ARK Survival Ascended's Aberration is one of the most popular maps from the old game. Resources on this map are scattered across three levels of depth in a sprawling subterranean world. If you're not familiar with it from the first game (ARK Survival Evolved), it can be quite confusing to navigate through and figure out where to find which resource for progression.
In this resource map series for Aberration in Ark Survival Ascended, we'll try to simplify how to acquire these materials and where you can expect to find them in the highest density.
ARK Survival Ascended: Aberration resource map for all available resources
In the resource maps that follow, we'll outline the most efficient farming spots for the following resources found on Ark Aberration Ascended:
- Metal
- Rich Metal
- Obsidian
- Black Pearl
- Crystal
- Oil
- Silica Pearls
- Keratin
- Polymer
- Element Ore
- Gems (Blue, Red, and Green)
Best Metal and Rich Metal locations in Aberration

Metal may not be as abundant in Aberration as it is in other ARK Survival Ascended maps like The Center. Nevertheless, they are still the most common resource for which you'll need a harvesting tool.
They can be found in large quantities from craggy rocks scattered all around the Blue and Purple zones. If you're looking for Metal in the Green zone, though, the rocks under the rivers are your only option.

By comparison, blue-veined deposits of Rich Metal in Aberration are few and far between. The highest concentration of this resource is in the Blue Zone. If you're looking to get some on the Green Zone, there's a good amount around latitude 40, longitude 43.
Best Obsidian locations in Aberration

Similar to other Ark maps, Obsidian is found swinging at shiny black rocks with a pickaxe. The best spot to find them is in the Blue zone, where you'll also chance across a few Rich metal deposits right next to them.
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How to find Polymer in Aberration
The most efficient way to find Polymer is through the crabs in Aberration, officially labeled Karkinos. These are quite common in the Purple zone, but you can find a few on the waterways in the Green zone too. Once you kill one, strike its shell with a hatchet to harvest a lot of Polymer.
Best Silica Pearl locations in Aberration

As one would expect, Silica Pearl can be found near bodies of water. In Aberration, the best location is the edges of the Fertile Lake, where you can find numerous shimmering Silica Pearls under shallow water. As pointed out in our resource map, it can also be found in other rivers and streams, so you need not trek northwards if your spawn happens to be someplace else.
Best Black Pearl locations in Aberration

The best location to farm Black Pearl in Aberration is at the exact center of the map. Head over to the Purple Zone down the metal spine, where you'll find a boatload of them in white-dotted black piles around the purple body of water.
Best Gem and Crystal locations in Aberration
In ARK Survival Ascended's Aberration map, there are a good number of colored gem deposits protruding out of the ground. There are three varieties of them depending on the zone you find it in: Green, Red, and Blue.

The best concentration of Blue Gems can be found in the opening around latitude 38.5, longitude 56.5. Conveniently, harvesting Blue Gems also gives you a good amount of Crystals, so this is the best spot for getting a lot of that resource in Aberration.
Best Oil locations in Aberration

The only direct source of Oil in Aberration is found on the surface areas, as indicated on our resource map here. However, you don't have to hike all the way if you're starting out, as a roundabout alternative exists. You can find a good number of Dung Beetles to tame in the Blue zone, and these produce feces that can be processed into Oil.
Best Element Ore locations in Aberration

The best central hotspot for Elemental Ore in Aberration is underneath the Giganotoraptor skeleton at the center of the lower Purple zone, down the metal spine.
All charge node locations in Aberration

To process Elemental ore into Element, you must use the many charge nodes scattered throughout the map in Aberration. These are also how you charge your batteries and glow pets.
Read More: How to tame Cosmo in Aberration
You might need to go back to them often, so it's a good idea to build your Aberration base around these.
Best Keratin locations in Aberration

The surface caves of Aberration will be littered with a lot of bones that you can mine to get Keratin in Ark Survival Ascended. Particularly, the northeastern cave at latitude 27.4, longitude 64.5 has a lot of these.
ARK Aberration Ascended common resource guide: How to get different basic ingredients
There's a bunch of resources in Aberration that are found throughout the map, almost hidden in plain sight. Like in any other map, you can pick up fiber and berries of all types by interacting with shrubs and underbrushes with bare hands. Interacting with the plants on both sides of the river near latitude 30.5, longitude 56.5 will yield some Rare plants.
To get Plant Species Z, you must find glowing purple lotuses. When near it, a tentacle will grow out of it. Wait for about a minute, and it will spit out Plant Species Z seed.
How to get Mushrooms and Fungal Wood in Aberration

Interacting with brown mushrooms with your bare hands can yield one of four mushroom types (Aquatic Mushroom, Ascerbic Mushroom, Aggeraving Mushroom, Auric Mushroom).
At the core of the Green zone is Mushroom Wood, which, as its name suggests, has a good amount of big mushroom trees. Hitting these will yield Fungal Wood and sometimes Rare Mushrooms.
Best wood location in Aberration
There are small Giant Tree saplings in the Blue zone that yield a huge amount of wood. Striking down just one of these will give you anything from 350-450 wood in Aberration.
How to get Biotoxin in Aberration
To get Biotoxin in ARK Survival Ascended Aberration, you must find red toadstools. They're most commonly found in the mushroom forest next to the big mushroom trees. Once you find them, maul them with your dino to get a chance at picking up some biotoxin.
How to get Cementing Paste in Aberration
To get Cementing Paste in Aberration, kill wild light bugs while riding a Beelzebufo in Ark Survival Ascended.
How to get Gas Ball in Aberration
To get Gas Balls, simply find gas veins and put a Gas Collector on them. Even without a Gas Collector, you can collect one or two Gas Balls that drop when the veins erupt, but be careful not to get too close.
This covers nearly all types of resources you can get in the ARK Survival Ascended Aberration map and their locations. Check out our other resource maps and guides on the game:
Check out other guides on this game:
- Ark Survival Ascended DLC Roadmap and map release schedule
- All Ark Survival Ascended Explorer Notes locations
- Best Ark Survival Ascended tame for every resource
- Ark Survival Ascended: Scorched Earth resource maps for all materials
- Ark Survival Ascended The Center Resource map: Best locations for all materials