WoW Classic SoD Phase 4 has begun, and all three of the brand-new Mage runes have been found! They may have other unlock locations, as with all runes, but we have found specific ways to unlock them. Unlike some of the other classes, one of the Mage runes requires you to have kept up on a wide assortment of lore books scattered throughout the land.
This began in the early days of WoW Classic SoD and Phase 4 will only add more to the list of books you need for Rune. Fortunately, all three of the new runes aren’t quite as challenging as the book collection. You’ll have to put in some effort, but it’s worth it for these mighty new WoW Classic SoD Phase 4 runes.
All WoW Classic SoD Phase 4 Runes for the Mage class
1) Arcane Barrage

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“Launches several missiles at the enemy target, causing 622.263 to 761.316 Arcane damage. This spell also has a 20% to trigger Missile Barrage.”
If you want to unlock the Arcane Barrage Rune in WoW Classic SoD Phase 4, Mages will need to have found and read 35 books across the land. If you want to have a much easier time, there’s a Weak Aura you can download to help you find all the books scattered across the four phases of the Classic-era servers. That's how we found all the current books.
Once you’ve read at least 35 books, you’ll unlock the Arcane Barrage Rune in WoW Classic SoD Phase 4 for Mages.
You can find their locations below:
- Eastern Plaguelands: 54.35, 51.15 (Level 60)
- Eastern Plaguelands: 51.28, 21.01 (Level 60)
- Eastern Plaguelands: 81.7, 57.72 (Level 60)
- Felwood: 65.25, 3.25 (Level 60)
- Western Plaguelands: 38.26, 54.62 (Level 60)
- Western Plaguelands: 52.72, 26.3 (Level 60)
- Winterspring: 60.73, 37.7 (Level 60)
- Blackrock Depths (Outside): 48.39, 63.2 (Level 60)
2) Overheat

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“Gain the Overheat ability: Fire Blast will always deal a critical strike, can be cast while casting another spell, and is not affected by the global cooldown, but its cooldown is increased to 15 sec.”
If you want to find Overheat in WoW Classic SoD Phase 4 for your Mage, you first need to find a series of four Torn Spell Notes. To find these, you’ll have to find a series of four Novice Frost Mages, in the Western Plaguelands. They’re all frozen in ice, so you have to free them with fire spells without killing them.
Then, cast Decurse on them. Finally, speak to them to get the torn page. Collect all four of them, and you’ll receive the Rune. It’s worth noting that if you accidentally kill these Mages, you’ll get Charred Spell Notes, and those are useless. You’ll have to try again on respawn.
- Felstone Field (inside the house): 36.8, 54.7
- Gahrron’s Withering: 64.2, 57.7
- The Writhing Haunt: 53.3, 64.5
- Dalson’s Tears: 56.1, 51.9
3) Frozen Orb

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“Launches an orb of swirling ice which rapidly moves forward over 16 sec. While it is moving, every 1 sec the orb deals 156.435 Frost Damage and applies a Chill for 30% movement speed reduction to all enemies it passes through. The first time it damages an enemy, its movement will slow and it will have a 100% chance to trigger the Fingers of Frost rune.”
At the time of writing, there are reports of Frozen Orb being bugged on the final step of the puzzle in WoW Classic SoD Phase 4. It may be better to wait on this one before completing it. Sadly, none of these are as easy to find as Living Flame. Regardless, here are the steps to take if you want to give it a try.
Go to Felwood (63, 11) and kill Deadwood Furbolgs until you receive a Mysterious Darnassian Scroll.
Use a Comprehension Charm on the screen, to decipher it. Go to (61, 12) and seek out Calyx Greenglow. This enemy does patrol around, so be careful. Use the Deciphered Scroll on Calyx, to unlock the quest Healing the Healer. Kill treants near (55, 22) until you receive an Unusual Flask.
Take it to Winterspring (29, 35) and meet Calyx there and turn in the quest. They will become an Enraged Shade that you have to defeat. Do so, and you’ll claim the Rune in WoW Classic SoD Phase 4.
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