The island of ARK Survival Ascended is filled with passive creatures that have multiple uses, and one such creature is the Megaloceros. Being survivalists, you must choose a versatile tame to make your journey easy in the unforgiving land. Megaloceros is a herbivore and one of the game's easier tames. You can use the giant deer for traveling, gathering resources, fighting, and more.
Although Megaloceros is a passive beast, it is a knock-out tame in the title and can only be tamed after you take it down using weapons. While you can find male and female Megaloceros on the island, you must prioritize taming the male. The female Megaloceros in ARK Survival Ascended are hard to tame and cannot fight as well as their male counterparts.
Taming a Megaloceros can be easy if you know where to look for them and how to start the taming process. This article will go through everything you must know to tame a Megaloceros.
ARK Survival Ascended: How to tame a Megaloceros

Location: ARK Survival Ascended's Megaloceros are elks or giant deer, making them native to the foresty areas of Redwoods or the Snowy Biome. These monsters can be easily found, but you can use a fast Flying or Land tame to look for them efficiently. Ensure to equip proper gear when searching for a Megaloceros in the Snowy Bimoe, as the cold can be lethal.
Preparation: The Redwoods area in ARK Survival Ascended has various lethal monsters; carry a strong tame in case they get aggressive. After finding a Megaloceros, you can also clear the area of all the aggressive beasts. Use potent monsters like Rhynigonatha and Rex to trounce unwanted beasts. Start taming the giant deer once the area has been secured.
Taming: You can easily tame a Megaloceros using a Bola, a weapon with tranquilizer darts and its preferred food. Approach the deer on foot, and do not take your tame. After getting close to the Megaloceros, you can throw a Bola at it and immobilize the deer.
Once the deer is immobilized, attack it using tranquilizer darts. After it is down, you can feed it its preferred food, such as ARK Survival Ascended Simple Kibble, Crops, and Berries, to start the taming process.
While the Megaloceros is being tamed, you must keep checking its torpor drops and feed it Narcotics to keep the monster down. If you don't keep the monster down during the taming process, you'll have to start it all over again.
Uses of Megaloceros in ARK Survival Ascended

Traveling and gathering resources: Megaloceros in ARK Survival Ascended have decent speed and can carry a lot of weight, making them great for traveling or farming. You can also use them while farming or for gathering resources. Because of their size and capacity, they are ideal for exploring caves and storing valuable items.
Taming or escaping danger: You can easily find monsters and tame them using a Megaloceros, as they are quite swift. Their speed can also help you escape dangerous situations.