In ARK Survival Evolved, Coelacanth is one of the few creatures that can only be tamed using traps. These fishes are excellent sources of fish meat for survivalists and are aesthetically pleasing in a base. While taming a Coelacanth can be helpful, players must note that they are non-rideable creatures. The waters of the survival game are filled with dangerous aquatic monsters, requiring players to be extremely careful while taming this fish.
While taming the Coelacanth is extremely easy, one must know precisely what to use and where to find them. This guide will go through everything one must know to tame a Coelacanth in ARK Survival Evolved.
How to tame a Coelacanth in ARK Survival Evolved

Location: Coelacanths are easily available as they are found in most water bodies on the map. Players can use a fast tame to find these fish with ease. They are usually found in groups and can be spotted quickly because they resemble the Koi fish.
Players can use a strong aquatic tame in ARK Survival Evolved to find these monsters efficiently.
Preparation: Taming a Coelacanth is easy as they don't attack and rarely swim away. Players need a Diving Suit and multiple Fish Baskets to trap and tame these fish. One must head to the nearest body of water and start looking for them. Taking a fast and strong water tame is highly suggested, as it can make it easy for players to search for Coelacanths and kill aggressive tames in the area.
Removing aggressive monsters from the area is imperative as they can interfere with the taming process. After clearing the area, players can start with the ARK Survival Evolved Coelacanth taming process.
Taming process: Players can start by placing multiple Fish Baskets around the swarm of Coelacanths. These baskets must be placed carefully as there's a chance of the fish running away from them or avoiding them.
Once an ARK Survival Evolved Coelacanth swims near the Fish Basket, an instruction says, "Trap a Colecantha." Players can then press "E" and trap the fish successfully. One must swim around the Fish Baskets to take advantage of every chance of taming these fish.
Once a Coelacanth has been trapped, one can remove it from the basket and meet the freshly tamed aquatic creature. Once tamed, ARK Survival Evolved players can either leave them to wander around or make them follow.
Uses of Coelacanth in ARK Survival Evolved

Farming fish meat: Players can tame multiple Coelacanth and keep them in a pond in their base. One can also level them up and harvest a regular supply of fish meat.
Farming Silica and Black Pearls: One can keep them in a Pond and use an Otter to harvest them to have a chance of acquiring Silica Pearls and Black Pearls.
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