The fourth and final Primed Warframe to be released this year, Xaku Prime is something many players will want to farm up. The regular variant of this pluriform Entrati frame is gated behind some hefty crafting requirements that need high investment in farming bounties and materials from Deimos, Fortuna, and Cetus. Xaku Prime, by comparison, is actually easier to farm, and does not have those open world-locked crafting requirements.
In this guide, we'll explore the new Void Relics which drop parts for Xaku Prime in Warframe.
Warframe: All Void Relics that drop Xaku Prime parts
The Relics you need to farm Xaku Prime are Neo G8, Axi A9, Meso E6, and Lith X1. The following table displays the statistically best spots to farm these Relics, and their chances of dropping the desired Xaku Prime parts:
Also Read: All Sevagoth Prime Relics in Warframe
How to farm Xaku Prime Relics fast in Warframe

The fastest you can potentially farm Xaku Prime Relics is through opening Relic Packs, as is the case with all other unvaulted Relics. A lot of factions in Warframe sell Relic Packs for standing, which drops 3 Relics (one of which can roll an Aya), drawing from the entire pool of unvaulted ones.
If you have enough standing saved up in two max-rank neutral Syndicates, you can buy 12 Relics Packs from your Orbiter itself. If you have a lot of Steel Essence saved up, you can also go to Teshin in any Relay to bulk-purchase up to 25 Relic Packs.
If you're short on these currencies, there's always the regular method of manually farming Relics. In this case, you can consult our guide to farming Void Relics from the four eras to learn about the most efficient farming spots.
How to open Xaku Prime Relics
If this is your first time trying to open Void Relics, the process is simpler than it seems. All you have to do is go to a matching Void Fissure (matching its Era), collect 10 Reactants, and extract to crack it open. If you go to an endless fissure mission, you can open one every wave.
As a beginner, getting new Prime parts is a fast way to make Platinum. So we recommend looking for a dedicated Radshare squad to maximize your chances every run.
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