ARK Survival Ascended recently got The Center expansion, which brings various additions to the game, including the Underground World biome. This is one of the most popular places for players to explore on The Center map, as it is quite unique.
There are a couple of ways you can use to access the Underground biome, and both are pretty straightforward. The main reason for players to go to this location is because of its unique ecosystem that one cannot find anywhere else on this game's map.
While the biome is a popular spot, not many know how to reach it. As such, this article will explain how you can reach it in ARK Survival Ascended The Center.
How to get to the Underground World biome in ARK Survival Ascended

The Underground World biome's entrances are well-hidden in ARK Survival Ascended, which can make reaching the area a little difficult. With that in mind, here are two popular ways that you can use to enter the Underground World biome.
1) First way to enter the Underground World biome
The first way to get to the biome involves a pond whose coordinates are 53.1 Latitude and 44.7 Longitude. Once you reach the given coordinates, jump straight into the water and start swimming to its bottom.
You'll notice a large hole in the middle of the pond. You need to swim inside it. Once you reach the bottom of the hole, you'll see a cave. Make your way towards it.
After that, get out of the cave to find a ledge with a waterfall beside it. All you need to do is jump down. This will drop you into the Underground World biome. Do not be scared to jump off the ledge, as there is water to soften your landing. However, you must be careful in this water, as it can contain lethal aquatic monsters in ARK Survival Ascended.
2) Second way to the Underground World biome
One entrance to the Underground World biome is located under a large mountain, whose coordinates are 36.2 Latitude and 51.1 Longitude. Once you reach the area, look for ruins with stairs leading to an underground pool. After finding it, jump right into the water and start swimming downwards. Upon reaching the bottom, you'll see a way out of the water leading into a cave.
On the other side of this cave, you'll see a ledge just like before. Jump off it, and don't worry about fall damage; you'll drop right into the Underground World biome.
While there are other ways of entering the Underground biome, these two are the easiest and safest in Ark Survival Ascended The Center.
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