WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 officially began on April 4, 2024, unlocking a series of powerful Warrior Runes with it. Whether you’re tanking or DPSing, and regardless of race, these are all going to be worth adding to your current stockpile of enchantments. Almost all of these new abilities have been found in the first day, but we will update the final one once it’s been unlocked.
The Warrior Runes for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 are a blend of useful tanking cooldowns, and powerful damage abilities. They also put a focus on critical strikes, such as Wrecking Crew’s ability to enrage you when you crit, to increase further critical strikes over the next 6 seconds.
Here’s what you can unlock as a Warrior on the Classic servers.
All known Warrior Runes for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3
1) Rampage

Here's a description of Rampage in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3:
“Warrior goes on a rampage, increasing attack power by 2% and causing most successful melee attacks to increase attack power by an additional 2%. This effect will stack up to 5 times. Lasts 30 sec. This ability can only be used after scoring a critical hit.”
Rampage is a particularly powerful Warrior Rune in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3, which just ramps up your damage more and more as it continues to stack. However, it requires you to critically hit first before you can use it.
This is a simple but dangerous Rune to unlock, though, as it requires you to fight a level 43 Elite Ogre (Ohk’zi). Head into the Gordunni Outpost cave in Feralas (75, 35.2) and seek out Ohk’zi at (74.8, 24.9). Defeat him and claim your Rune.
2) Shield Mastery

Here's a description of Shield Mastery in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3:
“Increases all physical damage you deal by 10% while you have a shield equipped, and reduces the duration of all Disarm effects used against you by 50%. This does not stack with other Disarm duration reducing effects.”
If you plan on tanking as a Warrior in WoW Classic Phase 3, this is one of the Runes that will no doubt be the most important to your build. It grants more damage, as long as you have a shield, and reduces your Disarm durations, which is a handy bonus.
This is one of the Runes that you need a reputation to unlock. In this case, you must be at least Friendly Reputation with the Emerald Wardens. Spend some time grinding through the Nightmare Incursion of your choice until you can buy it:
- Level 25: Duskwood: The Twilight Grove, accessed by a path through the hills from the south.
- Level 40: Ashenvale: The Emerald Portal, where you unlocked Immolation Aura
- Level 50: Feralas: Northeast of the Twin Colossals
- Level 50: Hinterlands: North of the river leading to the ocean, at Seradane
3) Vigilance

Here's a description of Vigilance in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3:
“Focus your protective gaze on a party or raid member, reducing their damage taken by 3% and transferring 10% of the threat they cause to you. In addition, each time they are hit by an attack your Taunt cooldown is refreshed. Lasts 30 min. This effect can only be on one target at a time.”
Vigilance is another of the easier-to-find Warrior Runes for WoW Classic SoD Phase 3, and it’s also one of the most useful tank runes in the game right now. However, like with some of the other Warrior options, you’re going to have to face a powerful enemy in combat. In this case, it’s the Elite Tyrant of the Hive near (77.6, 62.0) in the Writhing Deep.
You may want to bring a few friends with you to this fight, as this is a level 41 Elite. At the very least, a healer will help since there are many monsters in this cave. You don’t want someone else joining the fight.
4) Wrecking Crew

Here's a description of Wrecking Crew in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3:
“Your melee critical hits Enrage you, increasing the critical strike damage of all your attacks by 10% for 6 sec.”
Wrecking Crew is likely going to be a very tedious unlock. This is one of the Warrior Runes that requires grinding and luck.
Simply head to The Hinterlands and slaughter Spiders and Trolls until you get the Geode Hammer. Then, equip it, and resume killing your way through these Spiders and Trolls around the map until it breaks.
Right-click the Broken Geode Hammer, and you’ll gain this incredibly powerful Warrior Rune to add to your collection.
5) Gladiator Stance
Here's a description of Gladiator Stance in WoW Classic SoD Phase 3:
“An aggressive stance that increases damage while you are wearing a shield by 10% and increases block chance by 10%, but reduces armor by 30% and threat generated by 10%. While wearing a shield in Gladiator Stance, you may use all abilities that are restricted to other stances.”
One of the coolest Warrior Stances, Gladiator Stance is also one of the best Runes you can unlock during WoW Classic Phase 3. As of this time, the quest appears to be bugged, so don’t join a group at any point during this quest. It’s also worth noting that you gain a powerful two-hand sword through the course of these quests: Blademaster’s Fury, a level 50 rare weapon.
This Rune is unlocked during a quest chain you unlock in Gadgetzan (Tanaris). Speak to Fizbuz Mithril to unlock the quest The Old Champ. Head to Azshara and speak to Kajind to complete this quest. Start Defanged. Best Ceruleos in battle (patrols around 41, 72), and return to Kajind. You’ll then get Return to the Arena.
This takes you back to Gadgetzan, where you speak to Fizbuz again and unlock the Fight Night quest. Overcome Kajind in battle, and you’ll gain the WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 Warrior Rune.
6) Sword and Board

