ARK is all set to bring back the ARK Love Ascended event for the upcoming Valentine’s Day 2025 celebrations. The servers will introduce a variety of new rewards, creatures, and skins during this event. Additionally, the game is gearing up for the release of Astraeos, the first-ever Official Partner DLC, scheduled to launch on February 12, 2025.
In this guide, we have shared everything you need to know about the upcoming ARK Love Ascended 2025 event.
What to expect from ARK Love Ascended 2025

Event duration
- Start Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 10:00 am PST
- End Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at 10:00 am PST
Boosted rates
During ARK Love Ascended 2025, players will experience enhanced rates across different server types:
- PvP/PvE Servers: 2x Harvesting, Taming, Experience, and Breeding
- Small Tribes Servers: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding
- ARKpocalypse Servers: 5x Harvesting, Taming, Experience, and Breeding
Read more: All rewards in Lost Ark Festa of Arkesia (Anniversary Event)
Exclusive event creatures
The event will introduce a fresh roster of themed creatures, including:
- Lovebirds (New)
- Love Bugs
- Vday Coel
Special chibi pets
- Chibi-Lovebird (New)
- Chibi Pair-o-Saurs (New)
Unique event items
Survivors can collect and use exclusive event items, such as:
- Valentine’s Fishing Rod
- Love Bug Hearts
- Festive Dino Candy
- Box o' Chocolates (Now reduces mating cooldown by 20% of the remaining time)

Limited-time skins
A variety of themed skins will be available, including both new and returning favorites:
New skins:
- Pillow-Club Skin
- Loveseat
- Ottoman
- Love-Chair
- Pajama Top
- Pajama Bottoms
- Sleeping Hat
- PomPom Slippers
- Friendship Bracelets
Returning skins:
- Bear Hug Swimsuit
- Odd Couple Swimsuit
- Sauropod Heart Swimsuit
- Cupid Couture Bottom Skin
- Cupid Couture Top Skin
- Halo Headband Skin
- Heart-shaped Sunglasses Skin
- Heart Spring Hat
- Cuddle Rex Sweater
- Bow & Eros Skin
- Heart-shaped Shield Skin
- Teddy Bear Grenade Skin
- Love Shackles Skin
- Love-Bed
Also read: Lost Ark: Everything new in Frosty Fate update
Event emotes
Survivors can express themselves with special event emotes:
- Proposal Emote (New)
- Lasso Emote (New)
- Flirty Emote
- Heart Emote
- Self Hug Emote
Themed creature colors
Wild creatures will spawn in event-exclusive colors, including:
- Dino Light Blue
- WyvernBlue0
- PowderBlue
- Glacial
- DarkLavender
- MediumLavender
- Lavender
- DarkViolet
- Dino Light Purple
- LightPink
- Magenta
- DeepPink
- Red
- DarkMagenta
- Dino Albino
- Cream
- Jade
- LeafGreen
How to activate ARK Love Ascended event
For single-player and non-dedicated servers:
- Open the Main Menu and navigate to the Mod tab.
- Search for Love Ascended in the ARK mod list and install it. (Mod ID: 927084)
- Once installed, return to your game setup screen and select Mod Settings.
- Locate Love Ascended in the Available Mods list and activate it.
For unofficial and private servers:
Add the following command-line argument
- -mods=927084
No additional modifications are required to enable the event.
With themed creatures, collectible items, and special skins, the event ensures a lively and festive experience for all survivors. Be sure to participate before the event concludes on February 19, 2025.