but don’t get the quest, reload your UI, and it should sort out the issue.
6) Despair
“Periodic damage from your spells can now be critical strikes.”
This Rune allows your damage over time spells (DOTs) to now be able to critically strike, which is never a bad thing. However, you’ll need some cooperation for this quest. You’ll either need a Mage with enough Comprehension Charms to convert scrolls into Scrolls of Geomancy, or someone with an Explorer Imp.
You will need to head to four places on the map with access to either one. You will either need a mage with the scrolls, or you will need Worldcore Fragments found at Imp Explorations. Head to the following places to use the items:
- Feralas: The High Wilderness: 57, 60
- The Hinterlands: North of the Altar of Zul, 48, 59
- Azshara: Southwestern mountains near The Forlorn Ridge, 22, 79
- Searing Gorge: 55, 65
Once you’ve used the last item, you’ll see a powerful Level 47 Elemental appear: Manaburn. It’s immune to arcane damage, and incredibly powerful. Defeat it - preferably with friends along - and you’ll gain your Rune.
WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 is kicking into high gear already, with Runes being discovered for many classes. If you want to play something tankier, many Warrior Runes have been uncovered.
There are still three Runes that remain a mystery: Divine Aegis, Eye of the Void, and Despair. As these are uncovered by us and the playerbase, the article will be updated to reveal their locations.