“When your Devastate and Revenge abilities deal damage they have a 30% chance of refreshing the cooldown of your Shield Slam ability and reducing its Rage cost by 100% for 5 sec.”
Sword and Board is an incredibly useful Rune, as it has a chance to refresh Shield Slam and make it cost 0 Rage for 5s, every time you use Devastate and Revenge. That could theoretically proc multiple times in a fight, making your Shield Slam pop over and over at the right times.
To unlock it, you must complete The Wild Gods quest in Felwood’s Emerald Sanctuary. This comes from the Shadowtooth Emissary at (51.5, 82). You cannot share this quest - everyone who is completing this quest with you must have it. However, only one person needs to get the Wildwhisper Draught.
This is unlocked by killing Elite Trolls in The Hinterland’s Jinth’Alor region. Once one drops, you can head to Razorfen Downs. Clear through Amnennar the Coldbringer, and drink the Draught. The Spirit of Agamaggan will spawn, give you Agamaggan’s Roar, and give you a task to complete. You have to get three Wild Offerings, which spawn off of specific ghosts in three dungeons.
It’s been recently learned that you can do this in the same dungeon if you just reset the instance over and over. You need to kill a specific mob in the dungeon, which should trigger a ghostly mob to spawn, and the chat emote ”You feel a shadowed presence.”
Use Agamaggan’s Roar near that spirit and it will attack. It’s a powerful Elite, so be careful. Loot the Wild Offering off of the Delirious Ancient, and either move on or reset the instance:
Target enemies
- Zul’Farrak: Defeat Ghaz’rilla and spawn the Ghostly Spider, to summon Delirious Ancient.
- Maraudon: Clear Princess Theradras’ area, and spawn the Ghostly Raptor out in the water. This summons the Delirious Ancient.
- Blackrock Depths: Defeat High Interrogator Gerstahn, Houndmaster Grebmar, and the Ring of Law event. This spawns a Ghostly Basilisk on the Dark Iron Highway, to summon the Delirious Ancient.
7) Taste for Blood
“Whenever your Rend ability causes damage, your Overpower ability will activate for 9 sec or 1 attack. This effect will not occur more than once every 6 sec.”
Anytime you can trigger an extra Overpower as a Warrior, that’s a good thing. I can’t think of too many times when that might be a negative. This is going to require you to fight a level 50 Elite Giant though, that can stun - bring a few friends with you if you can.
You can likely solo it at level 50, if you’re good at using your cooldowns, but better to err on the side of caution.
In the Searing Gorge’s Slag Pits, you need to locate the four body parts of Iodax the Obliterator - this kind of sounds like Exodia in Yu-Gi-Oh. You can find the parts in the locations below:
- Giant Golem Foot: Slag Pits, (43, 32.3)
- Giant Golem Arm: In the Incendosaur Cave, below the Slag Pits at (49.4, 37.1)
- Giant Golem Foot: Back of the Incendosaur Cave, (42.6, 30)
- Giant Golem Arm: In the Western Cave (42, 44)
Bring these to (65, 56) in the eastern part of the Searing Gorge map. You’ll interact with the Head, and summon Iodax. He uses a stun every 20s, so be prepared for that. It’s still advisable to bring allies with you to this fight.
WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 is underway. Here are all the Warrior Runes available in WoW Classic SoD from Phases 1 and 2 if you’re missing the ones from previous phases.