ARK Survival Ascended is the highly anticipated Unreal Engine 5 remake of ARK Survival Evolved. The title features a plethora of prehistoric fauna that is sure to hook players in the Lost Island. It incorporates a remarkable diversity of dinosaurs and ancient creatures spanning from the late Cretacean era to those that went extinct in the last century.
Each creature brings its own unique set of skills and traits, making them valuable assets for survival. Fortunately, you can tame these creatures to work and fight for you. Those who have traveled along swamps may have noticed some aggressive, flying gigantic insects called Rhyniognathas. Here's how you can tame them.
How to tame Rhyniognatha in ARK Survival Ascended
The best spot to find Rhyniognathas in ARK Survival Ascended is in (55, 65) to (50,68), although they can spawn anywhere on the map in the swamp areas. You would also find them on the southern side of the Redwoods Forest. These creatures are pretty easy to locate, with their giant bodies and loud noise.

To tame a Rhyniognatha, you must have a Pheromone Dart and a large tame for combat, preferably a Rex. However, you can use other high-damage tames with massive health pools if you currently don't have the Rex.
It's important to note that whatever beast you use will get killed by the Rhyniognatha. It's an unfortunate trade-off to get this giant insect.
Now, you can start by finding a female Rhyniognatha in any of the spots mentioned above. Once you find one, attack the creature until it's at 10% health. The Rhyniognatha will fly up and attempt to shoot sticky balls once it gets to the sweet spot that you want. Avoid these attacks and wait for the creature to come down and attack you again.

Once you see traces of blood, you can now inject the Pheromone into your creature. Keep biting the Rhyniognatha slowly until it decides to impregnate your tame. You'll notice that its tail will light up during the process.
Once your tame gets impregnated, you can see that it would have some "Cravings" that must be satisfied. Start gathering these things and feed them to your beast. As mentioned, it will inevitably be killed in the process.
After feeding your tame, wait for a few minutes for your Rhyniognatha tame to appear. Once it does, your other beast will die, instantly bursting and disappearing at the side. As the final step, imprint your new baby tame immediately.
This wraps up our Rhyniognatha taming guide in ARK Survival Ascended. Check this article for more in-game taming guides.